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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. Woah. This is awesome... Not my style per say, but this really awesome...
  2. Thanks for the reviews guys I appreciate it Rest assured that you'll be hearing more mixes from me in the future
  3. Yo Doulifee, your link to thasauce in your first post is pointing to the 118 compo, not the 119 one
  4. Yeah its not as accessible as before... Still its on the front page Whoa its weird to see ORC as a last post in the communities forum from the main forums page
  5. Looks like fun. Count on me entering
  6. I'm glad someone mentioned this, I'm assuming you mean the silver surfer like music? I'm not watching the vid this minute lol. I looked it up as soon as I heard the music and found this:
  7. Ok, I remember the source tune vaguely, and little is added here imo... Samples are very 8-bitish, and the mixing isn't the best either... Sorry to be so negitive. Youtube isn't a good place to upload your remixes btw, I would suggest using tindeck of mediafire instead. Its effectively a midi rip at the moment... I would suggest adding some variation, give it some personal touches, don't feel that it has to sound too similar too the original Still its not bad, its nice to listen to but I think it needs a personal touch to it
  8. I'm finding myself agreeing with tensie's crits I think that the piano sounds a little mechanical when it plays the faster notes, work on velocity changes to make it sound more natural I think some of the synth work is a little bland, but its not that bad I don't think. The mixing is a little hot for my tastes, its piercing played too loud. Not bad... its a good arrangement I think, nice work
  9. Sounding good, I'm liking the arrangement. The intro synths are a little low fi compared to later... with the cool lead. Actually theres a lot of chip tuney stuff going on, not sure if the judges will like that. I think you need to better eq your sections, and the sound design isn't that amazing. Its not bad, but it could be better with some tweaking Besides we need more pokemon mixes
  10. I'm a fan, his reviews are interesting to watch and are funny to boot.
  11. haven't heard this in a while I can see that your trying to get it sounding better for ocr, I think the arrangment, altho not flawless by any means, isn't bad. It has some good (and some cases unusual) variations. The biggest problem here is the mixing and mastering, I know your aware of this however, but it does need fixing, everything is fighting for the spotlight mudding things up and I think your processing your synths a little too much, I like the ideas of adding reverb, delay, phaser etc, but I think your over doing it a little, but at least your doing these things Good stuff I think but it undoubtedly needs work. Keep on mixing and the best thing to do with your mixes at the moment is to get feedback from other mixers. Do that and you'll only get better
  12. haha nice remix. I like the feel you have going on here, the production is good. I think that the source is handled a little unusally, the changes don't feel natural, some of the changes to the tune and chords underneath left me a little confused. I like the synths and guitar work, there's a good balance of instrumentations I think. The only source part I can hear is the main melody repeated various times with subtle variations.... for example 0.36 - 0.59. Basically as far as I can hear there is a LOT more original material, which is fine but a little more source would have been nice. However the original sections are nice and well done, but I don't think the remixed sections fit as well as they could do. Still its worth the download in my opinion, its a good remix
  13. Not going to be able to finish mine in time guys
  14. Nice remix, i'm liking this The first problem with this mix is the intro - that synth needs better EQing, its a little piercing. When the drums fully kick in, I think that the piano could stand to be louder, not to mention that it sounds somewhat fake, especially when the 16th notes play a little over two thirds in. Also I think that the guitar could use some vibrato, it sounds mechanical. Still this is a great remix, and nice source too. Good work over all
  15. I'm liking the arrangement, the synths sound a little bland, altho powerful, and the drumming is awesome. If you want a synth solo, I can do one (i'll send you a PM with an example of what I can do) I can also play guitar but there are much better guitarists than me on ocr, like sixto sounds and snappleman. Anyway, not bad, you have some interesting ideas in your music.
  16. Good stuff this, nice and relaxing with a retro feel. A little unsure of the drums tho, they are a little harshly EQ'd. Still, a nice little tribute, me likey
  17. I agree with what SynthStampede has said to be honest, I think cheats are nice to have but it can take out the challenge of the game if used too soon, but can increase the re-playability if you have completed it and don't want too much of a challenge for once. I have good memories of using cheats in the sims to get as much money as I wanted and making awesomely expensive houses for example.
  18. Hey i'm liking this, sounds cool. Ending is abrupt like people have said. You have some nice, yet simple sounding synths, i'm loving those background appeggios, altho I think the 8-bit square synth sounds a little dry, it sticks out a little in the soundscape. I also think that some of the samples aren't great, like the piano and that lead synth that plays later in the mix, and the drums sound incredibly thin, in my opinion the worst aspect. I can't say much about the arrangement, as there isn't a link to the source (hint hint) but the structure is good, it doesn't get boring after repeat listens for me. Your showing a lot of potential, considering this is your first near-complete work, great stuff.
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