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OCR01660 - Marathon "The Forerunner Mix (Beta)"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I really like how Nick phrases this, and it seems appropriate. The mix really reminds me of like the music of a presentation at a planetarium i.e. something that represent the majesty, mystery, and awe of outer space. Like Alpha, I've listened to Beta versus Under Cover of Night. One can tell that Under Cover of Night was meant to be ambient background music, but it didn't quite make it. Beta astoundingly perfects what Under Cover of Night should have been. In my opinion, Alpha and Beta are better than the Halo soundtrack . As in, Alpha and Beta are what should have been in the Halo soundtrack. -
OCR01659 - Marathon "The Forerunner Mix (Alpha)"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I'm not as familiar with the Marathon soundtrack as I am with the Halo soundtracks, so I hear those themes more predominately, but still... Listening to Covenant Dance versus Alpha puts this mix into perspective; it really shows where Alpha came from, where Alpha goes, and just how far Alpha does go. And it is amazing. All in all, it's an enjoyable listen, an awesome mix, and an absolute must download. -
Smooth, Jazzy, Dark, Atmospheric yet light-hearted-ish. It is noticeably repetitive, but to me this seems like it'd be the background music for a cave level, so it can be forgiven. This is music worth downloading and studying by.
Hol-lee Cow! The sheer amount of awesomeness in that made me a little dain brammaged. Can't wait for this.
OCR01542 - Super Mario World "Koopa vs. Kefka"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Whenever I listen to this, I get an image of the Phantom of the Opera who moved into one of the castles of Super Mario World, specifically the one in the Forest of Illusion, and is performing in front of a massive pipe organ. On the other hand, I've never really considered this mix and how it relates to Bowser like that before. It's already been noted that Bowser has a bizarre relationship with Mario; one day he's kidnapping Mario's love interest and trying to destroy the universe, and the next day he's playing golf or racing go-karts with Mario. This mix only adds another layer of mystery to riddle wrapped in enigma trapped in puzzle that is Bowser. Maybe I'm reading a little too much into the mix, but that's what makes it great; it so complex and contemplative. This is a definitely must download. -
OCR01480 - Super Street Fighter II Turbo "Flying Heaven"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This mix has "Hero's Anthem" stamped all over it; something like from the Forbidden Kingdom soundtrack. All in all, freakin' awesome mix and one of my favorites from Blood on the Asphalt/SSF2THDR Soundtrack. -
Steam Sale Until Jan. 2nd - 10% off everything, 25+% off on others
42 replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: Huge Success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. I found one game, AudioSurf, and it's awesome. -
This is, like, groovy, techno, cocktail lounge, jet setting jazz. Also, the violin work here is unimaginably good. Very smooth and highly recommended.
This mix, the intro especially, reminds me of how in action movies during the climactic explosion time slows down and leaves the heroes running in slow motion in front of a giant fireball that's about to consume everything. One can almost feel the heat while listening to this mix.
Here's my story. --------------------------------------------------------- The only real indication of the teardrop of a ship moving through space was the occasional blinking of a star, but since stars only blink when viewed through an atmosphere, it was highly obvious that something was there. That something happened to be the I.S.S. Perseverance populated by the Iin'Go. Captain Zorbj leaned over and picked out one of the freshly harvested kacar seeds to eat with his beak and then craned his serpentine neck back around to look over his science officer's shlumped shoulders at the tiny display screen. Science officer Irp always hated it when the captain crowded his personal space, but there was little he could do about it. "Uiriir ien neiar aritoe nenw nanw," Zorbj burbled. Irp blinked and allowed the implications of these new orders to sink in. He twisted his neck to face his captain. "Wait... what?," said Irp, and then noticed the visible bulge the wad of seeds made in his commanding officer's cheek and the thin strand of drool oozing from Zorbj's beak ending in a globule that reflected red and yellow light emanating from various terminals around the dimmed bridge that reminded Irp of the jeweled baubles sold during the Festival of Thrixx. A hint of a smile appeared at the edges of Irp's beak. Zorbj realized what Irp was staring at and glared frumiously at him for approximately 3.4 seconds before spitting the seed hulls at Irp and nearly knocking him out. As the newest member of Zorbj's crew, Irp still had not learned the hard lesson of always take the captain seriously. The Iin'Go (Borrogovus Phoenicapterylus) are a curious species inasmuch that they are just plain strange. By their calculations, they should not be; their home world is not encouraging for the development of sentient species, nor should their physiology allow for high intelligence, much less even sentience. They don't even, for example, have arms for manipulation, only stubby useless wings. How tall, gangly, dingy, flightless, mop-like birds became an intelligent space ferrying civilization was beyond even their best scientists. It was as if the very Fates have messed up. Because of all this, the Iin'Go have adopted a "We're sentient, might as well make the best of it" attitude. This was pretty much why Captain Zorbj and his crew were exploring for new life forms: it wasn't that they weren't curious, but it was that searching for new alien life was just something that space ferrying civilizations did. "Enter in coordinates 3K.63Z 8309x Plural Z Alpha," Zorbj commanded as Irp regained consciousness. Irp sighed and pecked out the coordinates on the touch screen with his beak rattling his brain again. As stressful as being scrutinized by the captain and having ones head traumatized was, Irp was thankful he wasn't old K'nirk, the ships navigator/pilot. Old K'nirk wore the navigator's helmet which coincidentally looked like an old Earth style aviator's helmet and goggles and was strapped into a harness with one of his legs wrapped around a heavy lever on the floor, his other leg working a another lever on a nearby wall, and his long neck twisted around a third lever juxtaposed awkwardly from the ceiling. Also K'nirk, who, because of a ship's design flaw, had the emergency klaxon placed next to his head, was almost deaf. At least, he blamed it on the klaxon. Irp finished entering in the data sequence. With an awkwardly loud "Bwooop!" and a sudden stop to announce the exit from superspace, the view screen that took up the entire forward wall lit up. "By the seven moons of Nakmoore!" exclaimed Zorbj. On the view screen hung a blue and green marble with white swirls. A thick layer of awe had settled across the bridge, none of the bridge crew had ever seen anything as beautiful as this planet before. Captain Zorbj and Officer Irp were so enamored with the view in front of them (At least, Zorbj and Irp were in awe; Old K'nirk had fallen asleep. Again.) that they almost didn't notice that they were about to collide with an asteroid, which caused them to come to their senses quickly. Irp performed a quick level 4 scan and was surprised to find not just life, but intelligent life on a planet in such a backwaters part of the galaxy. It is hard to remain upbeat after 1543 days without finding so much as protoplasmic amebas. "Heh, the dominate species is so primitive that they still think that the concept of digital watches is a pretty neat idea," smirked Irp. "So it is settled. We're forming a landing party!" Zorbj always tended to rush things. They chose a peninsula on the southern part of the north west continent that the locals called "Floor-uh-dah", which they picked up from local broadcasts. The landing craft landed with a thump in the warm, subtropical mud of the alien planet. Due to budget cuts from the High Council, landing parties were limited to only three crew members, which happened to be Zorbj, Irp, and Old K'nirk. In fact, they were the only crew aboard the I.S.S. Perseverance. The bay door opened with a hiss and all the majestic, awe inspiring pomp and circumstance that comes with the first contact between species, complete with the glowing blue-white interior light and the silhouettes of the owners of the spacecraft to create that illusion of mystery, which was all unfortunate really because all there was no one around to witness it. Zorbj and Irp craned their necks to look outside, looked at each other, and looked at Old K'nirk who was staring at a particularly interesting piece of blank wall. By a near unanimous decision and a swift kick later, Old K'nirk was the first out the hatch and landed with a thump. Zorbj and Irp listened intently. All they heard was the occasional hack and cough from Old K'nirk, so they joined their crewmate. Irp was the first to feel it. Something in the air, something they hadn't detected before. It started as a twitchy itch right where he couldn't scratch it. Then it spread all over his body and changed into a fierce burning sensation. Irp could tell that the others were experiencing something similar by the way they were also screeching, squawking, rolling around in mud, going mad, and generally doing everything to make the sensation stop. Their feet and feathers were falling off, their insides were dissolving, their legs were calcifying into hard metal, their bodies were slowly stiffening, and their skin was mollifying into a waxy substance that was garishly pink. Zorbj aimed his stiffening neck and beak for the transceiver he brought and fell on it with a hollow "donk" destroying the device. Zorbj's last though was "Oh, no. Not again." as the landing craft took off on autopilot to rendezvous with the main ship. In a nearby farmhouse, a dog that was more fashion accessory than household pet was barking incessantly and thick Scottish brogue rang out, "Eustace, go out and see what that was." "Muriel, you just focus on supper." said Eustace as he kicked down the door in a way that it was obvious that he had rented too many action DVDs and bravely wielding a 12-iron. "Dang kids and their firecrackers," mumbled Eustace, and Muriel came out anyway. Eustace with Muriel in toe eventually stumbled over Irp, Zorbj, and Old K'nirk lying in the mud next to a scorched crater. He squatted down and picked up one by the leg. "Yup, crazy kids and their firecrackers and garbage." "You know, these look like those Flamingo birds," observed Muriel in her trademark Scottish accent, and the very next day, there was Zorbj, Irp, and Old K'nirk in their front yard. Plastic yard flamingos caught on like wildfire. It was several years later though before people started manufacturing plastic flamingos that weren't posed like they were writhing in agony. Even today, the early writhing in agony plastic flamingos are very rare and often sought by collectors. The landing pod that brought Zorbj, Irp, and Old K'nirk eventually crashed into the main ship, and the combined mass crashed near Roswell. Both are currently housed in Area 51.
OCR01723 - Mega Man 3 "The Passing of the Blue Crown"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Freaking Awesome. I love the transition from the piano to the wailing guitars. This mix is so dynamic, powerful, epic, and made of win that it drips pure awesomeness. If you aren't downloading and listening to this song now, why aren't you? -
OCR01231 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Ganon's Temple"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Very smooth and ambient, and great jazz I have to admit the intro wasn't to enticing for me;it's slow to start, but later on it gets going into something more substantial. All in all, a great mix. -
OCR00533 - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Hawaii Shoppi'n"
42 replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
imho, it isn't Hawaiian enough. Not bad a remix, but not exactly my cup of tea either. It is definitely a fun original take on the Zelda Shop theme. -
OCR01408 - Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past "Ten Rupees"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
If you were playing this live in a club, this is the kind of song you'd play between sets. It's that smooth quiet song that the jazz band plays after the main performance while everyone else chats with the other socialites and secretly listens to and enjoys. This is a highly recommended download. -
OCR00202 - Maniac Mansion "Manic Mugenical"
42 replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Funky. Still a little too "out there" and repetitive for my tastes. Ultimately, I don't really care for this mix. -
OCR00713 - Ninja Gaiden "Floor Master Ninja"
42 replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Nice and contained, but it doesn't really hold my attention. Ultimately, nothing too special and an o.k. remix. -
OCR01376 - Sonic & Knuckles "Lava Reach"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
It's kind of strange to here a tune that's been treated relatively light hearted in other remixes to now be so techno and Mortal Kombat-esque, especially with the "Now, it is time." sample. This is still a cool remix though. It's definitely hardcore, techno, climatic, and dire. It has this air of finality throughout the mix; it's like the background anthem for the final fight of two lifelong rivals where they know that one isn't going to survive. if that makes sense >.> -
OCR01516 - Super Mario Bros. "Super Mario Blues"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I'm already a big fan of jazz, so this mix is twice over one of my favorites. Even if this wasn't a video game arrangement, it's still some of the best jazz evar. Plain and simply smooth, classic, and nostalgic. An absolute must download for the jazz and/or Super Mario Bros. theme lover. -
OCR00177 - Moon Patrol "Shanecappella Vox Beat"
42 replied to m68030's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Interesting. ...and bizarre. Although I really like the concept of an a capella mix, I don't necessarily this nor Moon patrol is the best approach. Still an "A" for effort though. -
OCR00407 - Jurassic Park (GEN) "Raptor Waltz"
42 replied to Ginnsu's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Very dark and serious, but it's not as suspenseful or rapid as one would think. I guess this is more being hunted by raptors than being chased by raptors. Still, it's a very moody atmospheric mix and is very good in that respect. I don't really like raptor sound samples; I think they're a little too distracting from the mix. Ultimately, this mix is an incredibly good Halloween anthem. -
OCR01176 - Ice Climber "Snow Cone Heaven"
42 replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Awesome mix. I love that boogie-woogie piano in the background, very nice. This is just a plain and simple fun mix. Very cool and an absolute must download. -
OCR00545 - Final Fantasy IV "Gold Chocobo's Casino"
42 replied to orkybash's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
This reminds me of those bands that play background music for those restaurants in hotels, which , judging by the title, is what the remixer was aiming for anyway. I don't really care for the lead xylophone, but that's really the only thing I have against it. Overall it's a nice track.