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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. So it is less of a studio and more of...well, a small corner of the livingroom, but it is what I got for the time being. It's all crowded in for the family photo. The acoustic guitar and the mandolin are not mine, I just didn't want them to feel left out. I would LOVE very much to have a permanent set up / actual studio space. I move too often. Oh well, by the time I get one, I might even be able to use it efficiently...
  2. Wise words. I am taking advantage of the college laser printers to get this as we speak
  3. GOALS. Ok. 1) To have a remix posted at OCR 2) To have the most votes at an OHC 3) Participate over at DoD at least once. 4) Vocal Lessons 5) attempt a collab 6) contribute to an album project of some sorts. 7) Ok scratch 7. Good luck with that Vilecat. I give you till august before you end up here
  4. I am having fun trying to figure out a great gift to give, but I am finding it just as hard to come up with a list of stuff I would be happy to get! Hmmmm. A subscription to Sound on Sound magazine (or any other good audio production zine) Cool lights / toys / gadgets of any sort are always fun. Thinkgeek.com stuff, etc. I don't need OCR swag (just ordered some) but other equally cool/nerdy/vgmusical Size L shirts, etc. Anything music related that is useful or cool. I don't need a stylophone though. DJ Lights The only DVD/BluRay's I really buy are epic live Concert ones. A "KEEP RIGHT EXCEPT TO PASS, DAMMIT" decal for the back window of my car AirMiles/Aeroplan miles/whatever. FLIGHTS! M-Audio Trigger Finger (decently cheap on ebay) That should at least help! I'm just glad to be a part of it, so I'm not gonna be picky at all!
  5. Fans of older In Flames material might be interested in this little track I made for fun a while back. Jester Race Medley For those who haven't heard older In Flames, either listen to this, or go youtube some Jester Race tracks. So good. I also did one for Children of Bodom, with an intro by Arch Enemy (I think). I had a limited selection of CoB songs for this, wish I had Needled 24/7 in there too.
  6. BUSTED. You are correct Wes, those two songs were by Helloween, and I was being lazy. Busted... I should have known better than to fudge on the band names in a Metal thread. Metal fans never let that shit slide Helloween's I want out was good stuff, but Gamma Ray's live cover was more to my liking. Hammerfall also covered it with Kai and Joacim trading off vocals, and it too is quite good. I also prefer Gamma Ray's live cover of Victim of Fate to the Helloween Original. Just sayin'. Actually, Skeletons in the Closet was one of my top live albums for a long time...
  7. Also gotta recommend with average enthusiasm: Masterplan Crystal Night Sail On Bleeding Eyes Kind Hearted light Gamma Ray Armageddon Rebellion in Dreamland Somewhere out in Space Beyond the Black Hole Last Before the Storm (look for their live @ Wacken performance on youtube) Razorblade Sigh (live) Victim of Fate (live) I Want Out Helloween The Dark Ride Manowar Hail and Kill Blood of the Kings Power of thy Sword Master of the Wind
  8. box.net is great for free individual hosting of files less than 25MB. Anything more than that is available to paying subscribers.
  9. Chekan Winter is a fabulous Remix.
  10. I totally stumbled across Blind Guardian while watching AMV's when I was 17, just as my heavy Metallica obsession was starting to fade. And just like that, I had a new obsession, it was called Power Metal. Such good days. Well you came to the right place and asked the right people, this has become a pretty awesome list. Casseopeia totally had me singing for months. That whole album is amazing. Excellent Production. Since it was my suggestion, does that mean I Win?
  11. OK, The trip to MAGFest was totally out of the question financially. But then I got a huge scholarship that basically means I don't have to worry about tuition anymore. So all of a sudden Magfest is a very real possibility! I read the first page but it seems like it could use an update, what are the rooming/boarding situations like? Are there any people here who are looking for an extra for a room or have some floor space to crash on, etc? Should I start looking at grabbing a room for myself? Does anyone else need one? I'm familiar with many of the OCR names but I don't actually "know" anyone really, so any help I get will be marvelous.
  12. Wes and LuketheXJesse have done a wonderful job in my opinion, we share similar interests, so I will fill in with the few other bands I would add to the list. Dragonland is awesome! So musically delicious! Go listen for yourself! 3 from their awesome album Astronomy: Casseopeia 4 from their older albums: Ok I don't have time to do more links atm, but I will recommend some others. STRATOVARIUS - Have some great songs but can grow old quick. Pretty recycled formula. IN FLAMES - I have liked almost every song ever made by this band. BLIND GUARDIAN - Again, pretty much every song they've made is worth listening to. Love it all. MERCENARY - 11 Dreams MERCENARY - Everblack MERCENARY - Screaming from the Heavens ELVENKING - Hobs and Feathers ELVENKING - Skywards ELVENKING - Pagan Purity FALCONER - Portals of Light FALCONER - Clarion Call FALCONER - Enter the Glade FALCONER - Decadence of Dignity X JAPAN - X X JAPAN - Kurenai ANGRA - Rebirth ANGRA - Acid Rain SOILWORK - 20 Miles SOILWORK - Nerve SOILWORK - As We Speak Hmm so many good tunes! oh. And Saitama Seisyu Heiki. Search SSH Holy Orders on youtube.
  13. I just listened to this and while I can see why it did get a no, I like the ideas here. The piano part is well written and fitting to the piece, they work great and I think it works well as an outro too. Quality would need to be improved if it were to be accepted, but I enjoyed listening to it! The version I am referencing was the one without vocals, apparently there is a vocal version looking at the post above. I will go find that one now.
  14. Dyne I have a Diamond Dust remix WIP from Sonic 3D blast (PC), I'll send you something by monday, we'll see what I get done on it.
  15. This one is solid gold. Sleep my Sephy - Pot Hocket also comes to mind. Some tracks on the Time and Space album are AMAZING. And Jillian Goldins "Through Sand and Snow" album. Not ReMixes per say, but most definitely soothing, not to mention super appropriate for the upcoming season. Great Christmas Disc.
  16. Obstuse, This is true for me too! I think if I crash my car listening to music, it will probably be this song. Or one of bLiNd's. Why I forgot to mention him is unbelievable considering how much I appreciate his music too... Jordan get in here! I also want to know what your trance suggestions are man.
  17. Freakin internet issues! ACK! Since this is my 3rd attempt you get the short version. Zircon's "Breathing You In" is worth checking out. I really dig it. IF you like trance, you know Andre Tanneberger; ATB. If you don't know him, then look him up as some of his stuff should be right up your alley judging by that video. Which I liked. Good track.
  18. Just updated to 0.8.5, get file up top.
  19. Thanks neblix. #1, Yeah, that "Good Luck" will not be in the final version. #2. Which parts did you feel were most repetitive? #3. Great point on the bitrate #4. I will check the EQ on the intro synth. I thought I had it alright, but it will get another look on my next pass.
  20. Thanks L99. To everyone else, if you have stopped by to check out the WIP, please comment; WIP feedback makes the OCR world go round! Thanks!
  21. UPDATE Jan 14th 2010 Corneria Airspace 0.981 Getting closer. Need to make it a bit louder, would like to find a better bassline synth. What else? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ UPDATE: Spent a few hours improving this mix last night. Modified the bassline, adjusted the volumes, EQ'd and REQ'd some stuff, added some synth pads. All of this *SHOULD* make for an improved track... You tell me. Corneria Airspace 0.8.5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This remix was birthed out of an OHC entry over at thasauce.net. I've been at it for a while and figured it was time to get some additional feedback. Its the Corneria theme from Starfox, and it's a techno remix of sorts. Corneria Airspace Remix v0.8.1 Please comment! Thanks all.


  23. Mustin, thanks a ton. Didn't know about that site, have it bookmarked now. Got those tracks, and don't worry Dan, I won't think anything less of you after listening to these songs. Thanks all!
  24. Discussion on IRC lead me to bring up the Time & Space album from Oneup Studios. Hemophiliac brought to my attention the fact that there existed a green version, the first incarnation of this album. Apparently there are a few different tracks on this disc, though the rereleased blue album had better production values. I want this green Time & Space album. If you happen to own it and could part with it, PM me or post here. I could not get enough of the blue Time & Space. It is probably the best game arrangement album I have heard yet, and is one of my favorite albums of all time. For those who are not familiar with it, it is an absolutely fantastic tribute to Yasunori Mitsuda. Your favorite Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Xenogears songs are there and rearranged/performed/produced by people like Mustin, Mellogear, Dale North, mp, Ailsean, Kaijin, and more. It is available on itunes, go pick it up. If you have a green one PM me with your reasonable price including shipping.
  25. This thread reminded me of an ad for Gamesradar I saw in a game mag a while back. It apparently has a higher average minutes per site visit than facebook and myspace or something like that. Has anyone been there? I just remembered it now, but don't feel like investigating
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