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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Wow nice original take on this theme. Guitar at the beginning with the raw and dirty tone (Which actually may be to much so for my liking) fools you into thinking that its going to be another metal mix, and then there is a transition into ska (which to be honest really threw me off, I wasn't expecting it at all, not sure it was smooth enough) However, the trombone playing is awesome, and I like the way it goes from ska to metal when it pleases I like the looseness of the guitar playing here as well, unlike some other people it seems. The trombone solo = awesome, it actually made me laugh the first time I heard it The Organ really seals the deal tho, I love the sound of it This is one of those mixes that has a knack of getting better just when you think it can't do, and for that, and all the reasons I stated above, I highly recommend this track. Nice work guys
  2. I think i'll claim sand city if thats cool with you fireslash
  3. woah, no kidding on the reverb crits it shocked me to hear that that delay/reverbed lead with such a dry sounding synth at the start. It didn't sound natural imo. I think the snares tone may be too high, as well have having way to much reverb. you have a cool funky/groovy thing going on here tho, and i'm digging the bass. Its a good start, but things sound seriously over-saturated at the moment to the point of muddying up the sound of the mix when the main theme kicks in, but i'm sure you can sort it from other tracks of yours I have heard in the past
  4. sounding pretty damn good man. Not a fan of the lead synth when the drums come in - sounds a little dry. Not familiar with the source, it sounds good like it has plenty of variation. great stuff actually, it sounds awesome, great sound design and arranging. Mixing sounds great as well. sounding good to me, get a little more feedback on it, and if the arrangement is interpretive enough, i'd consider subbing it Very nice work
  5. Well i'm liking this one Great choice of source tunage as well I agree with DZC about the bass being too loud, I think its more of a frequency problem actually, things sound way up in the bass end a little too much. I didn't notice it being repetitive tbh, I think its fine in that respect for now, just make sure to vary it enough in later parts. Its a good start dude, I think its sweet, just don't go and muck it up next wip Nice work
  6. Yo I'm judging this on the first track on your below post (underground grooves), i don't have the time or the patience to listen to them all Ok, I'm going to be brutally honest here - your arrangement here isn't bad I don't think, but the production and sound design isn't good. The synth work sounds way to dry at the moment, and the drums sound very weak to. I'm also not a fan of the clicky drum sound, altho you have two drum sounds going on at once, I prefer the other by a long way. I think there was some creative stuff going down around the 1.05 point, with the phaser and panning in the synth so you do have some decent creative ideas Btw the synth you ended the track with was much better than the previous one you used for most of the track tho not great imho. Well, I think this needs work at the moment bro, it sounds kinda empty with only two instruments at once for most of the track and the sound design isn't great either. Do some experimenting with effects on your synth, I think you can make it sound more interesting Not sure what the other takes you have on this are like but i'm not going to listen to them all Anyway, hope you can get this one a little better dude, you show potential in your arranging, you just need to get your production up to scratch
  7. nah thats what I thought when J64h mentioned it sounding like another theme. I was caught off-guard with his entry
  8. Ah i've been waiting for this remix to be posted One of my favs on the project, its got a bit of everything - a bit of techno, rock, orchestral... and it sounds bloody awesome Fishy's guitar tone is absolutely KILLER, and nuts drums are groovy as hell. Very nice work guys
  9. I'd like to claim area 4 please I'll PM you with a WIP at some hopefully this week if everything is cool.
  10. Wow, very good track. Will certainly consider remixing it, will send you a link to the finished version if I do
  11. Well there is another video of him doing an example of 6/8 timing, and he gets that spot on. Not sure what he was thinking in the 5/4 video to be honest, but he gets the timing messed up when he counts as well, so I'm assuming that he knew that he had made the mistake which raises the question as to why he would post it on the internet. Well, regardless as to whether it was intentional or not, it doesn't change the fact that the video is hilarious
  12. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?jmeznwlfy2n I'm thinking of subbing this to ocr, but I have I feeling that it will get no'd due to the track being too close to the source and sub par sample quality (altho it is intentional) Basically wondered what people thought of it, I view it as a finished track now, but its always a good idea to get a second opinion and the source for anyone who wants it:
  13. bahahaha thats joke Altho I think it may be a human ear fault - he hears it as 5/4 time and we all hear it as 4/4 maybe hmm.... maybe not XD
  14. Well, I started playing the piano when I was about 7 or 8 can't be sure, altho I haven't played it for a couple of years now, and have been playing the guitar for about 3 years. I've been writing music for about 5 years now, and remixing for a little over a year. Started getting into music production seriously about the time I joined ocr.
  15. Well, this is interesting, people are all saying it sounds like a different source and coming up with a completely different track, there's definitely two at the moment, maybe three if there is a golden sun track like it (I have never heard the music for that game) I wonder how many similarities people are going to find with other sources lol. Btw I'm loving the remixes guys, keep em coming
  16. Full force was in my opinion the BEST battle theme But whatever, the album is ace. I'm loving it so far, got past the first two discs
  17. Been listening to it, the quality of the mixes is superb, and its VERY consistent. Congrats for releasing such a great album.
  18. Will be checkin it out soon enough I look forward to a great listen.
  19. Haha I can see why people are criting the intro but honestly, its the nittiest of nit-picks and not a problem for me. I'm loving it, sounds awesome, like your other stuff your public demands more
  20. I thought I knew what you guys were on about, and now you have confirmed my suspicions It wasn't done on purpose. Honest Besides, said tune sounds like another before it *Cough* Top Gun *Cough* Cheap Trick *Cough*
  21. I didn't realise I had viewed your profile... Maybe it was someone who has maliciously hacked into my account :P

    anyway... sup.


  22. Donkey Kong Country 3 - Claustrophobia OC Remix - Anso
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