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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. I just stumbled along this and haven't heard any of the previous versions so I can't comment on that... but yeah just wanted to say I really enjoy this. It's got a nice mellow vibe (sorta similar to the original) going on, and yeah that sax is killer. I'd agree there is probably just a little too much reverb on the sax though. I really like the square synth that opens up the song too. They fit together well. The arrangement feels like it meanders a bit, mainly after the first sax part at 1:22 - 1:55 until the piano change-up. The piano solo section is a really nice interlude though. Sax at 2:30 is great again. The ending feels a little anticlimactic after the sax solo. The piano fadeout is ok, but it feels like it happens too fast, like going from almost full volume at 3:25 - to nothing by 3:33. I'd have a longer fadeout, personally. Nice job though, I really like it.
  2. Keep forgetting to tell you... I just got around to downloading the APEX album, and the finished version of your song was pretty awesome! Really nice job!

  3. Pretty awesome Pete! Your music definitely established the mood for each part of the film. The film itself was pretty good too, although there was a lot of ambient noise being picked up on some of the cuts.
  4. Nice! I like it, it's really relaxing! I really like the piano, nice job
  5. The Final Fantasy VII: Live Action Series is an official OCR project? I didn't think it was. Thanks for getting this stuff updated Stevo, lots of exciting stuff going on!
  6. Awesome! Yeah he knows a looooot about production. I indirectly learned some great tips from him via some stuff he shared with ectogemia lol.

  7. Yeah those compos are always a great learning experience. My favorite part was all the collaboration we had between remixers, which was really cool. Do you know Flex in real life? Or did you just find out he lives that close to you? lol. He makes some awesome stuff.

  8. Yeah I plan on still doing the SZRC, probably around May/June, as long as there isn't another high-profile compo going on at that time. It was a ton of fun last time and there was a lot of amazing music that came out of it. Hopefully TD will be winding down at that point too.

  9. Our second WIP check-in was yesterday! Ironically, I actually didn't get any new WIPs yesterday, but most people have been sending/posting stuff as they go (which I really appreciate) or contacted me to let me know. I'll be following up with a few of you to see how things are coming, so thanks everyone! I also wanted to say that even though all of our sources are claimed, I am still accepting 'alternate' (bonus) mixes that could be included on a third disc for the album. Details are in the first post, but I wanted to point it out here too in case it's been overlooked. Especially now that the project has been officially approved, I wanted to open that up as a way to be able to include more artists/mixes on the project. All the same criteria and quality standards would apply, the only "catch" would be that the alternate mix would need to be in a different style than the other claimed version. If anyone who is not already on the project is interested, just shoot me a PM. I already have a few potential bonus mixes (in addition to what's already on the tracklist) lined up that I think you guys will be excited about
  10. Yeah I think Will-o'-the-Wisp style would be perfect for your source! And yeah I figured you wouldn't have anything for the Feb 1st date You're directing what, like 3 projects and making songs for who knows how many more right? As long as you keep me updated, it's cool
  11. Yeah don't stress out over the Friday date, if you need a few more days that's cool. I've been being pretty flexible with people as long as they are staying in contact. Most people have just been sending & posting updates whenever they have something new and substantial to show me anyway. I've just been using these check-in dates as a guideline for how far along you should be at each point. So yeah no worries
  12. I really liked this one from the compo - it was a tough matchup to choose on against Gario. I liked your use of the SFX here, they fit in well. Pretty cool distorted synth too - I wouldn't exactly call it dubstep, but it's got a cool sound and some pretty good processing/filter work going on there too, particularly in the half-time percussion section. I guess my only complaint would be that synth pad that first enters at 0:18 feels a little underdeveloped compared to the rest of the soundscape. It sounds a bit thin at times when it's exposed. The percussion gets a little lost during some of the busy sections, except that kick, which seems to have a little too much in the higher-end freqs for a kick. Cool track regardless!
  13. 1 week until the next check-in! I'm excited to hear what you guys and gals have been up to! The stuff I've heard so far has been great! And not trying to hype or anything, but our Stardust Speedway JP collab is shaping up really nicely. Like really really nicely
  14. Oh yes this is nice indeed. Love all the wankery going on with the guitar parts. Well done. Two awesome sources as well. I just love that second Wily theme and there don't seem to be enough good remixes of it. The arrangement is a little conservative, but I think there is enough personalization (especially in the second half) to keep things fresh. Great job!
  15. I had been reading this thread and honestly couldn't think of a time when I had, but yeah I forgot about Crisis Core. The ending of that game was really emotional, especially given the context of FF7 and Advent Children.
  16. Yeah awesome song, I remember loving this one from the compo! And damn those leads are so dynamic and enjoyable. I wish I could figure out how to make leads like that
  17. Enjoyable song. I like the progression through the theme over the 4-minute run time. I agree with Shariq; I'm digging the sort-of menacing vibe this gives off. The semi-dubstep section caught me off guard, but I think it fits well, and the transition to the exposed piano section directly afterward was well done. It's cool to see more "obscure" Sonic tracks get covered more often!
  18. Love this song. That intro is really emotionally powerful (as are so many songs on Armed & Dangerous). The transition from the acoustic to electric guitar was well done. Very enjoyable!
  19. Yeah I love the groove here! Dat bass!!! I can see what Rozo means about just switching between sources, but I personally don't think it's a big deal. It sounds pretty well integrated when you factor in the background parts. Out of all your SZRC tracks I think I liked "Aqueous Vibe" and "Bone Shark" a tad bit more, but this one is still really solid and enjoyable.
  20. If there are any project remixers that are reading this and haven't tried to access the private forums yet, please do so (and post in the Permissions Test thread, so I know)! I want to make sure everyone's access is good to go. That, and we're talking about super secret, secret things over there ;-)
  21. Awesome! I can't wait to hear what you and the rest of the team pulls together for this second round of WIPs! If I get enough good stuff, I might even put together a little preview for everyone. We'll see though... I don't want to get too ahead of myself
  22. Oh yeah, this is pretty damn awesome indeed. The brass could sound a little more realistic, but I think it was sequenced pretty well. Very nice guitar work, and a killer arrangement. Great job!
  23. Whatever happen to this WIP? I found it on my hard drive today and remembered how awesome it is. I hope you guys are still working on it!!
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