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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. bLiNd owns trance. Do I really need to say much more? I mean, honestly, the variation, the length, the solid steady beats, the breakdowns, all of it was just fantastic. Anyone who doubts bLiNd, I doubt you can even doubt this song.
  2. That intro is so damn cool, then going into something a bit odder, with the same determination continuing on over the course of the mix and continuing the build-up was great. The plucking bits where nice, and like others, I enjoyed the mix of electronic and orchestral here especially towards the end. But the end just left me wanting more. It was like it build up to something and then bam, nothing more. Don't tease me like that. Other than that, very good work.
  3. Okay, look, I really enjoyed those lyrics. Knowing what this song was for, and what it could be for in different contexts left to imagination, you got some powerful stuff here, cheesy or not. And the music arrangement halfway through the ReMix was pretty sweet. I agree with the person who said that this comes off a little like Christian rock. Nothing against that, I mean I like it, but it seems lighter and more positive, which is perfect for what you were going for. Damn well done.
  4. Sounds extremely classy and very artistic in the way the piano seems to carry out the tone of the ReMix. Nice. The fake ending would have gotten me if I didn't know better from watching the video.
  5. Sixto, man, you're going to give me a musical heart attack one of these days. And it will be worth it. First off, holy hell, those drums! Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I have to say that this ReMix is flat out fantastic. I heard the X Japan influence in this one and it just got me grinning from ear to ear. The soloing, the guitar itself, the arrangement, all of it, just badass. Even the breakdown rocked hard. Dr. Wily's stage 1 from MM 2 just never gets old, especially with ReMixes like this. Hell, I see this as one of the best on the site that I've heard so far.
  6. What to say about this ReMix.....hahaha, ah, too much. First off, the first few moments, flooded my brain with nostalgia. Then bam! Strange synths and strong beats that give the Mario tune we all love a bit of a sharper edge. Back to nostalgia and some SFX, which is always great when done right, and back to the synths again. I just love the hard beat to this one, got me nodding my head to it. The ending with the lesser use of instruments followed by the death music was a damn good way to end it. This track is three minutes long, and yet it goes by like nothing when I get into it. Everything just seems to click with this ReMix. Probably one of my favorite takes on the Mario theme, so well done.
  7. Very Wintery ReMix. Perfect for when all you can see outside is white. This is the kind of song that may not scream Christmas, but gives that cold, northern lighted sky feeling. Loved that bass drum and the synths here. A little long, but it's great to drive to. If there was a spirit of winter, this song would have it. Sweet stuff Rozo.
  8. A 2010 ReMix posted on 2010. Ha. Okay, beyond the funny timeline used here, this is the kind of ReMix I've come to expect from the Dr. Heavy, forceful metal that makes it's point through the entire five minutes. Really liked the siren SFX near the end of the ReMix. Great arrangement and solid production, very nice.
  9. The bells and water drops were really cool. It was like a melody straight out of a natural cave, with a piano somewhere in between. Great images in my mind from listening to this. Peaceful and beautiful. I don't think I can say anything more than how much I loved the idea of those water drops being used like they were. This is a great example of taking a song from a fairy-filled fountain and doing justice to the name "magic fountain".
  10. Ah, yeah! Real trance that goes hard, just the way I like it. bLiNd knocks just about every ReMix out of the park, this one included. Hard beats that hit with force, some good breaks, solid and constant energy that puts a dancy feel on it.....you really can't go wrong when you have all the pieces in place. And something else that bLiNd does really well is the length of the track, which is perfect for trance. Great job.
  11. : Okay, so I know the underground and overground parts of Super Mario Bros. 2 have had quite a bit of coverage, but I haven't seen any good ReMixes of the boss battles or the final battle with Wart anywhere. So, even though there isn't a whole lot to work with, maybe somebody will feel up to the challenge and give these two themes some love. I actually bet the Boss battle theme would be a helpful transition piece that could be used between two other themes in a ReMix because it's so short. Just a suggestion and as always, I'm not a stickler for genre. Thanks to anyone who gives it a shot. I know the links are from the All-star versions of the game, but it's not really an issue since they are basically the same. Boss Battle (aka battle with Birdo): Final Battle with Wart:
  12. My freaking mouth fell open listening to this. Not joking at all. You have an incredible voice and it reminded me of Celtic Women or something like that. Making an entire ReMix like this must have taken a boat load of work, and this is extremely impressive. Beautiful ReMix, and of course I absolutely love the Celtic sound to this. That violin was excellent and....damn. That's really all I can say about this, damn this ReMix is awesome.
  13. Piano heavy classical sounding music hasn't always been my cup of tea, but when you have something as active and zany as this, it makes it better. The playing sounds great and the arrangement has that nice quirk to it that holds enough of my attention to get me to like it. This ReMixer rocks on the piano, that for sure. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate this mix, but I'm the kind of guy who would be better off to listen to this while I do something, while this was in the background. Very nice all the same.
  14. I really like this, and I'll tell you why: unlike some of the chiptunes I've heard on this and other sites, this one seems to melt together better for some reason. Maybe it's the source or the way it's arranged, I don't know, but this is my favorite chiptune track so far. The piano and drums were a nice touch that gives this ReMix that little something extra. A bit short, but that just means more replays. Love it.
  15. Gotta echo the others in saying that the mix between electronic and orchestral makes this a pleasant ReMix to listen to. Those bongos, though, has to be my favorite part of the this track. Lemons, Limes, not always sweet, but this ReMix is. Great debut.
  16. "Well, well, Samba time, baby!" Oh, that hit me in all the right places and got a smirk out of me. Fun times are to be had with this ReMix. Seriously, if this doesn't bring at least a tiny grin to your face, you are stone cold. Nice and light-heartedly goofy, I love it. Right to my playlist you go, little ReMix.
  17. Chippy and happy, just what I've come to expect from the terrific two known as Insert Rupee. Makes you want to skip down a road from pure nostalgia mixed with wonderful instrumentation and arrangement skills. LttP is one of those games where ReMixes can shine depending on how it's handled, and these two handled it like pros. Very cool.
  18. As Bahamut said, this song is one of those ReMixes that are long, but seem to go by in the blink of an eye because of how well it's done and how entertaining it is. Totally liked the mix of electronic and epic atmospheres here, and that breakdown seemed to fit right in. The thing at 4:33 made this earn it's creeper name, and of course I caught a slight Bond thing going on near the end. Great work.
  19. Yep, this is Morse's style for sure. Cool use of some voice clips and that area around 1:50 and on was more my kind of funk: the dark funk. Yeah, things are more fun on the dark side, and with Morse letting this jazzy tropical sounding ReMix loose (along with the other songs on the album), even the dark side can get a move on.
  20. Okay, so I am thrilled beyond words that Pitfall: Mayan Adventure finally made on here. In middle school, I'd actually listen to the soundtrack of this at home while doing homework, so this game and it's music has a special place in my heart. Anyway, to the mix itself: The glitchy, electronia was a great choice to flesh out these sources. I'm glad you used the Rainforest as the main melody, because it ties the other two tracks in very well. I do hear the Mazedude influence and the drum breakdown helped keep things from getting slow as time went on. Good tranistions and I even liked the "whoa!" SFX you threw in. Probably my favorite game debut on OCR since Mortal Kombat's first one. Excellent debut for both Pitfall and Phonetic. Now I can only hope we see Waterfall and Mine ReMixes in the future.
  21. I, for one, like punny titles, so that a point for you there. Nice and chill in the beginning, then follows up by building a more energy filled harmony and glitch breakdown. I don't know, something about this ReMix didn't gel with me in certain areas, but it was still nice to listen to.
  22. Funky and catchy as hell! This is a real head-nodder and toe-tapper. Seriously, when you get a song like this going, you can't help but move in some way. So good.
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