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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. Neat sig sir! I like it!

  2. Alright Stevo, sexy sig buddy, sexy sig....




    I need a sexy sig...

  3. Glad to hear you are making some progress with your music video dude, thanks for being a part of the challenge! If you need to chop some time, that's fine, whatever you gotta do.


  4. I often run into issues with music ideas, where I get an idea for a remix in my head, and I just can't seem to make anything that adds up. It's the same with video, probably harder, especially for real life shooting. I do have a solution, and it involves rolling back some expectations. My idea's are often very grand, and so I am going to have to scale things back a bit. I also think I need to not expect as much, start shooting with a very loose idea as opposed to specific video sequences, and I bet while shooting or editing I will be surprised by what comes up. It seems a few people, including myself, are a bit hung up on choosing a tune. For the next go around, would it be a good idea to pick one song for everyone to do a video for? Maybe a handful of songs? I am beginning to think that narrowing down the song selection would help people get started at least. What do you think about that? Also I am busy this weekend, but I would love to do an IRC brainstorming session with those who are having trouble getting going. If you have hardware issues, maybe we can come up with some creative alternatives or work arounds. Thanks for giving this a shot everyone, don't give up! If it is any consolation, I think Brush and Level 99 might get something together too. Once I confirm that rumor,I will put them on the *cool* list. lol
  5. Dragonland is absolutely phenomenal, I'll abstain from gushing ceaseless praise and leave it at that. If you are searching for music awesomeness, This thread has become quite comprehensive and should be of interest. In Flames consistently produces astounding guitar work. When I first heard them years ago, I totally hated the vocals, I couldn't understand them at all. However, I HAD to listen to them because the guitars were so unreal and unique to me, especially during the harmonized riffs. Each new song I heard was impressive, and eventually I came to love their music a lot. They are currently one the hanful of bands that, if I were to put their entire discography on shuffle, I would be more than content to listen to whatever came up. Incredible album. The guitar tone is almost synth like, almost haunting in a way, and I absolutely love it. The December Flower solo would likely end up in my top 10 all time favorite solo list. I could have written a dissertation on the significance and musical merits of this album, but that's a lot of typing, so I made a medley instead. It's the intros, outros, and solos from almost each song from the Jester Race album. An "Instrumedley" if you will. You heard that word here first folks! I think... Jester Race Instrumedley - MP3 and as a bonus: Children of Bodom Instrumedley, Intro by Archenemy Full credit to the respective bands.
  6. Gotta do what you gotta do. If you gotta rock.... ...then HELLZ YEAH!
  7. We'll see how this one goes and if people enjoy it, it would be cool to see this continue in some way or another.
  8. Apologies! Issue Resolved! Disaster Averted!
  9. So do we! <3
  10. This is so true, and in retrospect may be the reason my chest is decently hairy. Do what I do, take the best section of your song, loop it, add some n-ts n-ts n-ts and call it techno. Actaully don't, cause I have like 20 techno WIPS that haven't gone anywhere in the last year
  11. Geez, tons of info here for someone just venturing into the technical side of mixing and mastering. Harmony you sure seem to know your stuff. Heck, all of you do, I feel better informed just for reading your responses, I haven't even read the article yet! I'll get to it...
  12. I finally beat the final section of the story mode, after several tries. It was a good challenge, I managed to do it with about 4 seconds left. I was sweating it out as those seconds were counting down, I think I had been at it for an hour at least! My final time was 5:55:xx I think. Addictive indeed Arek! Amazingly fun, and unique. Gonna see if I can handle Hero 3 now HOLY @!#%!@%$# EDIT SON! OF! A! BITCH!!! Yeah, so after beating the game I managed to LOAD instead of SAVE. My PSP has been on sleep for a few days, last I saved was 20% through Knight 30. guess I won't be playing any Hero 3 tonight..... LAME!
  13. First Mixpost Congratulatory Visitor Message! Woooooooohooooooooo!

  14. I just posted a thread on the only game i am currently playing, Half Minute Hero for the PSP. It's very cool.
  15. LONG VERSION: I love video games, especially classic RPG's but as a full time student and business owner, I don't have near as much time for them as I used to. I found time to wrap Halo ODST back in October, but that aside I think it has been at least 12 months since I have wrapped a game, and probably 4 years since I have played through an RPG. Well that is going to change tonight. I made a quick stop at the local EBGames after lunch with some friends over this Christmas break, and as I was looking around, Half Minute Hero caught my attention. A friend said he had heard something about it being like a bunch of classic RPG style games but everything has a 30 second limit, or something like that. I ended up getting it, as I was obviously curious about the game. And now I am hooked. I can't seem to put this game down, or say no to it once I start. It has the storyline of a classic RPG, it is epic in a lighthearted and quirky way, the dialog is entertaining. The different game modes add some balance and variety, there are hidden secrets for the treasure hunter in me, and rankings / multiple paths for my completionist side. I think I will have it wrapped tonight, and it has been a ton of fun. SHORT VERSION: Sweet PSP Game called Half Minute Hero. Anybody played it?
  16. Darkesword. I realized too late that I should get in on the Robot Master Challenge thingy. The megaman VS remixes. I think it's a phenomenal idea. I would love to see it go another round, or to see something similar with Mavericks. I am really looking forward to hearing what comes out of that compo.

    Happy Christmas, Merry Birthday, Festive New Years! Woohoo!

  17. Chernabogue, glad to have you pumped about the music video challenge! Have you picked a song to do yet? I am trying to figure mine out...

  18. Transportation issues hey? That doesn't sound fun at all, I certainly hope that is resolved quickly! If you can get something, awesome. If not, it is totally understandable.

  19. That suitcase was HEAVY!

  20. Yo Binjovi, Kaleb aka The Biznut here.

    Wanted to invite you to get in on the OCR Community Music Video Challenge! It would be great to have you involved. You mentioned in the one thread you were into animation but didn't feel your skills were good enough (or something along those lines) to make any sort of music video. Well, if it is something you are interested in, you should get involved anyway, I bet you are better than you think.

    Check it out and think about it!


  21. Mr McVaffe, Kaleb here aka Biznut

    Thanks for that link to your game video compliations, I dig! I wanted to draw your attention to the Community Music Video Challenge and say that It would be cool to have you involved! If you enjoy game montages, they certainly are welcome. Check it out and think on it, the more people are in the better, especially if they are big names like MCVAFFE! You are a prolific remixer after all, soon you'll have OVER 9000!!


  22. Jose, Kaleb aka the Biznut here.

    Read your post on the music video thread, the one about the lack of camera. If you aren't aware, that thread led to a community music video challenge, organized by myself. There are a few people that have a camera, myself included, that may be looking to collab or brainstorm some ideas. I don't know if that interest you, but I have been around here enough to know you are a creative guy with some neat ideas, and if you were involved at all in this event, it would be better for it. Check it out and think on it.


  23. Yo DragonAvenger. I read a post in the Music Video thread about how you and Doug were working on a Rhymes with Elixer skit. If that ever happens soon, definitely record it for the community music video challenge! OR just make a different video! It would definitely make it awesome either way!

    Also, you have a great voice!

  24. I AM NOW!

    wait where am I?

    OH YEAH! Stevo. I don't know if you are aware yet, but the universe needs you to consider seriously your involvement in PERHAPS THE MOST IMPORTANT EVENT MAKIND SHALL EVER WITNESS. Lives are at stake.

    No doubt you got a lot on your plate, but you would be a fool to deny yourself of the possibilities that await you should you embark on this mission. Collab with Brush and come up with something beyond redculous. You could do a brainstorming session on OCAD, just listening to you guys throw ideas around would be entertaining on a number of levels...

  25. Buddy! I went hunting for whoever posted the vid idea for Starman (Don't Lose Yourself). And it was you! That is a great idea, you really should get in on the music video challenge. Get yourself out of that bottom list! ;-)

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