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Everything posted by HitoriJaNai

  1. Lemme start off by first saying that this... this is AWESOME. I can't even begin to describe how amazing this is, how much effort must have been put in to make this what it is... it is simply remarkable. This song also has some of the best choral work I have heard in a while! That said, is it just me, or is there some clicking in the song itself? It may be, but its bothering me a good bit, and I just want to know.
  2. Super job right here! I remember this from the WIP boards... I was so excited to hear this, not just because the song itself is awesome but also because the game brings back huge moments of nostalgia. Ah, MMPR. But really, the song is amazing. I'm glad that Willrock is branching out and trying out some new things. His synth trademark isn't getting old, by any means, but this breath of fresh air makes the synthy goodness all the better to listen to.
  3. If the new era sounds anything at all like this... it is going to be an era made of AWESOME oh, and cheese. Most definitely cheese.
  4. Just wanted to be a little upfront and say that I do have a WIP, waiting to be seen.
  5. Ooooooooooooooy.

  6. Oh, good, then he won't have to wait at all.
  7. ... this. Seriously, this is made of win and awesome. My only advice is to keep up what you're doing, because not only is this turning into pure awesome, but it is also representing one of my favorite game music soundtracks. Ever. It also reminds me I should probably return to my roots and try to remix some more KH tunes. A project doesn't sound too bad, either... but not now, of course, later, when there's not dozens of projects popping up like babies. o.o
  8. Oh, thank god. I was pretty sure that was a female voice... phew.
  9. Leave it to you two to ReMix a theme from a game like StarFox Adventures, something that brings back a ton of childhood memories, and make it into one of the most awesome-sounding things in a long while. Its quite obvious that the cooperation and effort put in on both sides was mutualistic, and the end product has the effect of simultaneously making me want to cry (in a good way) and rawk out like there's no tomorrow. Shweet tune, and looking forward to hearing many more awesome tunes!!!
  10. Waiting for a reply from Arcana, but I realized it might be better to post here and make it public. ; I would very much like to join this project, of course. My genre of choice? Orchestra, infused with new age pads and such. Unless there's a problem, which I can't see...
  11. I walk away from a conversation, and apparently there's all this side-convo stuff. Anyways, yes, I'm both an unofficial ReMixer and trombonist for the Plaid Muffins. That is no secret. Let's go back to focusing on the project itself, here, shall we?
  12. HALLE-FRICKIN'-LUJAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *commence happy dance and party streamers*
  13. Right away, my apologies. *poofs*
  14. Perhaps, perhaps not. Who knows?
  15. OH HOLY YES FRICKIN SWEET Er, I mean, awesome. I'll be there.
  16. Ah, a blast from the past... For the game itself. This track is new to me, of course, and it gets me up out of my chair and dancing. Thanks for answering that request and remixing a track from one of the few games that I've really played a lot. This actually made my day.
  17. Well, this is certainly piquing my interest more and more after every new trailer! Also, I don't know if it explained it quite as well in the trailer, but apparently Kevin Flynn, Jeff Bridges' character, disappeared some time after becoming the CEO of the company that had used his technology, and what's most interesting is that he put himself back into the Tron world. Not to mention that his son, back in the real world, carries on the torch and ends up finding his dad inside the world. Also... Olivia Wilde for the win. Just saying.
  18. WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!? *searches list* Oh... holy... crap. SHWEET!
  19. Hooooooooooooray and happy birthday!
  20. FL Studio (any version of it) unfortunately does not support the Wordbuilder in Symphonic Choirs, simply because FL does not support polyphonic aftertouch. For standalone, you probably cannot run it without a DAW.
  21. Well, I must say that I'm glad this album is coming out soon (correct me if I'm wrong, 95% percent sure it is). I'm always excited to hear new music come out from OCR, and though this may be a smaller and, personally for me, unknown game, I look forward to hearing it reinterpreted. My last thoughts on this are that, in the end, ladies and gents, I believe it comes down to the music. We can all have our gripes and secretly or openly dislike other people, but at the end of the day, we should all be able to sit back and acknowledge that its still music, and the music doesn't necessarily reflect the attitude of the person. I hope everyone has a good night/day/week/month, etc. Now, let's find that root of all evil, shall we?
  22. I'm actually going to go ahead and give my two cents and say that the old one sounds better to me. The sound is less grating to my ears, specifically in the guitars. Maybe its my headphones or something, but I switched headphones to check too and they still sounded like they wanted to destroy my hearing.
  23. Dude... epic win. Seriously. O.O
  24. Well, being a huge Kingdom Hearts fan and knowing that it needs some love, I'd like to claim the Sora track, please. ; Unless I missed something important... EDIT: Aw, crap, just saw the part about being an OCR regular... is that officially how its going to work or what?
  25. You, sir, have teh brilliantness-zors. I'm already excited as is, now. Time to us the excitement to get my part down and record and such! Best to solidify my position.
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