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Matt E. Waldman

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Everything posted by Matt E. Waldman

  1. Whoa, very neat! I love the concept behind this. I commend these guys for taking the time to do all that. Bravo!
  2. Ooh, I am enjoying this! Firstly, it's too quiet, but that's easily fixed. Overall, the samples are decent. The strings and the horns are all great! You may need better-sounding percussion. The arrangement itself is not bad, but I think it's too close to the original. You may need to throw in some new variations. Also, try putting the piece through a compressor. It'll make the audio sound more "full." Overall, great job for a start! Keep us posted!
  3. Hey all! While waiting for a submission to be judged, I decided to attempt the Reset Generation contest here!: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=557416#557416 You can listen to what I have here: Version 1: http://www.mattinc.net/ResetGen-64Anthem-Remix-MattInc.mp3 Version 2: http://www.mattinc.net/64Rocker-ResetGenRemix-2.mp3 (6/17/09) This mainly arranges "64 Rocker" and "Remix Generation Anthem". You can find the source in the link at the top. Thanks!
  4. Now THIS is something I would enjoy doing. Time to check out Reset Generation! Edit: By the way, just so I'm reading right, is there a limit to how many mixes we submit?
  5. Haha, can you tell us if Duke Nukem Forever will ever come out? Anyways, I had no idea EGM stopped publishing in the first place. Glad it's coming back though. I used to love reading EGM.
  6. Mostly A. I've been teaching myself the piano and guitar. And I've been studying a lot of music theory. A friend of mine who is quite the musician is giving me lots of tips and advice when it comes to music. For the most part, I'm self-taught. But I'd love to take an actual course (violin!) when I hit college this fall.
  7. Aw, darn, I was hoping for Metal Gear Solid 5: Retirement Home of The Patriots. But still, I'm so glad it doesn't continue on from MGS4. I loved that game, but it was just so ridiculous in plot. I actually like how this is going to cover the backstories of Raiden and Big Boss(from what it looks like). Can't wait to hear more!
  8. Hey, congrats! I'm class of '09 as well. However, I graduate next week. I expect college to be incredibly busy, but I'm sure both of us will be able to make the time to write and contribute music and do other things we enjoy. I'm majoring in Computer Engineering, by the way. I expect that to change shortly after the semester starts.
  9. Arg, I wish I could go! I live in California, and I'll be getting ready for college around that time. You guys have fun! Post pictures!
  10. Absolutely fantastic. Probably one of the most creative remixes I've heard in a while! No complaints from me! It sounds great too, considering it's live.
  11. Absolutely fantastic. The style suits the piece perfectly! And I love the Weather Report inspiration here. The production itself is awesome. The bass, drums, and the synths are all fantastic. Great job, zircon! Can't wait to hear more!
  12. Now THIS is creative. Kudos, Mattias, for trying something unique in the remixing community! The quality of the bottle sounds is fantastic, too!
  13. Funny coincidence, as I was just listening to the original song on the way home from work. No complaints from me(can't think of any)! It's an excellent cover of Kashmir. I love the personal touches you added into it. Just about everything is done right, in my opinion. It does the song justice immensely. Gotta give you kudos on the production. It sounds very full and vibrant. The quality is superb. Can't wait to hear more!
  14. Oh man, this is a really fantastic mix. While I am frustrated that the judges turned it down, it just needs a little more refining. As far as the actual melody arrangement goes, it's perfect. I absolutely love it. No need for improvement here. The personal touches you added in are fantastic. I think what you should really focus on are the production values. The samples (namely the drums, bass, electric piano, and synths) sound very bland. Kudos on the guitar, though! It sounds fantastic. And that's it. Once you improve the samples, I think it'll get accepted really easily. The production is really the only thing that hurts it. Good luck! And keep us all posted! You're ALMOST there! Edit: Oh, and give the mix a title.
  15. SLyGeN: Thanks for the feedback! It's funny, because I was doing this entirely by memory. I'll have to listen to the piece closely. Icebird: Hey, thanks! Yeah, I still need to come up with a proper ending.
  16. Hm, I AM surprised this hasn't been remixed before. I loved this music as a kid. I think I may just attempt this soon! I doubt I'll do it any justice though.
  17. Thanks for the feedback, Moseph! I redid the percussion. Interesting how it sounds like Simcity 3000 to you! It never struck me that way. Hey all, I updated the piece, so please check it out in the first post! Let me know what you guys think!
  18. It's... bleh. Needs a LOT more work done to it. Firstly, stay away from the built-in sytrus presets in FL, as they're too distinguishable. If you use sytrus, try making your own synths with it. And use a lot of volume control. The synths need to balanced out in loudness. Also, the arrangement itself is not original enough in my opinion. It follows the original game track too closely without any unique elements. So yeah, keep working on it.
  19. Hey Rozovian, thanks for the feedback! Right now, most of the samples are just placeholders. When I start a piece, I try using instruments that don't eat a hole through my computer! Then I put in the cpu-intensive instruments. I should've asked for feedback on the arrangement itself. I shall continue working on it today!
  20. Just listened to it, and I think it's pretty fantastic. I love the mellow style of it. It fits REALLY well for Halo! Great instrumentation. As for critique, I would say it drags on a bit, but since I haven't heard the full thing, I can't really complain about the length of this segment. Overall, excellent! Can't wait to hear more.
  21. Updated(5/10/09)! Hey all! I updated the piece. A good number of changes were made. Let me know what you think of this revision! http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?action=single&f=Sonic-JunkyardMarch.mp3
  22. 80 hours of no sleep?! Man, I feel better now. I stay up late, but I sleep at least every night, even if it's just for 3 or 4 hours. I sometimes have sleep paralysis problems. I was always able to breathe, though. A weird moment I had recently was that I woke up, and I couldn't feel my right arm very well. I tried lifting it up, but it felt incredibly heavy. After a minute, I could move it fine.
  23. Gah, what a shame. I was really looking forward to this game. At this point in development, though, why would they even need that much funding?!
  24. Agreed! I played my PS1 copy of the first game recently, and it's so bizarre. Bouncing, giant mushrooms, giant eyeballs, melons, more bouncing, and almost any enemy. Plus, the realistic-looking characters you play as just look so out-of-place in such a weird world. If I recall, the sequel's even stranger! Awesome games, though.
  25. Haha, I gotta agree with you there. Out of all that I played, I'd have to pick Simcity 4 as my favorite, closely followed by 3000. With any of the main games, though, you're bound to be drawn in either way. I have yet to play Societies, but I don't hear too many good things about it. I may still check it out though.
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