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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Oh, man, that intro is hard-hitting as all hell. The lead guitar melody is absolutely amazing and those chords remind me of another song that I can't name at the moment. That change at around 1:35 was epic. The transition later on would spot-on and sounded great. Not a fan of the ending, but that's just a preference thing, cause it still sounded good. Gotta say, I enjoyed this one, and it needs to be repeated, that intro was gold.
  2. Damn, that's a pretty catchy and spooky intro. I love the dark beat there right before it bursts out into hectic drum and bass. I am in love with that rolling section between 1:40 and 1:55. This really works for a upbeat Halloween scene and the percussion sells this ReMix completely. All in all, this has a wonderful sound and arrangement. Amazing work on this creepy little tune.
  3. Whoo-hoo, some good classic rock! At least, that's what it feels like to me. Terrific work on the guitars and the killer soloing with the synths. I actually dig the claps in it, but some of the production sounds a little muffled in places. Nothing that detracts from the song, though, and overall, I really liked this.
  4. *Feel ground rumbling* Oh no......I'm feeling an overwhelming presence of evil animosity with a hunger for destruction and a voice of rage approaching..........could it be.......!?
  5. Man, you have a way with Pokemon ReMixes, especially with the dark intro and grooves. It really sounds like it belongs in a cave setting and it's a little haunting. Very ambient and the dark atmosphere is amazing in this one. I actually liked the fade out ending here. Great stuff.
  6. NiGHTS has quickly become one of my favorite albums on OCR, thanks to songs like this one. I'm impressed by Jose's versatility and the way this jazzy little ReMix continues that "flying through the air" feeling that a lot of NiGHTS tracks have. Love the piano and I liked the little jingle at the end. So smooth and while not overly upbeat, it's got a cool mix of energy and soft chilling music. Great job on this one here.
  7. Now, THIS, is Latin jazz, baby! This is absolutely tropical sounding and the arrangement, damn! Funky and just gushing with upbeat energy. Amazing drum work and I liked the flute solo. It even has that "tweet-ta-tweet tweet!" whistle that I enjoy in these kinds of songs. This would fit perfectly for a party.....and in a way it kinda reminds me of your Jungle ReMix from DKC2. That slowdown near the end was a great touch and this is just made for a tropical vacation.
  8. Whoo, dance time! Oh, that is an awesome beat, and I think DJP and OA nailed it calling it space disco. Very catchy electronica and it is so good for perking up. Yeah, a few more sentences in the lyrics could have helped add a bit of variety to the ReMix, but the different ways it was filtered and changed up when it was said made it last a little longer than it would have otherwise. So while I can see why some wouldn't like it, I actually loved it and it worked well for this ReMix. This kind of ReMix is one of my favorite as far as genres go
  9. Oh, yeah, funky! Man, I really enjoyed those solos, from the guitar to the keyboard and on. You can definitely get your groove on to this jazzy beat. Wasn't really feeling the ending, as it seemed to just jump up out of nowhere. I can hear some of the Latin style at some points and altogether, not my favorite ReMix off this album, but it works.
  10. Yeah, I'm totally liking the beat and that amazing guitar work. The into was soft and entertaining and the ending was built up really well. From front to back, I was pretty fond of this ReMix. The piano was done very well and had a good chilling reverb to it. The breakdown was handled impressively and I agree with the judges on this being very clear. Pretty good for a debut, looking forward to seeing more.
  11. Mmmm, loving this one. Dark keyed solo-piano with a nice arrangement and great production. You know that it's really good when you can keep other people's attention going for more than five minutes, especially for a piano only piece. I'm not sure what it is about the Zelda series that lends itself so well to piano, but this was a great rendition of the Eagle's Tower. Very nice.
  12. Wow, amazing orchestral piece here. It's got a nice solid, steady build to it and delivers on the grand feeling, complete with a smooth slowdown. The bass and drums sounded great and the entire ReMix had a score-like charm to it. Wonderful heroic arrangement that has it's reflective moments, which pulled the whole thing together. Very nice.
  13. Ahhhh, now this is relaxing and chill. I could probably tune right out and maybe even drift off to this one on repeat. It's a little airy and the ending goes past that and straight into spacey. Enjoyed the soloing around the 1:05 mark as well as the key change later on. Well done, Ben.
  14. Okay, I saw Jazz Metal in the write up and I was like "wha?", but then I totally got it and it sounds great. That intro was pretty twisted and almost psychotic. Loved the jazzy arrangement backed by the glitchy guitar. Sax work here was very well done. The ticking clock breakdown was a pretty cool way to get in that jazz and electronic undertone. Really, the only thing I think would have been better is if the clock didn't fade out and kept ticking through the entire jazz break, but that's just me nit-picking because I really couldn't find fault with this ReMix. I wouldn't mind hearing more Jazz Metal/Rock Electronica ReMixes. Highly recommended.
  15. Nice, man! Very dark, like something's approaching with a chilling tense purpose. I immensely loved the combo of the strings, synths and piano here. It was almost short, but I actually think it was done perfectly in the time you gave it. The contrasts in the middle with the slightly lighter melody before going back into that darker dynamic area was great. Not a fan of the fade out, but it didn't really bug me all that much. Sweet stuff.
  16. So chill......kinda sounds like a lullaby in some areas. It's got an airy sleepy quality that just makes me want to relax and space out to. It's really cool to hear the chiptune style of halc matched up with Brandon's guitars, and it sounds completely unique. Pretty good.
  17. Hahaha, I read the Vince DiCola backstory as the Rocky inspired riff played and I loved it. Gotta love how you can fit not one, but two little nods in the ReMix name. It does have a good driving feeling that is perfect for a workout or really anything else that needs that added bit of determination in it. The drums hit hard and the entire ReMix rocks pretty hard in an almost heroic way. Yeah, in terms of how good it is, this ReMix must (and probably will) break you.
  18. Oh, man that intro is so awesome! Way to give it that 80's and classic rock sound that I love so much. The synth break was really well done and the pure raw energy coming off this ReMix was great. Both the arrangement and production sound top-notch and overall this is a very strong tune. Nice to see two great sources turn out like this.
  19. Uh-huh, I'm really hearing Zimmer in those dark strings for sure. That being said, this is an absolutely fantastic ReMix! It really does sound like it would fit in a soundtrack, especially the more it picks up with the tempo change and builds towards the end. The drums work and adding the vocalizing was awesome, but I really have to echo that this is a bit short in the sense that you're almost expecting (and wanting) more because the first two minutes seemed to build up so well, then end. A little teasing, but it was still a solid song.
  20. Huh. Kinda like Spaghetti Western with a little bit of synthy guitar and a good hip-hop beat to it, almost like a something to a modern western feel. I like this quite a lot actually, and although I'm not overly fond of the bass later on in the ReMix, this maintains the feel of the genre pretty well and being a fan of the game myself, it's nice to hear it get good lovin' like this. The arrangement was well done, and whenever the production seemed to shake a little, the rest of the song covered it nicely.
  21. Oooh! Yeah, what an spectacular ReMix we have right here. I was not expecting Morse to go this hard, but the harder and tougher version of his style is totally welcomed here. Funky and swift, but with an aggressive and rough touch, and it all comes out to a great song. The arrangement was great with the nice piano ending and the synth work was downright sexy. Very interesting ReMix.
  22. Stevo and Willrock shredding and working together on one song makes for another great track on Around The World! Amazing soloing and guitar work, and the drums sound good from the intro all the way to the end, even if it did sound kinda weird to end the ReMix on. I'm a fan of the 80's synth rock genre and I really have no complaints on this one. Nice work.
  23. Wow, what a treat, you can definitely hear CarboHydroM's style in this ReMix. Fantastic drumming, the synthes were well done and the guitars really did give this a live sound. Amazing work with the climax and giving this tune the upbeat loving it deserved. Totally loved how the arrangement was handled and this was a great closer track for the album. Great job.
  24. Oh, yeah, dark and menacingly evil. Me like. The intro reminded me of Psycho before it dropped the hammer. The organ was done to perfection and adding in the bells at 2:30 with the lowered background sound was cool, almost like a little peak of insanity, and it was my favorite part of the ReMix. The whole thing is like an aggressive march of doom. The harpsichord was a nice change, but the fade-out seemed a little too quick. Minor gripe aside, this sounds like a winner to me.
  25. Whoa, haha, I wasn't expecting that. I should listen to the song before reading the write-ups more often. I actually like the filtering electronic vocals, and it fit the pop/electronica genre so well. The "dadada"'s at the end were great for an ending. So happy and poppy, and the lyrics were great. I don't know how to explain it, but I loved the little change-up/circusy music on the "Can't be without you" verse. It was a terrific way to break up the main beat. Another amazing track off of NiGHTS.
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