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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Whenever I hear the game over or password tunes from Mega Man 3, I can't help but think of Brentalfloss's bit, but this is a stand out ReMix on it's own. It's the kind of melody that can give you quite the pick up for the rest of the day. Very good.
  2. So, true story, my little nieces have just gotten into video games because they wanted to play after watching me do it. Wanting to give them an easy start, I let them play Kirby together and they love it. So then I showed them some of the ReMix album tunes afterwards and they both loved that as well. Their favorite song from the album? This one. Halc always does a great job with light, happy chippy tunes, so Bubbly Clouds was great fit. Again, I have to praise the use of SFX in the track, which a lot of ReMixes on this album did well Wonderful stuff.
  3. One of the most complete ReMixes I've heard in a while. Everything has it's place in this arrangement as a plus and I heard nothing wrong in the production either. Great use of vocoded vocals. Loved the combination of metal and electronic elements. Kickass debut, Brent.
  4. Ahh, this is absolutely elegant. Just simply gorgeous. You pull in four great ReMixers, and you know you're going to get an amazing ReMix like this. Good job, fellas.
  5. Lot of gritty pulsating electronica going on in here. Reminds me of some of the classic stuff that were supposed to represent the internet age back in the day. I especially enjoyed the second half starting at 2:12. I really got into it the most after that point. Sweet.
  6. Making trance that doesn't get boring/repetitive or seem like it takes too long to hit a groove is key, and obviously after hearing this, DarkSim has that key. Fantastic, especially the second half where it picks up and then drops into those thick beats. Nice work.
  7. Oooh, so dark and....just, whoa! I love it! Really drives the hammer in for orchestral pieces that utilize piano to perfection. You can just feel the foreboding malice and ominousness grow in this one. God, I just can't stay enough how much I love the piano in this ReMix. Awesome stuff.
  8. Even though I agree that some of the transistions could have been made a little better between the themes throughout this ReMix, I have to say that I liked some of them, particularly when it gets the slower section. For something that you even admitted to have pulled together in about two weeks, not bad at all. Good to hear more Lightening Force on the rise.
  9. That intro.....holy crap man, so good! Now this is what a battle against a powerful enemy is supposed to sound like. And after 1:57 hit, damn! I particularly like how you can hear the guitar getting ready to hit as the music box was winding down instead of just stopping the box and going to guitar. The combination of metallistic guitar playing, rapid drums and even a little ominous music box at the beginning and end, just fantastic! Wonderful debut!
  10. Awesome to hear Willrock take on these themes in an orchestral way, and doing a decent job of it. I must have bad musical ears or something, because the violin doesn't really bother me as much as it seems to others. Meh, honestly, if the violins sound fake here, then I'll take fake violin over the scratchy annoying real things any day. Nice work, Willrock.
  11. Drum and Bass at it's best. Cuts in deep with a whirring grit and yet still manages to have a great arrangement behind it. For it's age, it's held up insanely well and the production is top notch. Damn good stuff, Flexstyle.
  12. Haha, oh man, I'm bouncing back and forth to the claps in this one! Clever lyrics and very natural soundnig vocals, I am diggin' it for sure! What a fun ReMix. Has me grinning from ear to ear.
  13. Oh, cool, urdailywater is on the front page! Dark ambience that is a little unnerving, not bad at all. I'm actually enjoying the beats, piano and wind effects of this one quite a lot. Pretty damn good debut, love it.
  14. One thing I can say about Touhou, even if I never had a chance to really play any of them, is that they have music that lend themselves well to ReMixing. DDRKirby here gives a great example of that with this. Probably the most upbeat, hard-hitting waltz I've ever heard. Also now one of my favorite and it does work if you focus on the beats for the dance. Great melody and arrangement, DDRKirby!
  15. From the source and title, I wasn't entirely ready for a chill hip-hop ReMix with piano, but this pretty nice. Some of the piano notes and a few other items like the later drums sounded a bit sharp or loud to me, but nothing that bugs me too much. Sweet stuff.
  16. Beautiful. The violin and piano are so gorgeous in this one. Lots of emotion and nicely done for a live recording. Love it.
  17. I liked the slow opening to this ReMix. Especially when the flute kicked in, you really set up the Asian feeling well. And then the mix goes into high gear with the famous stereotypical Asian guy shout, and the beat just pops. I love the breakdown, where the Asian sound seems to be strongest. I wasn’t expecting the jazzy section, but it was a welcomed addition. Great work Peach!
  18. Certainly has the switch ups of a Final Fantasy ReMix. The introing acoustic guitar was relaxing and such, but then that chaotic mayham that followed was a bit unnerving. Then to go back and forth on that was interesting. There were some points where I felt a bit disoriented, but once it went into the vocals section and beyond, things clicked again. For what was done and the length of it all, I have to say that this is a great addition to Random Encounter.
  19. Want You Gone has to be one of the few songs where I personally feel like the original is pretty damn tough to beat or rearrange without going the wrong way, but I like what Dummy has done here with the orchestral take on it. The light, whimsical feeling of this ReMix is done really nicely and I would also love to hear this done live. Very nice.
  20. I actually fond of the reverbing chiptune jazz direction here. Lot of sounds that aren't really used much in ReMixes are present for this one, and that makes it a nice listen. Love the piano in there, and I think what I like the most about this one is surrounding sounds that pop up like I mentioned before. Not bad.
  21. Just want to note how I really liked the Dr. Wily theme slowed down and done with acoustics for the intro and outro. I can only imagine how hard it is to take themes that have been done plenty of times and work in your own unique takes, so this works for me on the acoustic and electronic end. Nice work getting Flash Man and Wily's themes pieced in together like that. Great ReMix, fellas.
  22. The glitching effects are top notch once again, Hero. I love that you went for the "Mayan Malfunction" vibe, because it seems to be a style to excel at, and it shows here. Fun stuff hearing some Indian bits in there as well. Wonderful work with both themes, man.
  23. Got a good beat throughout this one, especially when it opens up. Pretty straightforward as opposed to the out and open madness I've heard in other ReMixes from Dr. Manhattan, so it's a nice change up. Solid arrangement and those guitars are tight. Very nice.
  24. Whoa, nice work with the hyper electronic opening. Love the way this picks up even more after the second minute. It's amazing to hear something slightly chippy and electronic go this fast and hard while keeping a melody going that doesn't sound overly rushed. Awesome debut DR. WELI.
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