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Dj Mokram

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Everything posted by Dj Mokram

  1. Ok, I can confirm the version you have is a lo-fi arrangement of Loading ~ Complete Edition version composed by Tetsuro Sato aka WASi303. The original is only available on the 2007 re-release of the Psyvariar OST published by Egg Music (containing music from both 'Medium Unit' and 'Revision'). Where that custom arrangement comes from, I have no idea, but you have the full length track (loopable as Torzelan mentioned). I've got the album, so I've put the two versions of the song back-to-back and you can confirm for yourself: here you go. Mystery solved.
  2. Revision is an update to Medium unit, which was released for the arcade and PS2. You said your version of the track cut abruptly. How long is it? It should be 16:41.
  3. You need to track down the 'Psyvariar 2 Original Soundtrack plus'. The song you're looking for is the last one, arranged by Misako ADJUMY Sekiguchi. Album is still available at both CDjapan and Play-Asia. Hope this helps. Oh, and WASi303 is the alias of Tetsuro Sato btw.
  4. ^ This, pretty much. Glad to see them finally getting recognition for their hardwork over the years. And congrats to Flexstyle as well. That's 3 electronica specialists in-a-row for the workshop mod team!
  5. Faxanadu is a game I remember mostly for its creepy dungeons/monsters and its haunting music. Nice pick. Mantra is proly the most well-known track, with a clear melody that should proove interesting to arrange. I've got the feeling that this is gonna be a great round. Eino, if you ever wanna collab on a remix of Castle/Land of Illusion, lemme know.
  6. I agree 100% with this. Thanks for making the existence of private endeavors known to public. Transparency is most definitely welcome, albeit a bit late for the two projects in question. Thankfully, this will help prevent cases like this in the future.
  7. For months? Then why let Prophecy run his project for nearly 2 weeks (and people work on remixes) before deciding to reveal it? Whoever runs this private show just made a mockery out of everyone here, which is pretty rude tbh.
  8. Seriously? I didn't see any announcement... unless it's a private project run by the elite & friendz, and closed to public? That'd be pretty douchey toward Prophecy and everyone here who started working on their tracks already.
  9. Amen to that. I had forgotten about this great upside from missing all those rounds. This year I'm gonna try to free time in order to enter PRC more regularly.
  10. Oh man, I totally forgot about ZP. Gotta catch up to all these... Thanks for keeping the list up to date The Coop. It's a time saver.
  11. Echo On - The PC ReMix Initiative. Yeah, sounds pretty cool indeed. Archangel, you really ought to consider making this initiative into a proper project imho. Cause there is amazing potential here that deserves proper support, coverage and recognition. *goes back to searching a source to remix*
  12. Nah, a disabled foreigner like me can only make things lamer. So don't worry and have plenty of fun out there mang. Virtual finger-pointing for great justice! Pretty awesome indeed.
  13. I'm not sure exactly what you mean by that. If you mean that we wouldn't allow you -- of course you can still be on the project. No, it simply means that the only ones who can decide whether someone is allowed on a project are the directors, and nobody else.Sorry if the syntax was misleading, there was no ill-will intended here sir. Here are a few posts from Darke that should hopefully clarify things: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=821248&postcount=82 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=714058&postcount=22 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=714056&postcount=19 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=683623&postcount=23 Best bet would be to contact him or another mod directly to make sure what's allowed. Hope this helps.
  14. Dear Mirby, how in the world could this sentence: be interpreted as a personal attack? I'm offering a friendly advice because, from my personal experience having a thread in this section and watching other's too, you'll most likely get a warning (and in worst case a thead lock) if you guys continue posting wips and discussing this project in depth. That's not a trheat, it's a fact. This is what the 'Projects' forums is for, once you get approval to migrate there. For more details, simply consult the thread history or ask a mod directly. Other than that, this is a perfectly civil conversation and that is why, for the sake of not derailing this any further, I've put a stop to unecessary drama. I politely invite you to do the same if you care at all about the well being of this project. Sincerest apologies if your feelings have been hurt in the process. Directing an album is hardwork, even moreso with a fan favorite like FFVI. Prophecy has to cope with certain disabilities, so I've gotta cut him some slack. Whether or not I'll even end up being part of this project is another story, for only Jason and Bev hold the answer to that. But for now, out of respect for everyone involved, I'll keep my interactions to PM and never question directors motivations again. Good luck to all, and I'm looking forward to the result.
  15. When he realizes what's been going on here, yeah he might. ;P Friendly warning before a mod tells you himself: you're not supposed to post wips or organize your project in a recruitment thread. Only recruit. You're admitting of your own accord not being reliable. I have nothing else to add here. Nothing is 'accidentally' deleted. You've powered the computer and clicked on the mouse. You've made the concious decision of deleting it. Please stop trying to put that in a way that would exonerate you from all responsibilities. See? You're treating people like imbeciles again. These files are private and accessible via a link known only by the owner and recipient. You should know since you've got an account here with which you've accessed the file before. As for suggesting I am senile and don't even remember what I do in front of a computer, that's just priceless. My exact words were: "if it isn't to your liking". Go ahead and check it, I've never used the word 'hated'.Twisting another person's words is the mark of those favoring manipulation and games of influence. No, I won't, because again: this is a recruitment thread. See above for details.I do however am tired of all the drama, so I might simply resend the wip to your PM box. Please be considerate enough not to 'accidentally' delete it this time. Thanks. >disconnecting drama mode in 3...2...1 /drama mode OFFLINE Now THAT is the kind of mind set that makes for a great collaborative project.
  16. Sorry to say, but this does not exactly exult the kind of confidence and self-control people come to expect from a director. If nothing, it shows some notable management issues and a poor level of care about the project/persons. My track was accessed yet again yesterday around 5pm, and you're the only one who has the link. Coincidence? Look, the sooner you stop treating people like imbeciles, the sooner you can start building some trust with them. If the wip of the arrangement isn't to your liking, simply say so. No hard feelings, we'll just move on. But please don't hide behind made-up stuff to try and protect your stature: A bulletin board isn't a sentient being. Integrity, however, is its own reward.
  17. Capcom has been trying to become the EA of japan for a while now. They've been busy meticulously raping good franchises and extorting customers. Proly why great minds such as Inafune and Mikami have made their daring escape.
  18. Sure, there have been numerous people without degree who managed to run companies and lead successful lives.However, you're saying that despite being active within the community, not having an OCR degree (artist profile) means you're worthless for the job. Turning an open colaborative effort into a headhunt with priority to diplomed candidates is exactly what "passing judgement on any individual person" means. Now don't worry, I'm not gonna argue or derail this any further, for this is your project and I respect that. Let's just move on to recruitment matters. Oh, you mean right after having listened to the wip: How convenient. Then maybe start by not ignoring the people who are trying to actively contribute to your project. PS: I'd like to bring one last thing to your attention.
  19. Ok, so if I understand this correctly: -if someone has been involved in the community for years through projects, competitions and discussions but isn't posted --> he/she's a worthless bloke. -if someone has one mix posted but never made any effort whatsoever to get involved into the community --> he/she rightfully deserves to be on the list. I'm not questioning your quest for high quality standards, but this makes the project look more like a celebrity rally than a community effort atm. You do realize that, denying someone's previous work clearly shows them you don't care about anything they did prior to YOUR project. i.e. showing that you don't really care about people, just about the prestige artist A or B will bring to your name as the album's director. That's quite condescending for someone who just admitted not knowing about the Shizz and only discovered FFVI, I quote: However, if you'd still: there's a 50%+ arrangement for 'Empire Gesthal' that's been sitting in your PM box for a couple days now. Cheers and best of luck to you and Rexy with this long overdue tribute to the pinacle of 16bit Final Fantasy.
  20. Nah, this actually is a great idea. I'll proly be up to contribute something later down the road. However, while exhaustive and informative, the OP is a bit too long. This will discourage some folks half-way through. Try synthetizing your thoughts in less sentences for clarity and maybe put the tracklist with who does what near the top. Btw, why isn't this posted in 'Recruit and Collaborate' instead of 'Requests'?
  21. My advice to you would be to reduce the tracklist only to the numbered FF songs, to keep things manageable. That way you can get a feel for what it's like directing an album and maybe even complete it in 2012. Please keep Tactics material out of a project that isn't dedicated to FF Tactics and uses its soundtrack as filler. Sakimoto fans (and me since he's my favorite composer) will thank you for it. With that out of the way, I'll be up to arrange the .Godspeed Mirby.
  22. Speaking of which: KNGI released 3 albums in 2011 (not counting AtW). These deserve some love as well.
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