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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. That intro was pretty cool with the Sega whisper and kids laughing. Having it go on throughout the ReMix really nails the childhood idea and I liked that. The synths in general really made me a fan of this mix, because it's pretty awesome to hear the original melody play out with that much booming energetic trance behind it. This take on GHZ is more my speed. Great debut, man.
  2. Once again, not what you have, it's what you do with it. DDRKirby nailed that home with this ReMix using the basic FL stuff. And I have to say that I really dug the SMW/SM64 transitions here, especially since I like Ultimate Koopa and Koopa's Castle so much to begin with. Sounded natural and it fit nicely. Wonderful electronica piece, this is going straight my music player.
  3. So, Rapstep, huh? Interesting. Now there's two styles I had a hard time imagining together, and yet here it is and it's actually decent. Not bad for something a little bit different.
  4. This is one badass, fierce, "don't give it a dirty look or you're going to the floor" ReMix! Beatdrop really delivers again, and I love the middle section where it all seems to stop, only to come climbing back up and push forward with the chants. This goes so hard. Cool stuff indeed.
  5. Being a bit low-fi really seems to add a lot of charm in the mix to me. Really liking the talking bits that pop up throughout the song and there's an upbeat groove to it that really makes it enjoyable to listen to. A strong debut, man. Looking forward to hearing more.
  6. Sounds almost like a classic OCR track with some updates. Nice arrangement ideas, but there were points where I thought that maybe a little more variation or at least a definite breakdown would have been aces. Not my favorite take on the Zelda Overworld theme I've heard, but I can respect the work in this ReMix.
  7. 1. What first encounter with VGM? What kind of effect do you remember it having on you? My first VGM experience was playing my cousins NES and my first video game experience, Super Mario Bros. I didn't really notice the first stage theme, but I remember once I got to the next stage underground, that the music was hilarious to me at the time for a lack of apparent "normalness". I was used to music never really have a pause or weird characters like slightly altered notation like the underground theme, and so it became memorable like anything humorous or fun does for someone at the age of five. So I guess sort story would be that the effect was enjoyment and humor. I still didn't think much of it until about a year later with DKC2. 2. At what point do you remember considering yourself a VGM fan (or OCR fan) in relation to your first VGM experience? I actually became a fan of actual VGM when I listened to the soundtrack of Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest (as I said in my last response). I'm not sure what created that "spark" for me, but he entire game made me a fan of video game music because the music fit the mood of the stages and was just so well made that I never considered it video game music from the point on, just simply music. And I started paying more attention to the music in games that I played after that. 3. How did you hear about OCR? I read about it in a Game Informer article. Being a fan of VGM, I naturally wanted to see this site that had ReMixes of game music for free and I was hooked from the moment I found it. 4. What do you feel would be some non-musical examples (fan art, videos, interpretive dance, horse racing, rock-throwing) of the OCR society? I've seen plenty of non-musical work from the OCR community including creative writing, advice on life from people who care about others, some people do martial arts, some people debate existential questions and politics, fan art for sure. We even have some arts and crafts around here! OCR was built on the love of VGM, but you can find a boat load of other talents here. It's a large community of talented folks, what can I say? 5. How has VGM and OCR affected your life? It's basically taken over my musical interests. I still enjoy music from normal radio broadcasts and such, but nine times out of ten, when I listen to a song or any music, it's come out of this site's posted mixes, albums mixes or compo works. And I guess the reason why OCR has been so prevalent in my musical interests nowadays is because VGM sound tests originally did that for me as a kid. And personally speaking, VGM allowed me to experience what it was like to really enjoy music as a whole, and OCR refined that love. Hope this helps a little. Best of luck in your studies, Phrygian_Gamer!
  8. Yet another example of using the build up style to make sure that when a mix hits that sweet spot, you really feel it. A perfect musical tribute to Ganon and I'm especially enjoying the use of Battle with Ganon from LttP the way it is. Nicely done.
  9. I've had this on my MP3 every since Serious Monkey Business, but I never really had the perfect words to describe the ReMix itself. I'm really taking a liking to the term "aggressive ambiance" though. It just keeps building and building and building and then by the time it hits the 3rd minute, it's all out, powerful as all hell and dark. So creative. Another wonderful mix from Mazedude.
  10. Beat up hulking Russians with sweet mohawks. Stepping on turtles and throwing fire at fish that try to eat me. Standing around in a valley where lighting strikes all the time and actually choosing to dodge bolts 200 times. Stuff like that.
  11. The drums being the main focal point reminds me of the Barrel Volcano source from SMRPG, but even though the drums are clearly the lead here, there are ideas, like the piano playing underneath the loud drums, that I liked. Other parts of it weren't my cup of tea, actually, but for the first CT mix, it was a decent start.
  12. Nice use of 5/4 and a smooth jazz pulse together. Makes for a very slick audio experience, especially with headphones. Ella's ReMixes have always had a certain unique touch to them, which makes them fun to listen to.
  13. So much Van Halen.........oh, yesssssssss...........The Big Apple in the early morning night, VH styled Sixto playing and of course April. So much to be hot for with this picture. I actually like that his was done in a more spontaneous one-take way. Hard to describe, but it has a sense of life by making it more......I dunno, like a talented quick jam. Like I said, hard to describe. My inner turtle has gotten so much satisfaction.
  14. Speaking of godly collabs, holy crap, Willrock and Sixto! Two amazing guitarists and rocker ReMixers complimenting each other and taking Technodrome to the next level. I'm so in love with this album because of tracks like this. Cowabunga, indeed!
  15. Crazy arrangement going on, fellas! Enjoyed hearing some Tournament Fighter tracks make an appearance in the ReMix, which really sounds cool when put together with Star Base. Also loving the Star Trek homage title. Pretty awesome to hear a collab with the group making up Snugglemen, especially Snappleman and CarboHydroM. Much respect for the work here, guys. Well done.
  16. Mmmm, yeah, this is a near-perfect arrangement of Night Riders. Jazz fusion with a heavy undertone was the right to go for sure. Not really laid-back in any sense, but it's got a cool smooth feeling. Not really familiar with Casiopea, but this mix makes me want to look into that later. Nice work.
  17. I'm definitely getting a classic rock vibe in some of the guitar-play and underlying chugs, but for a rocking take on Skull and Crossbones, I could not ask for more than this mix. Loving the arrangement expansions in the second half of the mix. This is one hot track, guys.
  18. Being a huge SF2 and TMNT IV fan, I'm a little ashamed that the Fei Long and Bury my Shell similarity never hit me until now. But man, this has got to be one of my favorite ReMixes off the album. I always loved the source since I was a kid, and those "hey!"'s coming out of the SNES at that time was the coolest voice clip I heard at the time.Thrilled that you were able to fit those into this mix. Loving the progression of the ReMix as it goes on, from the slow western vibe to the heavy "what I was hoping for" rock part, and even up to the "surf segment" which kinda made me chuckle, but was enjoyable all the same. Excuse me while I take this ReMix and rock out like it was 1885 (cause, you know, that was the date this stage was supposed to be on....and.....yeah....).
  19. Normally I don't take issue with voice clips, but there were some here (especially the opening one) that I just really didn't care for. That being said, the rest of the ReMix has some nice ideas and with the switching of sources, it never gets stale. Really shows how far an incredible mixer like Mustin can go over the years.
  20. On a personal note, going from FFVII's theme to Terra to Aria de Mezzo Carattere in that exact order hits me in the arrangement feels, because that writing catered a little to me. I may not be the biggest Final Fantasy fan around, but some songs I adore, and this ReMix puts a lot of them together, so I liked it for the writing alone. Has a classic feel to the production, but nothing that outright bugged me.
  21. Not bad for a refreshed sounding version of Flashman's theme. I can certainly agree that while this isn't the greatest thing since sliced bread, it does have an HD/Remaster quality about it that seems to take the original up a notch or two.
  22. Dude, that part right after the first minute literally made me look back at the screen to see if I left another tab on. Pretty weird, but listening to it for a sixth time now, it's not as jarring as it was the first time around. Wild and crazy, but it works.
  23. Oh, dear lord, Jill's voice has always been great, but man this is by far my favorite piece of her vocal work that I've heard so far. I think it might be the tribal and airy style of the vocals that Strader pointed out that I enjoyed so much. Hypnotic in an absolutely beautiful way, and I'd be in error if I didn't say how great the actual music that XPRTNovice, zircon and DrumUltima turned out together in this one was. A+ collab here, you guys nailed it.
  24. Happy birthday Furilas! Have a great one!
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