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Everything posted by WillRock

  1. who's the damned Happy birthday nonetheless
  2. Ok, first off the kinda weird lead and pads at the intro are a little high in frequency, its a little piercing. Also I find it interesting that the piece shifts from highs to lows and mids. I think EQ is the big problem here, its a little too overdone, its a little unpleasant in my headphones Arrangment: I haven't listened to the source, I will say that it I got a little bored at the 2.30 mark when the high hats come in, it picks up again around the 3.15-ish mark. I think that the arrangement is nice, its calm, and somewhat menacing at points, cools emotions put into it. I thought that it ended a little abruptly tho. Like I said before, its a little grating to listen to on headphones, work on the EQing in general, its not one instrument thats the problem... Its good so far but needs work, keep at it
  3. Why haven't I replied to this thread to mention how cool this remix is? God knows, but I have to drop in and say how good this is - one of the best more recent ocr mixes by far, great great work
  4. A. without a doubt. in games today you seem to be spoon fed with what to do and how to complete it, like the game is holding your hand as you go along, whereas in the older games, I found that you were thrown in there, having to rely on your insticts and trial and error a lot more thus making the game much harder and more challenging.
  5. I think i'm going to try something for this
  6. Don't worry they'll come, I gotta get some important stuff out of the way first
  7. Ah yes, the system that introduced me to mario, link, donkey kong and pokemon (It was my first video game system)
  8. I've been planning on doing a protoman/darkman remix for some time, when I do it i'll let you know
  9. Yeah... Didn't DJ Mokram enter this?
  10. I think i'll be able to do something for the deadline...
  11. Great idea guys its a cool new site function just like to point out that in jin kazama's page, it says that jun was killed by ogre, with isn't confirmed in the story - 'It is assumed that Jun was attacked and possibly killed by Ogre between Tekken 2 and Tekken 3. However, this still has yet to be confirmed.' - http://www.tekkenpedia.com/wiki/Jun_Kazama#Trivia Still, its a nitpick of nitpicks, great work on this.
  12. hmm damn links are dead... bugger. well the album is nearly done, I'll post about it in community when I am an ocremixer. updated link (sorry its newgrounds ) http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/229390
  13. Sixto is one of if not my fav guitar remixer on this site at this point in time. This track shows why. that solo is so face meltingly awesome too
  14. Well its been AGES since I updated this. Its nearly done and I have a load of new tracks. However, I'll only show one, I'll leave others for when I release it http://download72.mediafire.com/ewzsbm1wa4lg/i1wzilwmzzm/Fortunes+Finished.mp3 This one is a rock track, similar to say joe satriani, hope you guys enjoy it
  15. I thought this thread had died a while back Yeah, I'm still working on this one, but its not where I want it to be yet. Once I have it the way I want it, I will post an update.
  16. Hey Darke, glad you like it so much, I'll try subbing it when the week 3 limit expires ;)

  17. Sup Derrit

    You posted on my profile. I'll repay the favor :P

  18. Joe Satriani - the extremist whenever joe satch is mentioned, this album isn't (altho summer song is played a lot on rock radio stations) which is a shame, as I think it is his best album by a long way
  19. Wow man this stuff is awesome I've always loved the sound of genesis music and you are really bringing out the best of it Keep at it
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