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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Yeah, the community here is very helpful, and it's not just musically. When someone asks for help, usually the community helps with whatever they're dealing with. I'm pretty sure I saw relationship advice in the judge question thread a long time ago.
  2. I'll be honest, I almost didn't hear the source in this ReMix the first time I listened because of how subtle it was underneath the beat. Then I took another listen and I got it. Cool way of using it. Great use of SFX and it's nice and groovy. The beat is a bit loud, but I can dig it. It's nice and easy going, so yeah, it works for me.
  3. I really can't find the words to actually describe how I like this. It has this strong vibe from the strings and sad vocals that do a pretty good job in painting a clear picture of how bittersweet the MMX ending really was. Sure the lyrics are a bit cheesy, but that's not a bad thing. The only thing I wish is that Harmony's vocals were a little louder, cause they are a bit hard to hear at times over the instruments. But overall, really enjoyed this ReMix. Nice work, fellas.
  4. Boom! Man, it hits hard right from the start! This is one of my favorite tracks from the album, and the beginning mix between chilling ice in the back and metal in the front is pretty cool. Very clean sounding and the energy is just right for what you were going for. Really liked the cold sounding breakdown at the end. Almost sinister and beautiful at the same time.
  5. MMX6 wasn't that bad......Anyway, this ReMix was really interesting. It has a very unique sound to it from the chippy-asian fusion and it sounds solid. Kind of a weird ReMix in sound, but I like it.
  6. So much raw energy.....its like a MMX showstopper right here. It's so cool to hear such wicked guitar work with orchestra hits in the same ReMix! The sheer attitude of this ReMix just fills in what the original left out and gives it the complete update that it's been needing for so long, and I love every bit of it. This is what I was hoping for when I heard about this album, and I'm not disappointed. Gotta add that the piano was a genius breakdown move. Damn good work.
  7. Nice, sexy funky little track right here. Love the little voice sample right before the clavinet, and man, the ReMix just grooves right with me. Sweet work with the Jazz flute. So much love for this piece. Oh yeah, I'm ready. Put ya guns on!
  8. First came one of my top three OCR tunes from last year in Ska Buffet, and now the OCR Plaid Muffins land another hit with this track, which I gotta say, is a pretty cool take on one of my favorite MMX tunes. I'm pleased with how well the source tune lends itself to this style. The lyrics are pretty catchy, especially the last paragraph, and it was really nailed here. Love the slow down and the sound of the instruments overall. I'll be playing this over and over for a long time now and I can't wait to hear more hot tunes from the Muffins in the future.
  9. Well, this was an unexpected take on the source. I will be honest in that it took me a second play through to really get it in my head, but now that it's there, it'll be there for a while. The dark overtones of this ReMix just fills this house beat with sinister intentions. Evil and gritty, but with a sweet groove. Nicely done, sir.
  10. Now that is an impressive blast of metal! This thing just wails in sheer head-banging power and keeping the melody intact, especially during the 1:15 to 1:34, while letting those guitars rip was just awesome. Great work on the solos and the breakdowns as well. Damn good way to start the album mixes off.
  11. And with mine, we have almost 2,300 likes left to go. Let's kick some Sigmass.
  12. Funny how I was in a Phoenix Wright mood both game and music-wise all week, and then a new Ace Attorney ReMix gets posted. OA, you did an amazing job with "Cornered" and "Questioning" here, and I think this the best PW ReMix you've done so far. I thought the ending transition was pretty good myself, but I can understand how the tempo change could trip people up. Love the energy of the entire mix and the guitar work was terrific. Only a foolish fool could say that this ReMix is bad IMO. Great work, OA!
  13. : So, I just got done playing PW:AA (again) and after hearing some good tunes from Case 5, Rise from the Ashes, I figured I just throw out a couple of suggestions for ReMixes I think the ReMixers around here could pull off with pretty sweet results. I don't think these have been asked for yet..... Blue Badger's Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmzXJCZoD-E Come on, how could you hate the Blue Badger or his theme? It's so light and bouncy! Damon Gant's Theme: I bet someone could put a nice classical spin on this with real organs or something like that. Jake Marshall's Theme: This source is just begging to get the spaghetti western ReMix treatment and I think a ReMixer that is good at that would have a blast with it. If anyone feels like giving these three a try, I'll look forward to seeing how it turns out. Thanks!
  14. Probably the best Sagat theme ReMix I've ever heard. Sagat's theme is usually tailored-made to being done in a way that is soft and laid-back, so a nice tropical beat made from it just seems right. The arrangement and production sound great and there's plenty of variety for the ears to feast on. Great work on this one!
  15. My prayers will be with him and his loved ones during this ordeal.
  16. Wooot! Congrats to the other five on their wins as well! Done and done, OA!
  17. Raffle, raffle.........this suspense is going to drive me nuts......raffle, raffle. Even if I don't win something, I'm just happy I got over my goal of 100 ReViews. I'm impressed by the amount everyone got done, especially Rexy, Bahamut and Mirby.
  18. Strangely, I actually liked this ReMix quite a lot. The dark, creepy atmosphere was pretty evident in this and I can see what he was aiming for at least. I have to agree that the synth guitar should have either been tweeked a bit or taken out completely, but I thought the screams worked here. In a dark torturous ReMix like this, screams just sounded right to me here, though I could easily understand why it's not for everyone. The percussion work is obviously the best part of the ReMix, and while it overall does show it's age, I enjoyed it. Without the guitar, or with a better sounding guitar, I think this would have been amazing. On a side note, the video preview glitches up a little after the 3:40 mark. Just sayin'.
  19. This is without a doubt my favorite ReMix off of the BadAss album by far. The heavy guitars in the intro leading up to the movie quote by Shredder himself was great. The entire mix sounded tense and chaotic in a good way, like a fight song should, and the transition from Shredder's battle theme to the Boss theme and back was excellent. Great work with the drums and other backing instruments. This basically had everything I could have asked for in a Shredder ReMix and more. Terrific work, Sixto.
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