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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. Well you haven't missed anything since Listen to some of the mixes, maybe they'll cheer you up!
  2. Well now we know everyone who's not involved in the secret private FF6 project...
  3. Yeah! This was one of my favorite tracks off BadAss too! It is a similar style to the Danimal Cannon track from HvV, but they both have their own charm. Awesome guitar work, as to be expected from Sixto. All around solid track!
  4. Well... when you put it that way... but I suppose I'll be content with just the actual album release
  5. Yeah, first off there are some issues with the different leads clashing. It does sound like the two themes are each in a different key signature. I imagine you most likely imported a MIDI file of each theme into your DAW first then started re-arranging things? Which is fine for just getting started, but just know you'll need to at least put the songs in the same key signature. If you can't hear the notes clashing just by listening to it, then open up the piano roll and take a look at what notes are being played in each part. You should be able to detect a pattern, certain notes will always be sharp, or natural, etc. Once you transpose the themes then you can focus on how you want to arrange them and make them your own. Like some of the others have said, it's important to look at your sound design choices. Which instruments you're using, and how they complement one another. The drums are also very weak as well. Strong percussion and bass will help build the foundation of the song, so you can then incorporate the other parts. And yeah I wouldn't worry about production techniques (like EQ, panning, etc.) until you can get the basics of arrangement, sound design, etc. down. A lot of the info I gave you over PM still holds true, so I won't reiterate here. Just keep playing around and practicing and trying new things. That is the best way to improve.
  6. Oh cool, happy birthday Pete! I didn't know it was your bday too! And Gollgagh!
  7. Can you call this compo the "King of Iron Synth Tournament", cause we're making music and shit?
  8. So you would like Heihachi Mishima all over the winner of the compo? But who would be Devil Jin or Ogre or True Ogre? There are always like 4 "final" boss fights in Tekken But no, that sounds like a fun idea.
  9. A February release? Nice! My birthday is in February, so what could be a better present?
  10. Yeah who made the Killer Studio Chops shirts, and where can we get one? That's awesome.
  11. Awesome mix! Not really familiar with the source, but this rendition is very catchy and the vocals add a nice touch. I have to agree that at parts the vocals do sound a bit overly distorted and get a lost a bit in with the synths, but it's not a huge deal. Everything PR touches is gold
  12. Oh yeah! I loved playing Tekken back in the day, particularly Tekken 3 and Tekken Tag. I used to MESS PEOPLE UP with Yoshimitsu. I never realized there was only 1 Tekken remix on the site! I can recall a few tunes, but overall I'd have to go back and take a look at some of the music. Tekken was a great fighter nonetheless though. With that said, my participation in something like this would probably depend on the timing. It sounds like it could be fun, but I'm a little worn out on compos at the moment. The next one I'll probably participate in would be the next Maverick Remix Battle (because Mega Man is apparently all I can remix ), whenever that is. If something like this was in, say, the summertime, then perhaps. Cool idea Pete! Now I'm not trying to hijack the purpose of the thread, but a compo idea I've always thought would be awesome would be a Sonic the Hedgehog compo following the same guidelines as the main Grand Robot Master Remix Battle. Each participant would pick a zone from a Sonic game (preferably one of the good ones: 1, 2, 3, S&K, Sonic CD, etc.) and would be put in a bracket format. Each mixer would then have to mix their zone's theme with that of their opponent's. Sonic obviously has a huge fan base, and yeah we already have a crapton of Sonic remixes, but very few that actually mix more than one theme together. Not that I have desire to coordinate a compo like this right now, just saying I think this would be completely awesome.
  13. Cool! Happy birthday Lidawg! I've really liked your stuff from the WCRG! I hope to hear more from you! As for new names: how about Bigdawg? or Awesomdawg?
  14. Am I allowed to bump my own thread for another mod review please? I tried to clean up the mixing issues Will mentioned in his first mod review, but my ears may be deceiving me, so I was hoping for another listen before I sub! Thanks!
  15. Tell your sister to deal with it. Sephiroth will do what he wants when he's breakin' it down in the house
  16. Yeah I can understand where you're coming from, especially considering how some people consider this one of those "untouchable" sources, but personally I like it when artists take something and branch out in a different direction. Plus I can kind of favor more liberal rearrangements compared to direct covers. This is still recognizably "One Winged Angel", but is done in such a new & interesting way; it really brings some new life to a classic source. With that said, my intentions were to give some more constructive feedback, but I'm finding myself at a loss, especially since the arrangement isn't complete yet, but I'll do what I can. The balance (left-right) sounds pretty good to me, on both my speakers and headphones (in response to the one comment earlier). Other than that I do notice some EQ levels, particularly with the synth around 0:50: it could use a little high-freq boost to help it pierce through, IMO. Again at 1:22-1:23. The breakbeat section around 1:30 sounds a little muddy too between the vocals and the synth work. Like the vocals are getting lost in there with the synth. Nothing bad, just like it could be EQed a bit better. In general, throughout the song, I feel like the snare could use a bit more punch. It sounds a little hollow as is, maybe some layering with a punchier snare would help? Particularly the 1:00 - 1:10 bugs me because the snare is exposed there. Again at 1:48 - 2:01. That could just be my preference though, as I like a punchier snare sound. The fuzzy snare may fit with some the electronica/trancey bits better though, so obviously that's totally your call. Just giving my opinion. Can't wait to hear what else you guys come up with! I love what you have so far.
  17. Those are some intense eyes staring back at me... Hopefully whenever Darke gets back he'll update all of the scores and give us some round 10 details! This little layoff is raising my intrigue level on this final mystery round!
  18. Very nice! I really like the additions you made... the new little intro bit greatly improves the opening of the song and the double leads creates a cool effect. The wall of sound section is even more powerful now, while not getting cluttered. I don't really have anything constructive to add great work! I don't know how anyone else hasn't commented on this awesomeness yet... I guess everyone is still getting back from MAGfest hah.
  19. I just wanted to say I really like where this is going. This source has been done so many times before, it's great to see a refreshingly new take on the theme. I'm sure some won't like the liberal arrangement and all the different musical styles in there, but I personally love it. I'll try to come back in here and leave some detailed constructive feedback a bit later, but I just wanted to say up-front that I really like this. Nice work!
  20. Killer Studio Chops t-shirts?!?!?! Looks like I missed out on the time of my life. Who made those and how were they even ready when that just happened like a week ago? Also are we going to get to see a sneak peak of the new site and forum designs anytime? I'm going to have to try to go to this thing next year, it looks like everyone had a blast!
  21. Nice! I think the update cleans things up significantly. Overall the mix sounds just a little bit more crisp, so whatever you adjusted seemed to work. I like the new kick better overall, and the chugging doesn't feel so overpowering in that "wall of sound" section, so I think the lead is bit more pronounced there. I really like the little additions you added too, like the ballad-esque interlude you mentioned, and especially the little background part at 0:48 - 0:54, it sounds cool. Nice job, this is great!
  22. Crab cakes yum. I'm ashamed to admit I usually have to look up which robot masters are even in MM5, because that's pretty much the game Capcom was like "well shit guys, we're Out of Ideas Man". Except Napalm Man, his theme rocks.
  23. I would have to agree for the most part. 2 & 3 are definitely the best IMO. 4 & 7 are also both pretty damn good. I don't care much for 8 and 1, and yeah 5 & 6 are the weak links in general I'd say. I'd have to put 9 & 10 (especially 9) up there towards the top of the list too, because they are also both excellent.
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