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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Oh yes! Bring on the funk and the groove, baby! I have a hard time imagining how someone can hate something like this. Amazing sax and the brass doesn't really bug me here. Fantastic arrangement and for the most part, great production.
  2. Busting out with chip tunes on this ReMix kinda surprised me consider who did it, but it's impressive. Very happy with a decent load of upbeat energy and it does fit well for a happy dance. Nice work on this one.
  3. Hmm. I never really wondered what dark jazz that was almost menacing at times and light at others would sound like, but it's pretty neat. A little mesmerizing in its atmosphere, and that sax is simply tasty. This album has so many great tracks like this one and it ones like this that makes me want to actually play the game now.
  4. My thoughts exactly. The Celtic vibe sucked me right in and made me grin from ear to ear. Terrific work with the violin and the piano as well. Perfect for sailing or just kickin' it up in the rocky paths. It's amazing that you can make something sound so good for longer than six minutes, but you pulled it off to damn near perfection. Epic work, dude.
  5. Grand opening that drives right into a jazzy funky little tune? Well, alright! Not a fan of the horn either, but the rest of the instrumentation had me tapping my foot severely. I swear I heard something around 1:30 that reminds me of another game, but I'm drawing a blank on the name. I love how this bounces around and doesn't sit in one place the whole time. Not crazy about the ending, but all in all, this is one fine ReMix.
  6. Ooooh, cool! Dark electronica with a metallic foreboding feeling. Me likely. Not a feel good tune, but it does elicit feelings and that's a great thing when you can manage it. The heartbeat was a sweet touch that fit right in. A bit sharp in areas, but it's not that bad at all. Other than that tiny thing, great ReMix.
  7. Amzing guitar melody here. Very beautiful and peaceful, but in an active way rather than a chill way. Love the acoustic human feel of this, which goes really well with the idea of the album. The woodwinds that join in, simple gorgeous. Gotta agree that this is one of, if not, the best track off the album.
  8. Man, Dazey's vocals were awesome, but they kinda make the rap lyrics seem out of place right after that. I like the rap and the lyrics themselves, but it just seems odd to me after that intro. I love the SFX used here, and overall this ReMix was very good.
  9. Oh.....oh my. Now, every so often I come across a ReMix that goes to the realm of hot and dirty, and this is one of those ones. Love the use of the hentai samples in this exotic sounding ReMix. Probably not a ReMix I want to be playing with certain people around for obvious reasons, but myself, I thoroughly enjoy this catchy erotic song.
  10. I can't get enough of those backing vocals that keep up as this ReMix goes on and the tense-like epic sound that gives it a bit of dark vibe is awesome. Cool intro as well.
  11. I think it's been said several times before, but it also sums up how I feel about this ReMix. It's just way too fun to listen to. Halc's style is instantly recognizable, and it's hard for me to pick on things he puts out. This ReMix is happy and just lets the good feelings flow. Nicely done.
  12. First off, I really like the little vocal intro. That beat is hot and the instrumentation really does bring on images of a futuristic Hong Kong, which altogether makes this ReMix pleasant to the ears. Gotta love it when you can throw in a bit of electronica with some worldly flavor.
  13. I love it when metal can be used to enhance a track rather than just come out all frantic and reckless, and this is a great example. Nekofrog just comes out guns blazing with this ReMix and to hear some orch driving force behind it was sweet. Second half went a hair longer than I expected, but I'm not really complaining cause it was still great.
  14. Grand orchestral instruments, check. Wonderful playing, check. Terrific arrangement, check. Instant love and download, check check check check check! Also, all kidding aside, nice to hear a lighter melodic version of the dungeon themes.
  15. Amazing. Really does feel like a trip through time and space, and has a classic trance sound to it, which is really impressive. Really like the piano bits added in and the steady flow of energy throughout. Very well done.
  16. Nice work with the sense of suspense and a lot of the orchestral elements. It does sound cinematic in some areas, which was good. A bit short, but very nice.
  17. Ahhh, now this is peaceful and relaxing. Very atmospheric, but with a good beat along with it. Great ReMix for kicking back and chilling out.
  18. Man, this is pure evil! Those hard hitting guitars and the chorus just made this ReMix a badass villain tune that I can really get a smirk out of. It just brings to mind a hell lot of destruction on its way. Honestly, the attitude and balance between electronic bits and rock sell this whole thing.
  19. Alright, I'll say this does have skill to it. Not a whole hell of a lot of change-up, but the playing is well done and it's fun to listen to. Good performance and I just feel like it might have a hair of time rust on it. Another example of nice little ReMixes you miss if you skip the first few years of OCR.
  20. Yeah......yeah, no. Sorry, but I'm going to have to agree that this just doesn't do it. It sounds very MIDI and there's not a whole lot of addition going on with the source, which brings it closer to the realm of cover for me.
  21. Man, they were not kidding about the headphones thing. I actually kind of liked it though. It's a weird way to sort of add something to the mix without music itself. Sounds like you're going through a technical warp. A trick like that would be cool nowadays if cleaned up a bit more, but nice work all the same.
  22. An interesting ReMix that starts out with a bit of a nice ambient sound with a good beat, then ramps it up after the build. Some things I think could have been expanded on or altered by how long they played, but not a bad mix at all.
  23. Thanks for the birthday wish! :D

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