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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Got a 3DS with Super Street Fighter 4, some cash to buy whatever else I want, the most comfortable socks ever, Dark Knight Rises and Sherlock DVD's. In other words, a good day.
  2. No problem, Emunator. Like I said, I'll get to the other disks after the holiday rush is over. Thanks for the friend request!

  3. Disk Two K'ReMispheric Pressure: All you have to do is listen to the song, and you know it’s from Halc. Chip-tunes that sound clear and represent the melody of the two themes so well, it’s a great example of what can be done with a song given the right thought. Loved your take on Krematoa. Wonderfall: The wildlife and nature sounds set this apart from Kingfisher’s Stream, and sounds oddly peaceful and almost like a waterfall’s base, sounded by beautiful sights, rather than the dangerous cliffs. Not bad at all. Winter: This has a weird sound to it. Not bad, just weird. The flute was a great choice here and I do feel the wintery wonderland vibe from this. Good to hear that some sources had more than one ReMix. Gives fans a little variety for those who may not like one or the other. Low Life: Dubstep seems to be the style of the year, as I’ve heard more people playing and experimenting with it this year than before. Some do it well, and others don’t. This one seems to do it well, so well done. Not my favorite song on the album, but once again, nice to hear more than one take on some themes. Blast Beatdown: Hands down, one of my favorite ReMixes off of this album. And with Tefnek and Zircon mixing it up, especially in the factory, you knew that this was going to kick so much ass. So gritty, dirty, dark and powerful. And when that main riff hit, it was like a punch in the brain. It just has that menacing mechanical sound that you would expect, but so much more. Yeah, it just further proves that when you need intense and evil levels pushed to the max, you call Tefnek and Zircon. Intoxica: Radiowar seems to always hits the mark when he gets a ReMix posted. Every time. And with the quality of this ReMix, you can easily see it. This has the trippy hip-hop the pipes needed and maintains that fuzzy, slightly hazy and chilling sound takes me back to playing in slow motion or backwards controls. So much fun times, both in level and song. Lots of atmosphere in here. Love the use of those few notes at the very end. I thought that was a sweet way to end the song. Water Warped: I like how the album picture seems to fit the sound of this song. It’s like what would happen if the water levels mixed with the pipes and got a little….well….warped. Twisted and wonky, it’s an interesting ReMix. I like the voices used in the track. Can’t Boss Us Around (Robot Anarchists From Hell Mix): Alright, I’m going to just say it….I like both this mix and the original mix of this theme. It seems like everyday I go back and forth on which one I like better. But for this mix, I do like the electronic elements used to enhance the track here, and this sounds more like the actual fight, whereas the original sounded more like a pre-fight theme, if that makes any sense to anyone. Both themes are great, so score another win for the bad guys. Krematoa Inferno: First off, I like the visual scenario of this theme as described by Mattias in the album descriptions. Nice dubstep take on Mill Fever. Tense and a bit chaotic, but it’s not overly frenzy, which gives this song a perfect balance. Wrinkley’s Nightcap: Chopin-esque piano melody driven ReMix of Wrinkly/Peach 64!? Awesome! So peaceful and beautiful, I could easily drift off to sleep listening to this if I was tired enough. I always felt that this theme had elegant potential, but it’s proven here. Great job. The Mighty Junglol: Wow, that intro was epic. I kinda want to hear Jason narrate an adventure book, a scary novel or a villain’s voice now, cause he has the voice for it. Holy hell. And after I recognized the source, I enjoyed the whole song more. The monkey sounds were a nice addition, and while not as crazy as the original chase theme, it does set it up as K. Rool’s last stand in a way. X-Y-X-X B-A-B-Y: Yet another title that makes me tilt my hat for cleverness. Hearing the sounds of the crystals in the song makes it both nostalgic and fun to listen to, and the beat is fascinating in that it sounds so unorthodox, yet works. The sound effects and beats are where this one shines. Good job getting that banana bird. Breaking the Crystal Key: Wow…..this one has a very mystical feel to it. Almost like your in the presence of a soft-spoken yet powerful mage. Which is kinda what Mama Bird was, so, it’s cool. Very ambient and you get a majestic visual from it. Then when it got crazy, oh man, it picked up quite a bit. Loved it, and certainly one of my favorites from the album. Afterburn: One of my top five for disk two. The intro translates into a very intense countdown to the rocket level. I have to say, I loved that level as much as I hated it, and the same goes with the theme. Great job on keeping the melody going along with the backing “countdown” as I call it. Where this ReMix really shines is the darker section. I actually played this level again while listening to the song, and it was so awesome. Great work. Bring the Noise: Good ol’ K. Rool. I feel like this guy is sometimes overlooked or underrated compared to the likes of Kefka and Bowser, but no other bosses were as fun to fight as this croc, no matter what the form was. I like how this has a more electronic rock feel to it as opposed to the other albums having death metal or straight rock. The voice samples and the evil laugh reminds me of some older songs in the electronic rock range, which make this even more fun to listen to. Great song for the Frankenstein form of K. Rool. Friendships through Dark and Light: Dark and light is right. I love how this theme goes through the phase of light and grand with the select screen theme, to more orchestrated darkness and adventurous areas. The beginning is like a giant parade or celebration, which is fitting for nearing the end of the first round of songs. Great song for a combo of Crazy Calypso and Crystal Chasm. Return to Kong, Bye-Bye Baddies!: The credits theme, and the song that lets you know you’ve won. Great way to continue the finish line for the SNES themes. Lots of nostalgia when that main melody kicks in. Great song for a tour of victory and reminiscence. ‘Til We Meet Again: I always thought the DKC3 game over theme was the best, and to hear a hip-hop take on it was both unexpected and very welcomed. Props for making such a short theme last for over three minutes and keeping it interesting in it’s own way. Other two disks to come when I get more time.
  4. So, Emunator gave us all the challenge to listen and review all the tracks from the main album. Sounded like something for me to do, so I’m doing it. Okay, so having had enough time to listen thoroughly to the album from top to bottom, I’ll give it my best shot. From the top, shall we? Disc 1: Road to Double Trouble: Hearing the fanfare theme get it’s own intro ReMix was cool, and it does give a nice preview of what is about to take place. Love the rainy sounds behind it, it screams “get set for a journey!”. Sounds like it got cut off at the end for some reason though, unless it was supposed to go straight to the next track. Let it Beat: Heard the wip from Brandon on R:TS, and I enjoyed that as it was. Hearing it more filled out with the beat of great sounding drums and the paradise/Hawaiian feeling makes this a wonderful arrangement of the title screen. Nice work with the bonus screen theme in there as well. Joe Elm: Cool. Very tropical arrangement of the select screen. I kinda love the tradition of a more happy feeling being used for the DKC 2 and 3 select screens. Even the slow down was welcomed. Just a good feeling from this track, and that’s always a good thing. Unbearable: You had to go and make that pun, didn’t you, Brandon? Oh well, bluesy rock that sounds like something out of an old timey truck stop on the side of the country is perfect for the Bear Bro’s and the guitar along with the piano just sounds so awesome. I’m going to be grooving to this for a long time. The blues is strong with this one. The Submap Emissary: Damn, man, I was not expecting that at all after the Disco Train ReMix and Link to the Piano, but boy, looks like Zylance gets the award for biggest spectrum jump in genres. Grand, adventurous, and emotionally epic, this screams like something that would be in a Donkey Kong Country 3 movie. And that guitar was amazing. Giving something so wondrous a bit of an edge with the electric guitar was a sweet touch. A good example of a more liberal ReMix being great. Purewater Pressure: The beginning of this song reminded me of the beginning of a few tracks from the old SNES jungle book game with the wildlife sounds. Funny enough, this was one of the tracks I was looking forward to the most, seeing as how I enjoyed the Stilt Village levels. Not quite laid back, but easy going and very fitting for a romp through the boardwalk and surrounding lake. Bash the Bastards!: Okay, the name gives me a chuckle whenever I see it. So, we have a world music ReMix complete with Lion King-like vocals at the beginning, all while being light, bouncy and happy. Very relaxing and fun to listen to for sure. Stevo's voice is a perfect fit for this kind of ReMix, and the guitar and marimba work done sounded great. I think this would fit in nicely while roaming around Pride Rock. Very nice take on the bonus theme. Funky’s Joint: Okay, this one also made me laugh at the start, because I was not expecting this at all. Nice, slight Reggae beat going on right here. Honestly, Hanging at Funky’s was one of the very few songs from the DKC3 game I wasn’t fond of, so points for getting me to at least like the ReMix. So chill, and I think we all know why…… Unfinished Business: Boy, that intro was weird and a bit off, which coincidentally, is perfect for a carnival. Swanky always did make me think he was shady, but this ReMix certainly has a vibe that makes it clear to me now. He’s just eccentric. Fun to listen to. Thrill of the Chase: Ah, man….reminds me of that sled level on K3. So many lost lives….anyway, this has an excellent beat that starts to match your heart in intensity. Might be a bit lower in tempo, but you can still feel the business picking up and it’s not slowing down one bit. Epic Bananas: I remember requesting this way back before the DKC 3 project began and that's where I heard rumblings of this track. I can say that I am so glad that this came from the album after looking forward to it for so long. The sinister tone of the original got amped up in this ReMix and it does sound more epic. Moody, energy-filled, and definitely brings me back to that damn Ripsaw Rage level. *Shudders* Awesome job with this song, Sole Signal. Don’t Drink the Water: BASS BASS DROP IT HARD!!! I love this song so much, I can’t begin to tell you. Sometimes cheesy and funny is just as good as anything else. This has so much fun energy and I can clearly hear the source, and it’s sweet to here the source used in this way. This was a pick for my top five of Disk one. Maybe I’m a weird minority, but I would love to hear more ReMixes like this. So much fun. Banana Revolution (Live in Kongcert): I don’t understand why this song has been getting such negative feedback as it has. It’s supposed to sound like a live concert, and the audience SFX in the beginning and the applause/clap-along near the end sets that tone. The vocals, I understand, turns some people off, but in my opinion, I thought it was catchy along with the beat of the song. The reprise at the end was a good touch and I thought the idea of a “live in Kongcert” song was a nice one. Again, probably in the minority, but I liked it. Permafrost: Okay, this was the song I was interested in hearing because I knew it would be interesting. And I was right. Snowy levels always seem good for trance or, as I call things like this “deep thought” songs, and this is a great example of that. Draconiator and Flexstyle should be proud of this one. Kingfisher’s Stream: The waterfall levels always had a surreal and cool sound to them, so I'm glad to hear that taken even further here. Halc's chiptune style and Mattias's style blend so well together in this track. Did I hear "halc" and "anso" in the background around the warped section around the 2:38 and 2:46 mark, or was that just my mind playing tricks on me? Either way, fantastic work on this beautiful source. Deep Sea Lights: I just knew this ReMix had to be as haunting as the original, and it was. Reminds me of the dark sea level with the flashlight fish and Engarde. Sweet work with the piano and dubstep elements. Sounds gorgeous, yet menacing. This ReMix is a winner to me. That piano, man……wow. Exploration C: You really get the picture of going deep into the caverns with this one, much like the atmosphere created by Critter Clan and the old caves, so mission accomplished on getting that emotion and feeling across. The flute was indeed a great choice for this ReMix. So much variation and change-ups, the mix never gets boring or repetitive, which is great for something about six minutes. Excellent job, Monobrow! Shenanigans Bananigans: Kooky and crazy, straight out of a cartoon or something. So playful and chaotic, this is my kind of song. It’s like the Kong’s are getting into all kinds of mischief in the jungle and we get to hear it. Bonus points for amazing marimba and xylophone work. I love hearing those instruments in action. Cliffside Clamber: Really does capture the feel of the original and expand upon it, especially when the guitars hit. Rock and world music/mountain sound with a little Latin thrown in is a pretty unique idea. I caught that little bit of Temple Tempest you snuck in there midway through the second minute. Very interesting ReMix indeed. Damn good work. Mojo Gogo: Love this track since it was released as a special preview. Those vocals and sax make for a very enjoyable time and it just makes me want to dance. It’s just so infectious, that the beat gets to you. Great closing to the first disk.
  5. Yes to this a thousand times. Honestly, I was more irritated over that than MML3.
  6. Ah, yes! I've always loved Area Zero's music, and I was so glad to hear such a good ReMix of it on the Maverick Rising album. I do enjoy that piano, keeping the melody of the source intact, while branching out with a more poppy jazz style for the rest of mix. And that electric guitar is SO good. Mega Man Zero is the series of the Mega Man games that always seem to get passed over for Mega Man and Mega Man X music, so it's great to see one on the front page again and hopefully other "Zero" songs will follow in the future.
  7. Wow, lots of amazing and clear S&K ReMixes lately. From those beginning kicks to the amazing melodically drivin' guitar riffs, this is indeed one of the better Flying Battery zone ReMixes that I've heard. The whole modulation bit around 1:41 was a nice change-up before giving us a small breakdown, which was a great choice for pacing. Love the energy and power here.
  8. Typically I don't like make resolutions because when I plan, my plans usually go to shit even if things end up well in the end, but eh, I'll go for it this year. - Get back in shape cardio-wise (no particular weight goals, I just want to run more than a 50 yards without getting a tad winded and such) - Get myself a new computor and some specific tools to go with it. - Graduate from college, finishing my last semister with flying colors. - Get a new place to live that doesn't have an angry crazy neighbor yelling at the sky gods and ex-husbands every so often. - Reorganize my house and get rid of stuff I don't actually need. Junk is going, no exceptions.
  9. Whoa....hmm......piano with 8-bitish chippers splayed around it? Wow. See, I just love the different concepts and combos the ReMixers around here come up with, because even when it doesn't seem like it would work, somehow, someone gets it to work. Pretty good, especially with the piano work.
  10. That percussion!!! That thunder strike!! That echoy melody that sounds evil and electonically sinister!!! This ReMix is a work of monsterous nightmare-filled proportions indeed!!! The second half of this ReMix.....man, all my love for the industrial (area, not genre) sound and guitar. So good.
  11. From Badass we hear another evil-doer get their theme tricked out and what a treat this is. Not overly tense and frantic, but you can tell that business has picked up from here. The break in the middle is kinda creepy, with the whole "one note at a time for a melody" thing, that was cool. Great track off a great album.
  12. I've always enjoyed Gario's work, especially from a certain track of his I heard on R:TS, but this is a new kind of beast. Fantastic melody with subtle effects like bell add-ins and a bit of chippy play here and there. Certainly enjoyed the intro as well as the gramaphone being used in other areas, too. Well, much like Zeal, this ReMix makes me feels good.
  13. Congrats to your family Mazedude. Here's to many years of joy ahead!
  14. No problem, Flexstyle! ReMixers should always get some praise for turning out amazing songs.

  15. This is like taking an energy shot right into the brain. So hyper and filled to the brim with hardcore beats that could break necks. Lots of speed and happiness all around this one. Very fun to listen to.
  16. The Sonic games on the GBA were so good, and I was really glad to see a track like this finally make it to OCR when it did. I actually liked the idea of making it sound more light-tuned with the beat and having that "music box" sound in the arrangement. Great Wintery feeling from the ice level of this game.
  17. That brass in the beginning....damn, dude! Such a terrific lead-in with some suspense and lurking terror, but on a grand scale. Makes the first part deliciously dark with some light undertones. Then to flip the script and basically go to a more adventurous orchestration before touching back on the darker feel was a brilliant move. I really like the back and forth from dark to light in this one. The vocals were a nice touch, but the screams didn't do anything for me because of the abruptness of them. Pretty good all around though.
  18. Aah, man, this one almost put me to sleep, in a good way. Peaceful and chill, and a chippy little thing that I could imagine from being part of Halc's camp. Honestly, I thought the little chips thrown in made this ReMix more than anything. Love that groove beat and the synth that goes with it. Way to go on this one, Guitahheroe.
  19. Those vocals at the start........ Wow. The beginning up until 1:50 was so tense, and the build-up was cool. Then it gets downright actiony and heroic from there. This is something that I could easily see being on the OST of a movie. The breaks in between the more filled-out areas give this much more life, and 3:45 to 4:15 makes for a great hero's overture or whatever the term would be. Liked the piano section, and ending it on the military sounding march was a great finish. Not bad at all.
  20. Happy Birthday to one of, if not, the best music-related site on the net! Welcome to teen years!
  21. As a lover of ReMixes that make good use of the source by a lot, this is right up my listening alley. Brings back the memory of hearing this for the first time on the night time stilt village level. Very nice to hear Dave Wise contribute an awesome sax solo to one of his best tracks ever, as well as put the finishing touches on this bad boy. I actually didn't catch the DKC fanfare at the end until I read the write-up, so that was a nice treat. Love it.
  22. I have to say, I never would have imagined a sexy, jammin' hip-hop arrangement of the Chase, but I'm glad that we got it. The breathy moans and "hit me!" bits, I could see how some many not like it as much as I do, but I still think it fit right in with the kind of mix we're hearing right here. Smooth and cool, not bad at all.
  23. You really get the picture of going deep into the caverns with this one, much like the atmosphere created by Critter Clan and the old caves, so mission accomplished on getting that emotion and feeling across. The flute was indeed a great choice for this ReMix. So much variation and change-ups, the mix never gets boring or repetitive, which is great for something about six minutes. Excellent job, Monobrow!
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