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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. I second this. There are some neat ideas on this album. I ipoded it to listen to it and don't plan on taking it off anytime soon. Recommended! :nicework::nicework: out of 5 Also, OHC is amazing.
  2. haha, OHC for mayor. lol. OHC is the highlight of my week.
  3. There are tons of albums, at least 3 for each Final Fantasy game, or at least the major ones...
  4. Good thread, opens my eyes to this issue that otherwise I would not have much experience with. I can feel the frustration being expressed here by some of you. I haven't read the whole thread, so I don't know if Xerol has posted here, but I know some of his stuff has been stolen and sold for profit actually. His whole site was jacked if I am not mistaken. Just stupid! Some real idiots out there...
  5. I was just talking with Xerol about this on IRC recently, some guy in Asia was pretending to be him and actually making money off of his stuff. I haven't read this whole thread, so maybe that's been mentioned here. Listening to the frustration of members here really adds a personal element to plagiarism for me. I don't steal stuff and give credit when possible and reasonable, but I never thought much about it. This is a good thread for raising awareness.
  6. If things are going to get out of hand here, allow me to contribute via an FF album onslaught. Do not follow these links. You have been warned. EDIT! I removed the insane list here after reading the part at the beginning about no looking up. Haha! I definitely broke that rule. So I'll go off memory and see what I come up with! Final Fantasy OST Final Fantasy II OST Final Fantasy III OST Final Fantasy IV OST Final Fantasy V OST Final Fantasy VIOST Final Fantasy VII OST Final Fantasy VIII OST Final Fantasy IX OST Final Fantasy X OST Final Fantasy X-2 OST Final Fantasy XI OST Final Fanrasy XII OST Black Mages Black Mages: The Skies Above Final Fantasy Tactics OST Final Fantasy Tactics: The Diaries of Olan Final Fantasy Tactics Advanced OST Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion Relaxing with Final Fantasy: Potion 2 Final Fantasy 1984-1994 Final Fantasy 1994-1999 Final Fantasy Vocal Collections: Pray Final Fantasy Vocal Collections 2: Love Will Grow. I know there is a piano album for most of the Final Fantasies but not sure which ones... There are LOTS more than were listed here but I can't remember them!
  7. Rofl The Coop. Lets not forget this classic: FINAL FANTASY A+
  8. ZealPath! Did you see my Distant Worlds Vancouver thread earlier? I flew down from Grande Prairie, Alberta to hit up that concert with some friends! I was really hoping to finally connect with someone from this community there, lol. Now I'll nave to wait for Magfest 9... Wonderful summary of the whole show! I couldn't have described it better, so I am glad you did! I was so pumped I could barely contain myself at times, haha! I was 26th row back on the main floor area, but sitting right in the center aisle, so I had a great view. Some friends of mine had some separate tickets and were sitting on the left side way up in the balcony. The view was pretty cool from the ledge up there too. Also, I was expecting a lot more cosplay at such an event! There was not much at all, in fact the only truly notable chartacter was this one. I give you one guess who she is...When I took this picture, someone behind me asked her who she was supposed to be! She immediately began to summon Odin on his ass, thus the green light in her eyes. (Or maybe it was just my blackberry taking a bad picture, It was all a blur really) Anyway, it was a great show on a great trip to Vancouver! beeteedub ZealPath, where were you sitting for this show?
  9. Darangen has also done a great job of integrating other songs into his mixes, though if I do recall, that has been a point of controversy in the past. I appreciate a lot of Darangen's music, and his songs do a tribute both to the vg source and the song he draws inspiration from, as the source melody and composition is integrated into the sonic stylings of another track. "Collision" on the Voice of the Lifestream album was inspired by David Crowder Band's track "Do Not Move"; Darangen's song literally sounded like David Crowder Band was playing the North Cave Theme" Very cool!
  10. This task may require more reflection and thoughtfulness than anything I am doing in my 3rd year college classes, haha. I have a few ideas, but the paper comes first! This is fun though!
  11. I actually enjoyed the first resistance quite a bit, the second one not as much. I would probably check out 3 but only if I start to get bored or very irresponsible with my time...
  12. I watched the first one, seems good. Starfox credit music?! I can definitely handle that!
  13. Wes, that must see list is an exact copy of mine! I am looking up tours for those bands now. If any of them come to western Canada, I may be able to cap off an already excellent year for concerts. Otherwise I'll have to move my ass to Vancouver so I can at least catch whatever swings Seattle's way... I just got back from Distant Worlds. It was worth the flights that's for sure. Great show!
  14. Thanks for a response. Im gone for a few days starting tomorrow, I should be able to get you something when I get back. I don't have too much of anything vocal done yet, if you wanted an idea for sound wise, my voice probably sounds a bit like the mc for Linkin Park. ish.

    I'll send something your way in a week/ish. Thanks

  15. Cause I am, and I would like to shake your hand afterwards. Or at least say hello. Maybe talk about how AWESOME Distant Worlds was!
  16. Impreza WRX, lol. Your choice of handle and preference of indie game is consistent! ! I have heard braid mentioned around here a few times. I should check that out...
  17. I am very impressed! That is excellent animation; When he is failing at climbing the wall he looks exactly how I would expect him to look! For your effort you shall be awarded..... :nicework: 3 NICE WORKS
  18. For Sale! Presonus Firebox and cubase LE, used three times = 160 includes shipping
  19. This thread is one of my favorite threads on this forum. A persons gear and setup really says a lot about them as people too, its very neat to see everybody's studios. When I get mine set up I will definitely contribute to this thread.
  20. Hey! Happy birthday to the both of you! Thanks for your involvement with OHC Starla, maybe thursday's theme should be birthday?...
  21. A little while ago I stumbled across mattmakesgames.com and have to say that these are some of the best indie games I have played. Super addicting. Some of the platformers are pretty mean, but very intriguing and innovative. I posted a thread here for 2 reasons. The first is that the music from some of the games there is interesting to say the least. I am sure some people here will appreciate it immensely. The second is that I have really not played tons. Do you play indie games? Which ones have you enjoyed the most or spent the most time on? Which ones deserve to be mentioned in discussions of best indie games ever?
  22. Hey M2S7N, Kaleb aka Biznut here.

    Heard your WIP. like it. If you are looking for a vocalist, I would be willing to give it a shot, but I don't have a ton of EB knowledge. Never played it, know only a little about it. If you had some lyrics or ideas I could try to expand off of that. Or you could find someone who does! haha. Anyway, good job so far!

  23. Ditto. Along with the sleepless nights and a general decline in work eithic and motivation. It also got me into some of the most hilarious times of my life Unreal Tournament FTW. and of course music, and this site. Video game music means more to me than video games do at this point in my life.
  24. SKA COLLAB! Im in! I have a few dudes from the local Long and McQuade (music store) who are going to join us on the OHC sometime soon too. Its getting biiiggggeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!
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