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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Damn, you really have to play this loud. It just demands it. I really love how Vurez is able to combine hard rock with ethnic sounds in many of his ReMiexs. The breakdown at 1:45 on up really is a sweet change up, but for me personally, the part I fell in love with was from 2:35 to the end. Very strong ReMix of Sting Chameleon!
  2. Another one of my favorite ReMixes off the Maverick Rising album. I particularly love the use of electric guitars and the Celtic flavor working together to make such a devilishly good treat, along with a dash of some Middle Eastern melody. Definitely an improvement on the original, so props!
  3. Dude, I'm getting some serious genesis/saturn/firepro vibes from this ReMix. So groovy and upbeat, and that section around 2:20-2:35, wow! Great work here, Willrock!
  4. Willrock and Megaman, that's a great combo. I really liked hearing the little bits of Elecman peek around Plug Man's theme. Those electric sounding growls in the intro and ending were pretty awesome. Hell of a ReMix and compo entry you have here Willrock.
  5. Oh man, when that beat hit at 1:38, it damn near got me moving. The sound effects give this ReMix the Super Mario charm, no doubt. It's nice to see bLiNd try his hand at something that seems to have exploded recently, and do a good job of it. Probably one of the better dubstep ReMixes I've heard recently on OCR, especially because of that catchy beat woven in with the dubstep.
  6. Congratulations Stevo and Val!!! Enjoy the romance and love!!!
  7. This is pretty damn catchy. I just love the lounge vibe of this track, which makes it relaxing and energetic at the same time. Crazy combos here, man. That sax, fakey or not, is a great addition to the second half of this ReMix. Bit-sized, but very fun to listen to.
  8. Terrific chiptune intro. Good to hear a take on The Polygon Team in a rocking electronic combo that really drives in the percussion. Very crisp and clear in the production and cool arrangement, especially with the break at about 1:45. Excellent work on this ReMix, Mike.
  9. Man, this is aggressive as hell, which is perfect for the m-boss of Wild Arms. Hard-hitting and gritty, and sure does give it that frantic pacing that it needed. I really dug the military sounding intro leading into the ReMix. Sets up the malice pretty good before going right into the DnB.
  10. Quite the nice beat you have there. The rapping takes a second to get used to, sure, but the lyrics and delivery are pretty damn good in my opinion. Cool to hear the fountain used for a good ReMix like this one.
  11. Some parts of this ReMix is so "blizzardy" and wild, it almost makes me feel psychotic at times. The icy ambienance is clear, and adding in some 70's prog/rock to it was interesting. Not bad at all, considering how the source was and where you took it. Creative for sure.
  12. Hehehe, nice title. The whole mix sounds beautiful and classical with the piano going on in the beginning, but then it picks up so nicely with the strings. I think it helps not having much a lot of familiarity with Chrono Trigger's music (besides some obvious ones) that helps me avoid noticing any melody form here, and it is cool to hear this kind of arrangement for the battle theme. From classy to almost old-timey, nice work all around.
  13. I'm really loving the percussion of this ReMix. It's unique and clear, so great job there. I really like how it still feels like rock, but with the jazzy atmosphere along with it for the ride. Can totally see where the coverish comments come from, especially in the beginning, but I think the more this mix goes on, the better and more original it gets. Sweet stuff here.
  14. Totally digging the Spanish guitar-sounding lead in with the piano leading to the harder guitars. Great for taking things up a notch. I like the weird little strums around the top of the first minute, a pretty cool switch-up. The hard guitars with the Spanish playing in the middle was a great combination of beauty and power. Fantastic ReMix.
  15. It's almost insane how good this is. The opening minute lead-in was nice, but Claire's vocals....holy mother of god, Claire's voice is freaking incredible. This ReMix was a perfect way to start off 2013, with both the voice hammering out those lyrics so powerfully and the music building up behind and around it with such a professional sound. Claire, DJ Mystix, you both did a hell of a job here.
  16. Disk Four Undercurrent: I have been a fan of Pot Hocket’s work since I heard his Theme of Love ReMix off the Final Fantasy IV album, and I am glad to say he has not lost any steam here with this mix of the Riverbank. Emotional acoustic guitar playing, invoking a peaceful day near the water. Keep it up, man! Aquatic Transformations: A ReMix of a remix of the water theme, I knew this one would be interesting to hear considering the source. It amazes me that there is always a new way to get this melody into a song without it getting boring. It’s like going from a riverbank right into the ocean, so nice placement. Got to love all those bips and bumps complementing the arrangement. Not bad at all. Heart of the Cave: Love the water running sound effects in the intro. I am starting to notice a pattern here. It was cool to hear a guest appearance by Brinstar for the GBA Cave theme. The two go together nicely. The whole atmosphere sounds damp, wondrous and chilling at points. You can probably tell by now that I’m big on visualization of music, and I can get a lot of visuals out of this mix. Very cool. Cranky’s Mojo: Okay, so this one….I liked the slow opening to this ReMix. Especially when the flute kicked in, you really set up the Asian feeling well. And then the mix goes into high gear with the famous stereotypical Asian guy shout, and the beat just pops. I love the breakdown, where the Asian sound seems to be strongest. I wasn’t expecting the jazzy section, but it was a welcomed addition. Great work Peach! Chasing Waterfalls: The song on the GBA half of the album that I was waiting for was this one. SO glad that the piano intro was kept in and used a few times, because that’s what made the source one of my favorite songs on the GBA game. Nice, chill, almost hip-hip beat goes with the waterfall so well. Corn-fed Kong: It has been a real long time since I have heard anything I would consider to be real classic country on OCR, which is one of the many reasons why I was looking forward to this track. Just like most of the tracks from the album, this ReMix seems to take the feeling of the original and take it up several notches, which I am truly thankful for. Love the piano and violin work by Diotrans and Diggi Dis. Fantastic take on Rockface Rumble. Spanish Jitters: Eleven artists on one song!? *Pulls lever* Jesus! I am not sure, but this may be the most star-studded ReMix on OCR, both in sheer number of ReMixers and how they are all basically OCR mainers. As for the ReMix itself, holy shit what a way to start off the DKC 3 flood. Everything sounds amazing and melted together cohesively, which must have been tough. The Sax, trumpet, Spanish guitar work, the 80s sounding section, everything, I just love it! I think the only way I can sum this all up is that my mind is blown. Excellent work everyone! Sea Breeze Concerto: As a lover of ReMixes that make good use of the source by a lot, this is right up my listening alley. Brings back the memory of hearing this for the first time on the night time stilt village level. Very nice to hear Dave Wise contribute an awesome sax solo to one of his best tracks ever, as well as put the finishing touches on this bad boy. I actually did not catch the DKC fanfare at the end until I read the posted write-up, so that was a nice treat. Love it. Beneath The Moonlight: Words can almost not express the beauty of this ReMix. Just paint the picture of a sandy pier under a dark blue sky, with a full moon providing enough light to see the ocean's waves come in and out while listening to this. So gorgeous. I always thought the original had a tad bit of Spanish flair, and I'm glad to hear it here as well. The solo was a pretty cool way to capitalize on the giant build of this song. Worth the wait and certainly a magical track. Distant Dreams On Stormy Seas: This one almost brought a tear to my eye due to the lullaby-type arrangement. The music box sound with the stormy sound effects really make it fit for someone trying to dream during terrible weather, and yet it is so uplifting. The overall impact of this track is something I think will vary from person to person, naturally, but the soft, touching sound of this track makes it a perfect end to the fourth disk and main album. Cool uses of the submarine sound effects at the very end. I agree, this is the perfect farewell track. Bonus Disk/Disk Five Take the World Back: I thought the idea of inversing the melody from dark to lighter and happy was a neat choice for arrangement, and it shows great imagination. Very ambient, but nice to listen to. Jitterbug System: Funny little track this one is. I had no problems finding the source and thought it was an interesting direction for the Jungle theme. Quirky and crazy, pretty cool for a bonus song. Rocket Rave: The intro has a tense feeling to it that reminds me of the Fear Factory levels in DKC 1. Not bad at all for a bonus track complementing the other Rocket Run ReMix from this album. Good solid beat that doesn’t get overly frantic….I like this one quite a bit. Treetop Intense: I certainly got the “danger in the forest at night” vibe out of this ReMix, and I have to say that this is one of my favorites off of disk five. The animal noises along with the dark, driving, guitar really sounded amazing to me. This was indeed intense. Joyful Jungle Jig: Mischievous jazz was the right way to go with this song, and while not as goofy as the other take on this theme, it was still playful and light. This is another reason why I hope no one skips the bonus disk. There are a lot of good tracks on here. Heart of Darkness: I confess that it took me a moment to take this ReMix in the first time I heard it. I am not saying it was bad or anything like that, but it was one of those songs where it had parts that I loved and other parts that I didn’t care for. I do like the sound of a more chilled/ambient form of dubstep though. Canopy Crawl: Oooh, someone’s keeping it classy up in here. Heh, the piano driven melody here was a great idea for this source and I think that it was done extremely well. Loving the more jazzy sections near the end. Banana Revolution (Flexstyle Slam-The-Breaks Edit): Again, this song, needs more love. I think that this is a nice toned mix that would maybe appeal to people who don’t care for the original, music wise. I liked the use of the glitched-up words at some points and a more technological approach to the feel of this mix. I am going to have a hard time deciding which version I like better for a while, haha. Cranky’s Christmas Mojo: Cool, a Christmas edition of Cranky’s theme. Nice work, Peach. I really caught on with that chord progression Peach mentioned in the write-up, more on Koji Kondo’s side. Perfect for the season we’re in. Can’t Boss Us Around (Original Mix): I think what appeals to me about this version compared to the one Flexstyle helped with is the stripped-down sound to this version. It sounds more menacing and cold without the crazy effects behind it. Like I said before, it’s like the pre-fight song to the boss theme, like you are getting ready for the real battle. FrosTronix (Original Mix): Again, what I like about these “Original Mix” tracks are that they have a more tame feeling to them, giving them a bit of a different flavor from the one’s that Flexstyle beefed up later on. This almost reminds me of Chekan Winter, because of the steady snowy vibe accompanied by the beat underneath. Dive: The intent of the ReMix was something I agreed with, but for some reason I just wasn’t fond of the stretching and pitching of the samples. It kinda sounded awkward to me at various points. But props to the artists for the instrument choices, as sax, piano, violin, trumpet and guitar make for a sweet combination. The Crystal Key is Broken: Not bad for a less break-filled take on Mama Bird. Still has that mystical sound to it that sounds like a divine influence. The more this song went on, the more I enjoyed it. Very nice. Footloose Falls: Emunator, so many props for getting the idea of combining the backing elements of the SNES waterfall with the tune of the GBA waterfall. That was utterly brilliant. You said the dance beat was a joke at first, but to me, that was part of the charm of this mix. Beautiful music with a great beat makes this my favorite off of disk five. Overall: Donkey Kong Country is my all-time favorite trilogy series in gaming. And this album has made me utterly and truly grateful that so many talented ReMixers and artists were able to come together and create one of the best albums on OCR. In fact, although DKC2 was my favorite game from the series, this is by far my favorite album, because even songs from the original game that I didn’t like that much were remixed in a way that I became a fan. Considering that there’s about 77 tracks on the album and I have about 68 on my MP3 from this album, I think that says a lot about how much of a success this is. Congrats to the directors, artists and producers of this wonderful musical treat.
  17. Disk Three Knautilus: So we begin the third disk with the title screen of the GBA version of the game. The fact that this came from what was an already arranged Aquatic Ambiance song makes this great, for managing to go even further with the theme. Again, like other tracks on the album, this has a bit of a pretty haunting quality from the piano and strings. Love the airy vocals to this as well. Treehouse Campfire: One of my favorites off of disk three. The opening with the crickets, fire crackling and the acoustic guitar strumming made me feel right at home as far as relaxing and comfort levels go. Very natural, like you are right by the fire pit at night, warming up to the fire while hearing this. Nice work getting the bonus and Cranky theme in here as well. Finally, the crowd excitement and firework sound effects were a unique and cool way to bring this track to an end. Pina Kremlada: Tropical and chip-tuney, what an exciting mixture! It is like a bit party and we are all chilling by the shores, a drink in hand. The middle section reminded me of Mario RPG because of some of the measure beats, which was great to hear. I love dark ReMixes yes, but on the other hand, ReMixes like this one also make my day, so great work on this, Hylian Lemon! Thump Brothers: This is badass walking music, let me tell you. The funky beatboxing intro was so good in setting up the tone of the ReMix. Yeah, really, the chiptune bits and pieces that followed the melody along with the beatboxing, just great arrangement ideas all around. Amazing ReMix, Flexstyle! Accident! A Morning Rescue By Skies! Glory!: This album gets points for the most creative titles for ReMixes. To be honest, I was half expecting this source to be ReMixed in the style of actual polka, like the source tried to be. I am not saying that I was disappointed, cause I love this happy, bubbly little tune and I find myself tapping my toe to it, I am just saying I was (pleasantly) surprised that this was taken in a different direction other than the obvious. Terrific ReMix here. Party’s Over There!: Aw, no little “Hey! Party’s over there!” voice clip? Just kidding, it was fine without that, haha. Really enjoyed the combination of trumpet, guitar and sax in this one, and it does indeed keep up the party atmosphere with the upbeat melody. Middle section was pretty cool, it sounded almost like a music box, but not nearly as “tinklely”, if that makes sense. Ripsaw Boogie: Oh yeah. I hear the 70’s out of this one. Some of the influences and riffs gave me memories of certain songs from that era, so mission accomplished on making this happy track into a jam session that would fit in nicely to the old days. The Paper Chase: I have to say, I never would have imagined a sexy, jammin' hip-hop arrangement of the Chase, but I'm glad that we got it. The breathy moans and "hit me!" bits, I could see how some may not like it as much as I do, but I still think it fit right in with the kind of mix we're hearing right here. Smooth and cool, not bad at all. I think a lot of people are too hard on the vocals. They seem to fit right in with the genre and arrangement, but oh well, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Funky’s Tricks: AKA, Funky has you doing his dirty work again. The slightly exotic jazz direction was another surprise, albeit a welcomed one, and it reminds me of something that perhaps Morse would have done in the earlier years. This seems like it would fit Funky better than the original did for the light nature of it, so props on that. All Mixxed Up: This song is interesting to say the least. The song does sound like a good mix up of various directions that end up as a pie of delicious sounds. That guitar about halfway through the third minute though, wow, very sweet. I really liked the vocals near the end of the song. It was different, and has become my second favorite zykO song as of now. My number one zykO song? That will be coming up later. Arichnophobia: Best boss battle ReMix on the album in my opinion. Then again, I might be biased because I liked the Arich battle theme more than the others to begin with. I always wondered by Arich had his own boss theme but K. Rool had the regular theme in the DKC3 GBA game. Also, I would have loved to have seen a bonus fight between Arich and Squitter like in the album picture. Anyway, the driving force of this song really gets you pumped and you can just hear the battle rage on. I like how the melody would carry on in a smaller tone during the breakdown periods. Cheers to Paul Capps for adding in the guitar work. Vext: The original GBA pipes had a minimal, yet creepy sound to it, so hearing GSlicer add a beat and some meat to this theme was awesome. I enjoyed hearing some of the pipe noises in the background, just like in the original. The hard-edge sounding break was by far my favorite part of this ReMix. Post-Apocalyptic Society: This is heel/bad guy entrance music, plain and simple. That industrial metallic sound with the guitar riff and increasing drum beat just made you want to given into the dark side. I mean really, the whole first minute was like a pure evil “sound the alarms, cause someone is getting their ass kicked” anthem. So good. This is what the K. Rool battle should have sounded like if he had to have the same melody for his theme. Nutz in the Head: That number one zykO song I mentioned earlier? This is it. I fell in love with this ReMix right here. Sounds so dark and sinister, but with a chaotic, glitchy, gritty texture added in. The section change with the minor glass breaking sound and hard hits was a sweet way of changing the arrangement up right before hitting the area that goes completely psycho. Perfect mix of brain-rattling insanity and clockwork mechanics. Tangerine Fever: Mazedude and Mill Fever (GBA) is a perfect marriage in my eyes (and ears). It does indeed have that groovy funk that reminds me of Alexander Brandon, among others. 2:35 to 3:40 in particular gave me chills, since it was my favorite part of the source and hearing as a bit of break was awesome. Mazedude never fails to bring a tune to life, and he's certainly giving us the fever now. Good stuff, man.
  18. Loved this track since it was released as a special preview. Those vocals and sax make for a very enjoyable time and it just makes me want to dance. It's just so infectious, that the beat gets to you. Great closing track to the first disk.
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