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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. McVaffe, I want to see these vids! I like this stuff! You got a youtube channel link for me?
  2. This got erased 3 times while trying to type. Condensed version: I want to be involved in directing / organizing a OCR Music Video competition. I have ideas to make this happen, and to make it awesome, and to get people invovled to make it a success. I Like working with others. If you want to pick up the ball with me on this one, then post here / PM me / find me on IRC and lets start planning this sucker!
  3. I just visualized this, and it was awesome. Could be VERY cool. Another brainwave: Seems like people here respond decently to compo's. (FBRC 2009 was a good example) I have a hunch that a "Hot Out The Oven OverClocked ReMix Music Video Challenge"...or something.. really any sort of community music video creating event...would bring people out of the woodwork and join in... We have some incredible creativity and talent in this community, I am already kind of excited to think about what some people could come up with. If something like this happened, there could also be a DVD release... HOTOOCRMVC 2009. It's got that ring to it...
  4. Would you have accepted Liontamer and the Scuba Divers? If you are going to do a video, do us all a favor. Do THAT one. Yes, I think Music Video DOES Rhyme with Elixer!
  5. This thread is the culmination of spending 6 more hours spent choosing my final instrument and attempting to adjust my levels from the ground up on a recent WIP I want to finish. I thought I was close to completing my Star Fox Corneria theme remix. My composition is solid, I knew I had a few EQ / volume levels to deal with first though. Long story short, there was a loudness war across too many levels, and I wasn't happy with my work, so I decided to reset all my EQ's and volume levels / automations and start from scratch. So far I am glad I did, but I am finding myself having to make decisions about what the next step should be and I am having a hard time thinking through what the best choice would be. Do I EQ and automate volume for each track at a time, is it better to EQ everything before automating anything? Am I better served to get my levels set first before automating / adding delay's or effects? Is it usually best to mix and EQ percussion first, depending on style? I know more or less what needs to be done, and how to do it, but I do not quite know when is the best time during production is to do those things. I am interested in hearing how others here go about it. I know its different for everyone, and I would think a producer would always be making tweaks to all aspects of a mix as they notice things to improve, but there is a general process / system in place, right? In short, do you use an order of operations when it comes to mixing/mastering, and if so, what is it?
  6. I have OFTEN thought about putting game footage to certain OCR tracks, but never did for various reasons, primarily time/hardware. If you are discussing this possibility in light of newly acquired hardware, you are probably thinking real life footage, correct? Just for fun I am going to guess you got a T1i...
  7. He is starting to sound hurt? lol, read your own posts man. I understand if you don't hear it the same way or think its worth making a big deal of, that's fine, but leave it at that then if you don't want to discuss it reasonably. I'm positive Soliarc doesn't care much if you dismiss it or not. If he did by stock in that company, he's in good shape! Seems like it's got a good response so far... I'm looking for that Propellerheads track Zircon mentioned, if anyone knows of any other examples of this, post some links!
  8. haha, when I sent mine out I said "Good luck sucker!" as a joke, you sound like you could say it seriously. I see you have updated your sig! Look out!
  9. I read the OP and left a visitor message for you Neblix, during the writing of which you apparently updated the OP to include the track list. Take a look and see what you think, maybe see how things play out.
  10. Yo Neblix!

    Metroid Prime Album?! Very nice. I am looking forward to this one.

    I know you have a list of those you will invite. When it opens up to others, if Tallon Overworld II is not claimed, I would love to tackle that one. I have been thinking about it for a long time already.

    Hope you get good support for this project!

  11. Huge congrats Neko and Ashamee! Have a joyous day. And then have a joyous life!
  12. This was my experience with the Canadian premiere in Vancouver this October, minus Mr. Uematsu and me giving him any of my music I took a $400 roundtrip flight and it was worth it for sure, amazing show! I definitely had a grin on my face the whole time too, got a little excited for some songs, hehe.
  13. Ordered and shipped! Good luck sucker!
  14. I had a listen to this haircut dealeo without any information before hand. Just "listen to this". So you can scratch out the power of suggestion in my case. Some people may be more inclined to say "this is sweet" if they have been told it is, the power of suggestion always operates to a different degree with different people. However, I was wowed by my trip to the "virtual barber" based purely on my experience there. Pretty neato! If you heard some slightly fancier stereo, then you did hear something different. That difference may leave a bigger impression on some people than others for any number of reasons. If something is hyped up, I know I will have a tendancy to dismiss it as no big deal before even experiencing it, in most circumstances anyway. It's part of my conditioned reaction to things that are hyped up. That may be a little of what is going on for some people. And hey, if you don't hear anything worth fussing over, then that's just how it is. Did I mention it was awesome?
  15. Congrats Wingless!
  16. You betcha! Today was my last day of student teaching, I wore my hoodie. It got some comments from the Jr. High students, lol. Thanks for filling my playlists over the years OCR! Heres to 10 more!
  17. Apparently the Kroze filter doesn't apply to the forum jj Kroze I voted, good luck!
  18. Interesting clip there. Thanks for the post, Chiral. It's got me interested in this upcoming album or sure...
  19. Van Canto! I have a few friends who have made the journey over to Wacken the last two years, and I remember them telling me about them. If you are on this thread and you don't know of Wacken Open Air festival... well, I don't even know what to say next. Go look at it now at the very least, put it on your bucket list, whatever you gotta do to rectify. Andromeda was mentioned. I had a listen and liked it. Scale the Summit should get a mention for the progtologists out there.
  20. Stylish Christmas socks! I don't have any of those either! Must add to list... The local Cash Canada (pawn shop chain minus most of the typical pawn shop sketchiness) had a manager there who was a real wheeler and dealer. He'd give me 30% off pawn price or more if I bought lots of stuff. That is when I picked up that jackson for SO cheap. The AVATAR guitar came from a friend who begged me to buy it cause he needed the cash. He had paid a thousand for it a few months earlier and refused to take more than 340 bucks. I also ended up with a practically brand new Ibanez STM-1 Sam Totman style guitar for 300. If it wasn't such a heavy and stupidly shaped guitar I would have kept it, but I sold it recently. Then realized afterward I was an idiot for not trading out the pickups! They were some slick dimarzios. I'm still a bit chapped about it, hehe. But yeah, all this to say I have had some exceptionally good fortune in the guitar department. If it continues I may have to consider hooking a brother up...
  21. Certainly sir! Where to start though! Intsruments left to right: Mandolin: not mine Accordian: 40$ garage sale pickup, works perfectly! Cort electric guitar: don't know the model: 18th birthday present! Jackson JS30KV, only with duncan designed pickups LTD AVATAR-EX Takamine Acoustic Guitar: not mine Hardware: Acer 8930G laptop and LG 24in LCD Optoma projector in the box. Bererdynamic DT 990 pro headphones MAudio Xponent dj controller Line6 KB37 Midi keyboard / usb interface Bose L1 Series II with 2 sub units Bose T1 Tonematch mixer / usb interface Shure SM48 Mic Shure Beta58 Wireless / PGX24 reciever Some 30$ Audio Techinca mic Berhinger 4 channel mixer 2 Stylophones Digitech RP250 multieffects pedal Boss MicroBR The blue case on the left is my adapter kit full of all sorts of audio adapters. like 300 feet of cat5 cables under the table some Match Picks A bigass bastard sword Software: FLstudio XXL PCDJ/VJ MAudio Torq I own my own DJ company (I am the only employee) and thats why I have that bose system kicking around. It is very multifunctional. It doesn't take up space, so I can use it at home, and yet just one of these is enough to dj for well over a hundred people. Plus they are EASY to set up and take down. I recommend one to anyone who is looking for versatile live performance monitors/speakers. It certainly doesn't replace a good set of studio monitors from a production standpoint, though, hence the headphones. My dream once I get my own place is to set up a sweet jam/recording space somewhere. I've got a good start on filling it with equipment. Haha, that way I won't be the one always driving 40 minutes with all my stuff!
  22. Twenty one? (21)?!?!! That's...a lot!
  23. This thread has some great ideas. I am in favor of more of a production and how the pros/judges go about remixing approach. Name that remix is a hot idea. And I REALLY like the live judging process in any format. If the judges dance, well we will call that a bonus. Also what Kizyr said about Cowbell, only throw out every subsequent person too
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