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    djpretzel reacted to bLiNd in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    going to get on this asap, just gotta update the project files
  2. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Chipamp Updated to v1.1!   
    @CarlosR Thanks for this info; we definitely need to update soon, and having this list will help!
    @Liontamer Looks like another JIRA task for you & me
  3. Like
    djpretzel reacted to CarlosR in Chipamp Updated to v1.1!   
    I like Winamp for listen chiptune, and Chipamp is a good bundle making easy to use Winamp, but there is a lot of time Chipamp do not receive a update, I had make a preliminary work about some plugins update and some new plugins for Chipamp .
    updated plugins
    vio2sf 0.23.13       http://foobar2000.xrea.jp/up/index.php?page=all
    asap 3.2.0        http://asap.sourceforge.net/
    in_sidplay2       http://www.lemon64.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=61429 https://github.com/zbych-r/in_sidplay2/
    MDX Input Plugin 1.14.5   http://www.vesta.dti.ne.jp/~tsato/soft_sound.html
    VGM input plugin 0.40.7   http://vgmrips.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=112
    VGMStream r1050-test   http://hcs64.com/vgmstream.html
    NotSo Fatso       http://www.slickproductions.org/notsofatso.php (officil By Disch)   http://drag.wootest.net/notso/ (fork By Drag) (new links for update)
    new plugins
    aoqsf 0.07       http://foobar2000.xrea.jp/up/index.php?page=all
    FMP/PMD input plugin   http://www.vesta.dti.ne.jp/~tsato/soft_sound.html
    AdPlug 1.8.2       http://www.shikadi.net/adplug/
    WinAHX           http://www.abyss-online.de/static/download/
    NEZplug++       http://offgao.net/program/nezplug++.html
    in_ncsf           http://www.cyberbotx.com/NCSF/
    in_org           https://github.com/Yukitty/in_org
    in_hively       http://www.hivelytracker.co.uk/downl.php
    in_openmpt       https://lib.openmpt.org/libopenmpt/  (I use it to replace in_mod, this is the best module playback)
    in_xsf           https://github.com/CyberBotX/in_xsf  
    AUD Player       http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/AUD_Player
    Highly Competitive   http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/Highly_Competitive http://snsf.caitsith2.net/
    IMF Music Player    http://www.vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php/IMF_Music_Player_Winamp_Plugin https://sourceforge.net/projects/newwolf/files/Editing tools/in_imf WinAMP plugin/
    MSXplug           https://github.com/digital-sound-antiques/in_msx
    Ken's plugin       http://www.advsys.net/ken/download.htm#in_ken
  4. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Mirby in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    So yeah, I'm actually playing this game.... slowly but surely
    My own thoughts:
    To me, this does ABSOLUTELY feel like "Skyrim Lite" - but I think that's a perfectly fine thing, and almost ALL of the streamlining they've done makes complete sense. I like Skyrim's approach to BGM better; over-world music, most of the time, including loading screen... this feels a little quiet. I'm playing on the Switch, handheld only, and I love the form factor & experience; one of the most immersive handheld gaming experiences I've had. The voice acting ain't great, and it's miscast as has been noted, but I'm reluctant to call it "bad" - I think it's just not up to snuff with the rest of the game. I haven't encountered any "Suffer Like G Did" moments.... yet. Generally speaking, I'm getting the same positive vibes that I did when I FIRST played the original Metroid Prime - they've taken a classic and reinvented/modernized it in a way that clicks. That's not easy, as we know
  5. Like
    djpretzel reacted to MindWanderer in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild   
    Speedrunners have gotten it down to under the 1 hour mark already.  I kind of feel sorry for them, though--for them to be grinding speedruns in the first week to master it down to that level means they're not really spending time playing the game as intended.  Well, to each their own.
  6. Like
    djpretzel reacted to JJT in ReMixer JJT on SNL   
    I'm really good at the piano
  7. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Patrick Burns in ReMixer JJT on SNL   
    nuff said. I was at a workshop put on by one of my favorite guitarists years ago. someone raised their hand and asked, "how do I get noticed?" His response: "get good."
  8. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Yosh1PrisMa in OCR03500 - Super Mario RPG "The Usurper Queen"   
    It is recommended not to disturb the administrator, because this song is very aggressive for my body, but seriously speaking I love it a lot,  I really did not expect to hear an aggressive remix of Mr. djpretzel  (I like it so much added as a favorite on my playlist on my phone)
    Before ending this text, I imagine djpretzel throwing money like a champion with this song
    ~Dr. Sephy 
  9. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Gario in OCR03506 - Warframe "The Last Sequence"   
    Mmm, I really, really liked this one. It has its share of flaws, but I'll be damned if I say the arrangement as a stand-alone piece is anything other than great. The sound design is just tasty, and the builds are breathtaking. You'd be doing yourself a disservice not listening to this one, even if you're not familiar with the source.
    Check it out.
  10. Like
    djpretzel reacted to DragonAvenger in *NO* Mega Man 2 'Shredding the Air' *RESUB*   
    Pretty much agreeing with the NO votes here: the saw synth is pretty vanilla, and being close to the source melody isn't helping the situation. Adding some changes in the melody and playing around with the lead will help set it apart more and overall will feel way more interpretive. The bass is a pretty awesome sound, but I agree that it is a tad low (apparently a little too far from the first sub!) and could be brought up just a bit. Lastly I'm going to agree that the soundscape feels a bit empty at times, and the rhythm guitars do seem like the issue there. 
    All that being said, the solos and a lot of the drumwork really is pretty unique and fun, and I enjoyed what you did to the arrangement in general to make it your own. I think you can (and should!) take some more creative liberties like you've got here in future works. Look forward to hearing from you again!
    NO (resubmit)
  11. Like
    djpretzel reacted to SkyRiderX in On the Breath of the Wind - Wind Waker Project - Breaking News: SkyRiderX Co-Director!!!!   
    Awesome news everyone! We're finally under the review process!! We fell through the cracks somehow, which is why it took this long, but we'll have an answer soon about the album's approval so cross your fingers and start playing your wind wakers so that we pass xD
  12. Like
    djpretzel reacted to JJT in ReMixer JJT on SNL   
    Hey ocremix pals. Just wanted to let you know I'll be playing SNL this week with my new gig, Father John Misty. Check it out. I'll be the guy on piano.
  13. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Mirby in OCRI-0001 - Audio Engineering: A Tribute to Cid   
    Wow. Crazy to think that three years have passed since this was released. 
  14. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Subz1987 in OCR03500 - Super Mario RPG "The Usurper Queen"   
    Parts of this song remind me so much of the BeanBean Castle theme from the first Mario & Luigi game. Really love this reMix. Welcome back to the realm of reMixing, djp
  15. Like
    djpretzel reacted to DjjD in OCR03500 - Super Mario RPG "The Usurper Queen"   
    Definitely one of my personal favorites from the album, so cool. Such posh, much refine.
    Very awesome. \m/
  16. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Geoffrey Taucer in OCR03500 - Super Mario RPG "The Usurper Queen"   
    Instantly one of my favorites from the entire site. It just sounds so. fucking. EVIL!
    I love it
  17. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03501 - Final Fantasy "Find Your Way"   
    Mind-blowing work! I've simply broken the replay button I dare say this is one of the best vocal/rock remixes here! Thank you a lot, Michael.
  18. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Geoffrey Taucer in OCR03501 - Final Fantasy "Find Your Way"   
    Ooooh, I loved this track when Mike showed it to me a few months back, and I love it now. I love how Mike's singing and production have improved over the years. Great job of mixing the guitars so that the vox sound crystal clear while still sitting comfortably in the mix.
  19. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Geoffrey Taucer in OCR03454 - Pokémon Sapphire Version "Gotta Catch a Wave and a Memory"   
    I LOVE the lead guitar tone, and I love the dynamics; sometimes there's fuzz, sometimes it's crystal-clean
  20. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Polo in OCR03454 - Pokémon Sapphire Version "Gotta Catch a Wave and a Memory"   
    As meandering and sedentary as a buoy in gentle water.
  21. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Palpable in OCR03533 - *YES* Mega Man X2 & X6 "Laser Power"   
    I'll go counter to the first two votes and say I was feeling this. I liked the delicate intro, leading into the heavier rock stuff. The transition worked and I thought the production was solid and the partwriting good. I liked hearing fills and bass flourishes here and there. Sometimes there could have been another part added to fill in some blank spaces, but there was enough there for me to enjoy the groove. I also thought the transition between the sources was fine. Maybe more of a transition could be added, but there was no key change or anything really egregiously bad. I would agree with the production critiques about the bass drum and reverb, but that wasn't enough for me to say no to this.
  22. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR03397 - *YES* Mega Man 2 'Dark Depths of Wily's Castle'   
    What became commonly misinterpreted as "OCR doesn't allow chiptunes!" really just boiled down to our looking for a level of complexity in ALL submissions - including chiptune-oriented mixes - that goes beyond what are commonly referred to as "demakes" - where a 16-bit or newer song is converted almost verbatim to chip textures. In addition to not passing arrangement muster, these types of conversions often (not always!) don't really employ the full range of capabilities of the chip(s) being utilized, and defer a lot of decisions about panning, modulation, texture, DSP, etc. to default values.
    We need submissions to illustrate creativity AND decision-making in arrangement AND production, more or less. The latter is entirely possible within a primarily chiptune paradigm, as previous featured mixes have illustrated and as this mix illustrates as well.
    No issues.
  23. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from YoshiBlade in Arcadia Legends - History   
    Official status has been granted, @Darkflamewolf - good job on initial organization, let us know how we can help, and keep at it!
  24. Like
    djpretzel reacted to The Nikanoru in Sharing some feelings...   
    You're not alone, @oldfan.
    I have a very long history of gaming - got myself hooked on my friend's copies of the first Zelda game, Mario 2, Mario 3, Contra, and the original TMNT. I've been a gamer for 30 years now and as other posts have described, I'm becoming a bit philosophical about it all now.
    A similar experience brought me to remixes in general. I'm not sure if you've ever heard of the Black Mages, but their song Distant Worlds did the very same thing to me. This song helped me realize, in a time of my life when I was very insecure about my gaming, that there is absolutely nothing wrong with having a great love and appreciation for video games.
    It's funny how music can not only bring back the images, but also the sounds, the situations, the feelings - this track literally brought the WHOLE experience back for me, which is one of the initial contacts I had with OCR. I'd like to voice my support of Von Nebo's statement and say that these times are good, but nothing will beat those old days trying to figure out how to trash Metal Man with just a P-Buster, an E-Tank (if you didn't lose all your lives trying to get it), and a whole lot of determination.
    Thank you, OCR, for giving us a place to give these memories a new life through the songs we create - and hopefully we share of little of the joy we had making these memories with the rest of the world through music.
    "If music be the food of love, play on..." ~William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night
  25. Like
    djpretzel reacted to oldfan in Sharing some feelings...   
    Hi guys,
    I'll start by saying that a recent remix made me cry. What? How? Let me tell you a short story.
    Fact: I have been a huge fan of this website and community since my first days on the internet. The first remix I downloaded was La Samba de Agua back in 2001, when I was around 10, and since then I have been following the website, the remixes and everything you guys do.
    For example, in 2012 I assisted the OCRemix panel at PAX East 2012, and it was great to see some of the people responsible of bringing you so much happiness and good music. These are some of the ugly pictures I took.
    So, a couple of days ago, after being absent from the website for like 2 months (busy life is not fun), I downloaded newly released remixes I haven't checked out yet. To my big surprise, one of them was from Pokemon (huge Pokemon fan here),- Gotta Catch a Wave and a Memory -  so I went for it first.
    And guys, around the minute 3 I started to get all emotional. Some reason the song made me remember all those days of zero worries in your head, the days when you believed everything was perfect, the time when the hardest thing was a silly math exam, or trying to get a shiny Pokemon. Bottom line, I took a trip down memory lane and it was a mix of great and happy memories and some sadness at the same time. So, I cried.
    After the song end, I went to the song's page to see what the author wrote about it. This is an excerpt of what he wrote
    To that I have to say that I agree with you a 100% Von Nebo. These days and good, and fun, and full of adventures and challenges. However, nothing will beat those old days, those Pokemon Sapphire days.
    Thanks for the remix Von Nebo, and thanks to every single of you for keeping this community alive and full of great music.
    - a big fan.
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