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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Ah, man….reminds me of that sled level on K3. So many lost lives….anyway, this has an excellent beat that starts to match your heart in intensity. Might be a bit lower in tempo, but you can still feel the business picking up and it’s not slowing down one bit. I do have to say that the bass is freaking sick. Almost car-shakingly so when turned up.
  2. I could almost hear where this was trying to go at several points. Can't really do anything more than echo that it gets a little repetative, but other than that I don't have much to say on this one. I don't think it's bad, but the best part of this ReMix were the drums and some of the harder guitar work.
  3. This ReMix is ridiculously infectious. Seriously, the beat and funk to this mix makes me really want to move around! I actually liked the slow down ending. Nice to hear a great ReMix of the B Music.
  4. Wow. Pretty nice work with the atmosphere of this ReMix. Sounds like it has a pretty sweet fuzzy quality that brings out the melody quite a bit. Interesting ReMix.
  5. Dr. Wily always seems to have the best themes for orchestral rock ReMixes, Once it hits in the intro, it's pretty powerful and gets the blood pumping pretty good. Nice to see a little Napalm Man in there as well. Great work, guys.
  6. Sounds very fitting for Blanka and the smooth Brazil flavors that go with it. That piano works nicely with the guitar. I was never really fond of Blanka's theme, but I can get behind this ReMix, that's for sure.
  7. Oh hey, I remember hearing before it got posted here and I never knew what it was from. Cool. Very rocking and has a certain type of energy to it that keeps it going. I love the little switches made like at 2:08 and right afterwards. Not bad.
  8. Wow, heart beat sampling in a ReMix like this. Pretty good use of creativity for an interesting song. Goes from menacing to chippy and weird in no time and completely works. Nothing but greatness from Mazedude.
  9. OH MY GOD. My ears are crying tears of joy right now. I have always wondered what Aquatic Ambiance would sound like with a good metal arrangement, and now that I hear it......IT IS GLORIOUS! And that staccato guitar!? Oh man, so gorgeous in a rocking way. Even the heavy drum break sounded magnificent. The more AA ReMixes that get posted, the better they get, which is great because each time I hear one, I keep thinking it can't get any better. So glad to be wrong every time. Great debut man.
  10. Been a while since I've heard some good electric piano in a ReMix, so this is a treat. Honestly, it is true that this mix doesn't demand attention, but the production and arrangement is so good that it's likely to get it anyway. I've always liked the Daisy theme/Super Mario Land theme, so kudos on working magic with it here.
  11. Woo, now this has a good kick to it! Really good to hear Dr. Manhatten take on some Ys. Love the shredding in this and the back and forth rolls near the end. Great action-filled ReMix, man.
  12. Alright, first off, Stevo and David did an amazing job with the intro talk. And then to end it off with the Wilhelm scream (which comes back later), ah, so much fun. The beeping and grinding sounds reminded me more of a garbage truck in a construction site than anything, but hey, it oddly worked. Love the intro, the sound effects, and the guitar work by Strader sounded great. You three did great justice to these songs for sure.
  13. So relaxing in the opening, but it picks up nicely in the second half. This is really cool, and I could almost hear this being a watery level take on the Green Hill Zone like the Mario World ocean was compared to the above land theme........you know, if Sonic could actually swim without dying. Lovely little ReMix right here.
  14. To be honest, the mid-genre switch didn't really bother me as much as it seems to for others. It sounds more like business just picked up a little, is all. I do have to say that because of how the transitions happened, it did come off a tad weird. Not bad, just weird. Still, it's enjoyable and well done.
  15. The percussion of this ReMix and the glitched up voices made this really stand out to me. Sinister undertones are at a max with this one, and the beat underneath had me tapping my foot, which is always nice to help pick up an otherwise slow day. Amazing ReMix, Mazedude.
  16. I've always had a soft spot for solo-piano ReMixes done right, and this is one of them. I would have to say that the very middle of this song is the part I thought was played the best, even though I'm fond of the whole thing. Nice work with the Temple Collapse as well.
  17. This is the kind of dance track that I can really get behind. Starts off with a nice beat and a relaxing vibe to it and opens up to a bit of a dub section, before breaking back into the slow electronica. Love the piano that plays over the beat.
  18. Thanks for the birthday wish!

  19. I'd love to see this in the future. It'd be like the Wily Castle Gauntlet but with Sigma and the Mavericks instead.
  20. Well, to say that I'm surprised would be an understatement. The thought of Halberd jazz made me wonder a tad, but it's not bad at all. And looks like I'm not the only one who thought his phone was vibrating at 1:40. That's just great man. I like how you managed to toss in the opening theme in there at the end. Nice jazzy way to start the day off.
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