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The Biznut

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Everything posted by The Biznut

  1. Hi DJP, Kaleb, aka the Biznut on these forums.

    As per your preference I'll take that torrent I posted down. I meant no harm of course, I was itching for that torrent just a while ago as well, so I saw it as an opportunity to contribute. While I don't need a -1850 torrent now, I am sure someone will appreciate it. Thanks.

  2. Yo bud, heres the thread. I just posted the torrent. now go win a prize
  3. Thats right. Two weeks ago I manually downloaded the latest 120 OCRemixes to stock up a fresh ipod for a 17hour round trip drive, the whole time wondering why there wasn't a torrent yet. DJMetal asked the same question. Your answer is here. I think 1 mix might be missing, sincere apologies if this is the case. To make up for it, I will find a prize and mail it to the first person who can PM me with the name of the missing mix, or verify that everything is as it should be. How fun is that? Cue random prize potential music! If someone wants to add this torrent to the actual OCRemix torrents section, that would be helpful for the community. I'm assuming thats a job for an OCR admin. Please Seed, this may be in high demand. Enjoy! Thanks to everyone who contributed in the last year or so!
  4. I was wondering that very thing not 2 weeks ago. I just donwloaded em all manually, took me an hour. I'll put together a 1701-1800 torrent here, hang tight.
  5. Dammit I gotta go to sleep, only made it 13 pages into this thread...lets see. It started with some upset dude, then he went away for a while about the time djp hacked VGMix, that is, IF he actually exists...an insurrection cause Sixto got NO'd, Doug owes Larry five bucks...or was it a confession? I dunno. It was a lot to read, some big posts. Then Larry said: and thats where I stopped. Its best to stop when you get to e-penis. Good Policy.
  6. Mr Mephisto! Kaleb here aka Biznut on these forums.

    Apparently you want to build me a computer. Sounds like you are the guy to do it too based on what I read of your initial post.

    If I gave you 1000 bucks to build me a computer that would be used for recording/mixing (FL Studio) and occasional gaming, what sort of hardware and specs might I see? Maybe this is a bit vague, but answer as best you can. I'm awful curious about how good an offer this could be :)

    Thanks a ton, for this and your remixes!

  7. Im gonna say....yeah...I think I enjoyed MK64 Rainbow Road as a track. I have been trying to remember it just now and all I can think of is that Sonic Dreampipe remix. I think thats what it was called.... . .. ... ....
  8. speaking of awesome tracks, if you have any requests WITH A MIDI SOURCE, let Starla know, apparently we could use just a few more. Rami....I don't want NUNNA yer coal.....
  9. Hey Starla, Kaleb aka The Biznut on these forums.

    Thanks for your excellent vocals on "Permutation". I put it on my ipod before a loooong drive a while back, and when I first heard it I was happy I did. I sung it more than a few times that day, its catchy and the vocal melody is smart. Great voice and an excellent mix!

  10. Matchups coming soon...what am I gonna get? It feels like Christmas...
  11. enjoyed the title track bud, haven't heard the rest yet. Looks good so far, thanks man!
  12. whoda thunk it? My favorite track was the megaman 3 Wily track. If I heard that in a club.... ditto. twice. As mentioned, it is one megamix, I chopped it in audacity and didn't cut anything out. It would be a breeze to sew it back together.
  13. A few years ago I heard a snippet of a wicked Sonic 2: Chemical Plant remix. I made it my mission to find a complete version of that song. After many forums and google searches later I found it, buried deep in the Tranceaddicts.com forum. But to my great joy, I found much more than that, I found a whole VGM Remix album that was created by some skilled people in that community. I am not sure if its available anymore, I have heard the album mentioned once before on the forums here, so some people may have it or know of it. EITHER WAY, I have split the tracks (it was one hourplus long mp3) and started a torrent that I will seed for the next while if anyone else would like it. The files are numbered and the mp3s are tagged. Grab it here Credit to TranceAddicts for a great project. I sure enjoyed it!
  14. Do you still hang around here Sam? been 2 years I see...probably not. PM me if you do though.

  15. killer sound man. I like it a lot, great work!
  16. Hey David, Kaleb here, aka The Biznut on these forums.

    Regarding your boss album, I would like to try my hand at the Lunar 2 Boss Battle Theme. I am a bit pressed for time, but I want to support this album, not to mention I have always wanted to remix the song I have chosen. ANYWAY, I thought since you posted the Boss Remix Project, you would be the one to inform about this. If I am mistaken, my bad, lol.

    Hopefully I can come up with something good and contribute. I haven't done tons of remixes, but hell are they fun!

  17. I got a hellalotta stuff goin on, BUT I want to get behind this project! I think I can make it happen, SO I am going to try to get something in for this. I was debating between two songs all day, the X vx Zero theme from Megaman X5 or the Boss Battle theme from Lunar 2: Eternal Blue. Both songs are awesome, I'll probably do the Lunar 2 theme because its not so widely known. And it is so good! I hope I can make it work...
  18. I strongly suggest Mirrors Edge as well, someone else suggested it. Army of two was fun (2 player of course) and another game I sure got into was Project Sylpheed. It wasn't a huge hit, and I am positive you could find it new for $20 somewhere by now. You pilot a spacefighter through various missions along a plotline. The plot isn't an award winner, but I have definitely seen worse, and the cinematics were totally great; I spent hours afterward trying to find a way to rip the highdef videos from the game disc because I wanted them so bad, lol.
  19. This thread has almost a quarter million views...dats lotz.
  20. This thread has almost 400 pages and over 130000 views. "Thats a lotta nuts!"
  21. I must say I am pretty pumped about this. I have 2 mixes in the works and am excited at the thought of doing a song someone else wants to hear. It is the type of exercise that can stretch you creatively, make you better. I'm too lazy to get better on my own, for the most part. This group challenge brings some extra motivation to me at least, I'm sure others feel the same. This is a great idea, glad lots of people are involved!
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