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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. This game looks interesting, you see many that make the claim that its open ended, and it never lives up, but this looks like it could be what it says it is...
  2. Hm... lets see, Legend Of Zelda - Links Awakening, Devil May Cry and Super Smash Bros Melee
  3. Bah, Trust me to stumble upon this late... I saw in an earlier post that remixers were being taken until the 13th (the end of phase 2) Is it cool for me to sign up? Please?
  4. I actually prefer shorter albums, I listen through different albums a lot, in contrast to the rest of the world that seems to shuffle their playlist (altho I do shuffle too at times) I find that albums that are over 40 minutes in length get boring before you've heard the whole thing through personally, and thats something I try to avoid, hence the short album time. Thanks for the comment
  5. Not intentionally... But the arpeggio is the same synth sound at the intro so I can see why you made the comparison. Interesting choice of words.. I do intend to make my later albums commercial but I'm testing the waters at the moment... Thanks for the comments man.
  6. This has made my day. No, my week. Fuck it its made my year. Futurarma rulesssssss
  7. Thanks for the comments guys... keep them coming
  8. Tracklist: 1. Synthtopia 2. Motor-rider 3. Moonlight 4. Sudden Illusions 5. The Terminator Theme 6. Synphetic Aspirations 7. Dark Dreams 8, Metric Metal 9. Across The Galaxy Well, this album has been in the making for a long time, but its finally here... This is my first original full length album Sudden Illusions. It can be downloaded HERE It is a mostly electronic album, with some rock and classical influences. Comments and reviews are greatly appreciated... I would like to thank ocremix at this point for helping me develop as a musician, I wouldn't have come as far as I have without this site Also, Rozovian deserves a mention for helping me write Synphetic Aspirations. Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I did making it
  9. There are ones I haven't seen however, such as wall-e and cars, but out of the ones I have seen: 1. The Incredibles 2. Toy Story 2 3. Toy Story 4. Ratatouille 5. Finding Nemo
  10. There you go Summoned without reason - Sixto Sounds
  11. Wow no kidding about it being addicting Good stuff better than I expected
  12. Silver Surfer... Worms 2... I LOVE this thread I'm not going to go into anyway near the detail of gario in breaking down the music... I have a life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBM-m82Za_0 This soundtrack was noticeable to me for having a recorded bass tone somehow coded into the sound cartridge altho I don't know the details. The result - one of the best soundtracks on the nes.
  13. Haha cool album dude, i'm liking it Rock on
  14. Wow, nice work dude Led Zeppelin ftw
  15. I really should try and frequent this compo... I'll try and cook up something
  16. Well I noticed that Terminator Salvation is to be in cinemas very soon and thought i'd remix the main theme. Think of big 80's sound with too much reverb on the snare, synth backing, lead guitar and your there. I consider this a finished piece, so enjoy it http://www.mediafire.com/?t3yhwzez1zu
  17. And thankyou for making it bloody impossible, 2nd and 1st place were very close imo
  18. Hey man, you can find the chemical plant zone remix here: http://www.last.fm/music/WillRock/Retro+Remixes/Beware+The+Purple+Water

    Sorry about the late reply :P

  19. Bringing this thread back from the dead because some shtjdgfgt's didn''t like my mix anyway, this is what I subbed, I'm assuming from rozo's last comment that this wasn't updated before I subbed. Mix: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?mlx2zozntjm My Mix being destroyed piece by piece by the judges: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=23445 I'm going to update this shortly, I would like production crits please, seeing as none of the judges had a big problem with the arrangement.
  20. Whats this? All Percussion Remix? On OCR? YAY Awesome stuff man, amazing remix to say the least
  21. At the moment, Insomnia - Stephen King. Pretty good read
  22. Downloaded, will listen to it tomoz, bed for now, but if your other stuff is as good as that silver surfer track (which i have had since it was on the WIP board) then i'm going to be expecting something pretty darn good
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