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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. Hey Sinewav. Was rereading the music video thread, saw your post talking about your amazing film student skills and exploits. You should put those to use for a contribution to the OCR Community Music Video Challenge! See if you can't get something together for that. Now that you are a film student, I'll have to put you in the bottom list if you don't sign up ;-)

  2. In his version of Holy Orders, it takes about 7 seconds for the instruments to come in. It took one more second for my brain to process that first bit. It took me about 8 seconds to acquire. Like the music or not, I think with his style people decide pretty quickly and that's that.
  3. Here we go! I love most of Saitama's music, and I have tracked down probably 98% of everything he has made. I first listened to his version of Holy Orders a few years ago, and it was a long road to recovery, I was floored by how cool it was. I totally dig his really fast stuff. FFVI Decisive Battle, Sailor Moon Replaced, Romancing Saga Last Battle, Satomitadashi Pharmacy... I could go on and on. When I hear a song I want to remix, How it would sound if SSH did it is probably the second thought in my mind, lol.
  4. I updated the OP to reword those sections so it is clearer and not contradictory. I am interested in seeing those things too, I like AMV's and a good game montage. What I am trying to avoid are videos that become all about the video and not about the song. There are millions of Dragonball Z music videos out there as opposed to the handful of OCR Music videos that exist, and the videos here should be defined by the music. I guess I am concerned that with anime music video's, this wont happent. I'll just stop worrying about it. And no, I will not exclude any submission for this event based on the type of video used. As this event is an OCR Community Music Video event, videos submitted should highlight the music of the site, and you can use any type of video you wish to accomplish this. I hope to have more than six entries by March, so opening it up should be helpful to that end; That said, if we have six, then at least we have six! Are you going to participate analoq?
  5. Hey Brushfire, Kaleb here.

    I know from the recent music video thread you had expressed a degree of interest in OCR Music Video's and possibly being a part of one or making one. The discussion on that video thread has spawned the OCR Community Music Video Challenge, I think that you should channel your energies into contributing, because whatever you come up with would be pretty awesome, and probably ridiculous. Which is also awesome.

    Consider yourself personally invited, for whatever that is worth. And feel free to talk up the event some (cough *OCAD* cough), it would be so bitchin to have a good turnout for this first go around! There's certainly the creativity and skill for it floating around here.

    Let me know if you are interested.

  6. To answer some of your questions: The emphasis for this challenge is on Real Life videos, but it is also about participation, so if you are without a camera to shoot something with, then I won't stop you from doing game clips. Keep it to songs hosted here, including official OCR album tracks. There is awesome stuff on great sites like thasauce, but for this event we will keep the audio local to OCR. This was me covering my bases, but after rereading the Content Policy here, this is no longer a requirement. Simply credit the author and any other people to whom it is owed. Refer to the updated OP. Fixed. Its March 7th. Absolutely. As long as you have a video to show in March, I don't care if you started it in the mid 1800s SoulinEther, you were right on the Content Policy matters, thanks for that post. If you happen to come across 2 hours of spare time somewhere in the next 2 months, see what you can throw together!
  7. EDIT: CHALLENGE OVER! IT WAS AWESOME EVERYONE, THANKS FOR GETTING ON BOARD WITH THIS EVENT, ROUND 2 SOMETIME THIS SUMMER! Entrants:Less Ashamed of Self ProjectSpam diotrans Chernabogue The Biznut BrandonS Youtube Playlist here! _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ In lieu of the "let's talk about OCR Music Video's" thread, a new community event has been formed in the interest of exploring the idea further. With no further delay, I am proud to present to you... The OverClocked ReMix Community Music Video Challenge!! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=26948 It is a pretty simple idea: 1. Pick an OverClocked ReMix 2. Create a music video before the event deadline 3. Have a blast watching everyone's entries at the viewing party! First, I want to emphasize that this is a community event, open to anyone and everyone. The purpose of the challenge is to explore the level of interest in music videos within the community, tapping into the pool of video production talent and creativity that no doubt exists here, and to do so in a fun and accessible way. So you are interested you say? Here are the specifics: 1. The song selected must be currently hosted on the site here, or on official OCR Project Album track. 2. Indicate your intent to participate by posting here or letting me know otherwise, and you will be added to the entrants list. 3. Your video may consist of any media, be it real life footage, video game clips, anime, etc. Please keep in mind that the media you choose should highlight/compliment the ReMix selected. It should clearly be an OCR Music Video before it is a DBZ music video for example. 4. There is no stipulation on video quality whatsoever. You do not need professional equipment to participate, do the best you can with what is available to you. 5. As for Content, nothing pornographic or brutally violent will be allowed or endorsed. As we will use youtube for the viewing party, it must not be in violation of youtube's content policy. I doubt this will be an issue at all. 6. Collabs are totally welcome. 7. ALL your sources must be clearly attributed in your video. Please refer to the OCR Content Policy WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU ARE DONE YOUR MUSIC VIDEO: 1. Upload your video to youtube by 7PM EST. on the 7th. contact me via PM or something with a link to your video. 2. PLEASE KEEP IT UNDER WRAPS UNTIL THE VIEWING PARTY ON MARCH 7th. The Viewing Party will be the Premiere Event 3. Contact the artist of your selected ReMix and otherwise spam the internets inviting people to the viewing party on the 7th! NOTE: In the event that too few entrants can be around for the viewing party, we will reschedule. As it stands, it will begin @ Sunday March 7th @ 9PM Eastern Time. That should be all the info you need to get started. I will stress again that this is a community event and is purposefully very open ended to remove as many barriers as possible from people getting involved and showing off their mad video skills. I will create a list of entrants and their song of choice as they accumulate. You may declare which song you will make a video for, or keep it a secret till the end. FINALLY, Any and all questions, suggestions, or other such communication regarding this event can be directed to myself, The Biznut, via PM. Get involved and make this a success! Make something awesome! Good Luck! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- List updated Feb 28th contact me for additions or removals THE "IN" LIST! Less Ashamed of Self Sinewav ProjectSpam diotrans Chernabogue54 analoq The Biznut Brushfire Jose the Bronx Rican FriendlyHunter Theophany BrandonS
  8. Ok, this confused me for a second. I was thinking about Romancing Saga series for a second. There is some fantastic music there. Saitama Seisyu Heiki has a couple SICK remixes of some battle/boss tracks from the third installment.
  9. Bought this album back in June, and wow did it get played this christmas. More than any other disc did on our family machine, thats for sure!
  10. I am really sad I failed to set enough time aside to finish my track for this project, before getting swept up in all the goings-on of the season. Alternatively, I already have a WIP for next year! Great job on the album everyone, I will be listening to this under the tree tonight! Merry Christmas to everyone here at OverClocked ReMix!
  11. BUMP. An OCR music video compo will be announced in the next few days, once the important family celebrations are done for the year and I have a few moments to think on it. But its coming, so start thinking about it.
  12. I'm in league with the opinions of these two gentlemen. You next post needs a picture man!
  13. FFT featured a wonderful soundrack, which suprisingly has only been covered by 2 OCReMixes! Both are quite good, especially In Mem'ry of Sir Anthony, courtesy of Disciple of the Mix. F4T4L also showed me a few tracks from Soldier Blade, which I favorited immediately. I think this is more a case of the TG-16 being underrated than the actual music, cause these are some smokin tracks.
  14. Global Trance, I wish you well in your upcoming year! yay for Trance!
  15. Hey Bahamut, um, it turns out that that slinky and Ball of Whacks was from my..uh, Aunt in the States. Yeah, so I guess it must be me you are referring to there. I'll look for your parcel in the mail 3 weeks from now?
  16. Great work, I also am glad to see this happening. Hopefully they will learn!
  17. After listening I agree. Good link. I gotta mention One Must Fall (And You Must Dance) OCReMix here, courtesy of DigiE because it is one of my favorite on the site. Sidebar, I remembered that OCReMix as being credited to Section III Studios. What's the deal with that, was that something DigiE was involved with? I was wondering if you'd have posted this. Of course. NOW MY PICKS! Lunar and Lunar 2 (Playstation, Working Designs) the theme When I was like 8 I used to go around all the computers at the highschool and start this game on all of them, till the room was filled with so much noise. Armored Core (Playstation) EXTREME-G (forget 2 and 3) Little Nemo (NES) I will also mention Bloody Wolf on behalf of F4T4L.
  18. My stuff came in, and In the words of the immortal Jim Carey... ALSO! That Ball of Whacks is gonna be set attraction at the family christmas, everyone has to come by and make a new creation out of it! GREAT GIFTS from a great store. This picture sums it up Thanks Secret Santa!
  19. 1. Would you be willing to put forward something valuable towards a prize for this contest? (I think the coolest idea I had was something of a 'pool', this one definitely for the :nicework:OCRMV project. For example, any donations go to the pool, a substantial amount is fronted (say $100-$300), entry into the contest has a fee of say $30 towards the pool, and the grand total gets broken down something like this: 50% grand prize, 30% goes to ocr or child's play or something, 15% to a runner-up, and 5% to help with dvd or any other fees... ok let's be realistic; the prize is $5.) IMO, this is a bit much at this point. It has merit, but would be better suited to a later contest, pending success and involvement of this, our first attempt. 2. Which contest would you prefer, a silly one or a serious one. 3. Which contest would you enter? 2 and 3 I will respond to by saying we should have only 1 contest, and let people enter any style of video (minus pr0n) they wish. It is simpler and keeps everyone together in one event, which is important for a first one IMO. 5. What kind of rules do you think would be fair? I mean for a serious competition there should be some minimum requirements not unlike the ocr standards... a certain screen resolution and file quality perhaps? Should it use the entire song? Should flash count? Should there be any kind of censorship? I think the only technological specification necessary is that it needs to be uploadable to youtube. It would make a viewing party easy, and the viewing party is critical, I will expound on this later. Censorship should be no pr0n, and no violence to animals, and it should fly by youtube's content standards. 6. Since the mixes are fair game on the site but permission must be granted before they are used in things does that mean a contest of this sort might require the entrant hunting down the remixer? I am sure Yes, unless we can get a blanket OK on all OCR tracks from DJP for this project, but I don't know if he can even do that. I am not fully aware of the dynamics of this side of this. At the least it would be courteous to ask. 7. Would you buy an ocrmv dvd? Moot point currently, we will see what happens with our first go round. I am in favor of this idea, but it's a backburner issue. 8. Would you go to an ocrmv dvd-screening party? Would you pay my airfare? Online, absolutely I would, and IMO, this is the big payoff. This is a huge motivation for entrants, amongst other reasons. It's fun to create, but it makes it even better if you know you are going to get some recognition in some form. It's different for different people. I feel strongly that a viewing party is necessary to this contest, and it would be even better if people could keep their videos under wraps until then, to build anticipation. It's exciting just to think about, for me anyway. 9. What would be the best method of getting high quality video files like this to each other? Co-ordinated sever space until they're recieved by the judge(s)? File transfer/torrent? By mail? If people want to collab, then this is their problem to solve. We don't need to answer this to establish / start this contest. 10. Awww jeez what about the judges!? Their music videos get automatic NO's, don't resubmit Just kidding of course. They are probably busy people, and we don't need them to be involved in any special judging capacity, especially since we don't have any standards set to judge with at this point. I would love to see them enter a video though, the more the merrier, and big names would bring this event some prestige. I wanna see Liontamer throw down some RHYMES WITH ELIXER! I think the judging process should be a voting process open to anyone. Once the viewing/release party has ended, voting should be open for a week ish. Everyone is welcome to vote. We don't need to be real tight on this because no cash/prizes are involved. We can also have voting in a number of categories, depending on entries, but this is something we can play by ear and decide upon once we know how many people are going to hop on board. Those are my thoughts. I feel pretty strongly that to make this contest successful, it needs to be on a reasonable scope. If we do the first one really well, then we will have some momentum to build upon for a next one, changing what didn't work for ideas that will work or that add more to the compo. I think that the keys to making this fly include a single event with an open criteria for submissions, minus pr0n, and then a viewing party. If we keep it simple, then everyone can get involved and it can be a fun event; I think community involvement should be our primary success indicator here. Lets do this first one and go from there. LAOS, check your PMs. You mean girl, unless I have been lied to. By like 80 people
  20. rainmanbk. That logo is slick! Great idea in my mind, I'm sure others will agree. If this goes through I guess I am ordering another shirt!
  21. That's what I was talking about. My thoughts were to make a community event in the spirit of, say, OHC or FBRC, where the emphasis is on being creative and anyone and everyone are welcomed and encouraged to participate. As for the event, we come up with a title better than HOTOOCRMVC. Then establish some guidelines for the event. (Music selected must be a currently hosted OverClocked ReMix, and uh....there needs to be video...) Have an established time frame for people to create their masterpieces in. Deadline is important, because that means there can be a viewing party. This is essential, because this means a guaranteed audience for those who finish, which is great incentive for more people getting involved and finishing. In rare cases, it may mean throwing something hilarious together last second, but it's all good. Wait, did I say rare? I think the more "official" it is, the more people will take notice and get involved, and I think that this idea is worthy of that attention, its (almost) a totally unexplored area here, and I think taking OCR to new forms of media could have some significant implications. And it's cool. Also, a deadline is conducive to a DVD release, which I think is a rock solid idea, even if it is looking ahead a ways. Also. If this is going to happen, I think it should at least be in the works before MAGFest, as it will be a prime breeding ground for awesome/ridiculous video ideas and collaborations. LAOS,you said you had some ideas too, and as you have the OP of this post, you probably have been thinking about it for a while. Are we on the same page? I would love to hear your ideas on this.
  22. Thoughts from the Biznut: I love the mellow light hearted feel of the synths. They are clearly defined while still sounding warm, a great contrast to the wash of fluttering melody lines playing behind most of this track. There are quite a diverse set of instruments in this arrangement, yet they all compliment the overall sound and flow of the arrangement. And the end of the track had a little swoopy thing at the end. I don't know how to describe it, it was faint, and it was neat. Nice chill mix halc!
  23. Hey Jade, whats happenin?

    I know you from the forums, and cause I am a long time bLiNd enthusiast :) If you don't know me yet, thats cool. Just sayin hi!

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