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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Man, this really screams Chinese in style and sound. Loved the use of the market sounds in the intro and I actually like the ending. It's one of those ReMixes that just really click well altogether. Nice work on this.
  2. I counted somewhere around 748 links and I'm sure there was at least 50 to 100 reviews done by people who didn't link their reviews. So my best guess is at least 800 reviews were done for the month.
  3. This was one of my favorites off the album. Taking a happy melody and turning it into a dark ambient ReMix like this is awesome. Loved the intro and the whole arrangement altogether. The soloing was nice and I actually don't have a problem with the drums, though I can hear why some may have. Great collab, guys.
  4. I'm really diggin' the intro to this ReMix here. The chiptune/rock mix of styles works really well in the first half and I actually like how this becomes a bit more ambient as it goes on. Ending could have been a little better, but the rest of the tune sounds great. Nice arrangement and a strong debut track. Well done, man.
  5. Wow, this sounds absolutely beautiful! There's nothing more elegant than a solo-piano done right, and this is a good example of that. The arrangement and the sound of the piano itself was terrific and I loved how the two themes worked well together. Very impressive ReMix, fellas!
  6. Very happy and wonderfully chippy! Perfect sounds for a great Christmas day, even if it was pretty much a green one. This has halc's great chip-tune style written all over it and all of it was enjoyable. Nice work.
  7. HOLY CRAP! I take off for the holidays, and when I come back, OA is already down? Damn! Well, that was fun, but I'll try to keep reviewing until the end of the month (then take a month off to recover). And I've been waiting to do this since the start of this month, so.....
  8. I love the piano and acoustic guitar combination work here, and the whole ReMix is simply beautiful and gorgeous. Very peaceful and appropriate to it's nature, which I loved. Everything sounded really good, and if anything came up that sounded a hair off, the arrangement masked it, which made it that much better. It sounds dreamy and gentle, perfect for a lullaby, especially how the ReMix itself seems to drift off to sleep which I thought was cool. Fantastic job.
  9. Oh, man, you can really get an icy atmospheric feel off of this one, especially in the intro. That beat is nice and solid, and the ambiance of this track is spectacular. It may be a bit more upbeat than a soundscape, but it's still chill enough to relax to and you can get a lot of peace out of this tune. Awesome work on this ReMix.
  10. A jazzy Drum and Bass ReMix, huh? We'll let's see here. Yeah, very laid back and mellow, but with a great grooving beat, that's something I really enjoy. I know what this reminds me of musically, but I can't put my finger on it at the moment, but it's good. Breaking down into half-tempo halfway through was a great move. I liked the arrangement here and the epiano sounded very nice. Great ReMix.
  11. I'm a huge fan of the likes of Tiesto and Corsten, so having a producer off their label do a ReMix was a very welcomed surprise. And after listening all day, I can easily say that this does not disappoint. Naturally, the arrangement and production sounds professional and terrific, and this is an example of five star trance. This ReMix is incredible, as it succeeds in paying respect to the original source while still having it's own identity and style. The fact that even without the knowledge that this came from the game, that this would probably bring the house down as a trance track in a club is awesome. Certainly one of the best tracks on the album. Great work on this.
  12. I can see how this was inspired in parts by Jungle Jazz, but on it's own, it sounds amazing. I enjoyed the e-piano work here, especially in the solo and the melody does have a bit of a nice, relaxing light jazz feel. Sound-wise, I think you nailed what X is all about. I love how it has a great beat to it, but never tries to be overly upbeat. A little light, a lot of results. Nice work.
  13. Pretty sweet beat you have going on with this one. Although the vocals could have been a bit louder, I liked them. The arrangement was definitely classic hard Trance and fits the rave scene very well. I can see where people would think this is long, because it takes it's sweet time to build more than usual, but I don't think it was too long at all. Since this was made to fit a DJ Playlist-type deal, I can understand the ending. Great job all in all.
  14. I really don't think I have to echo everyone else seeing how it's been said in just about every ReView so far. Yeah, it sounds a bit repetitive, put for some reason, I don't mind it here. The melody is good and I think the main thing holding this back is a lack of variation and switch-ups, more like 1:35. I think it's pretty good personally, but I can see where others take fault with it.
  15. Nice! Sounds like something I'd hear right off Frequency radio! Sweet driving beat with a great melody that really does the original justice. Awesome work with the synths and the arrangement. The pacing and feel of this one is definitely a head-nodder and stays very true to the great electronica formula. Nice work.
  16. Wow, this has a really cool beat! And it's a good ReMix to just jam to. Those strings were interesting and I do hear some Nujabes around it. To me, it sounds as though it's not completely chill, but it's also not overly upbeat. It's somewhere right in the middle with it's energy, which is something I find that Radiowar excels at with his music and I love it. All in all, another great groove-like electronica piece and another A+ for Radiowar.
  17. Hmm, oh yeah, I'm really digging the radio-style intro and outro here. And yes, them beats do indeed pack a punch, which is exactly what you would expect from a Drum and Bass ReMix. You got lots of fun energy pouring out of this one, and I can hear some of the Pendulum influences. The little break in the middle was a good call, especially when you deliver more deliberate beats right after that. A great track for sure.
  18. This is a perfect example of how much someone can improve over time. However, I don't think this is 100% horrible. Of course, for it's age, the production is meh and arrangement are a little tiring, but you can get the sense of it. And that middle section is enough to drink someone to drink. But I stand by what I said in the first sentence, this is a first-time submission from the early days, and things have improved since then. For what it is, it's okay.
  19. Man, this has got to be one of the catchiest things I've heard this week. First off, the music video linked to this was pretty cool. But onto the actual ReMix, this ROCKS! The drum and guitar work sounded good and the arrangement itself was amazing. It had an 80's power-rock sound going, so of course I loved it. The solo was short and sweet. Not to mention the lyrics were actually nice and performed well. Finally, that chorus? OH! *musicnote*. Definitely in my recommended list.
  20. Well, I can see why this came from OLR. But that's not a bad thing in the right crowd. This is creative and I actually hadn't heard the original before hearing this one. The delivery of those lyrics at least fit with the music, so I can dig that. The intro was great, but the ending was a bit abrupt. I will say, however, that if I had to highlight something that I really loved, it was the "oh really?" bit. It's stuck in my head.
  21. Hehe, this is a weird little drum and bass song. It's got the frantic energy that drum and bass demands, but it's also got a lot of odd sci-fi sounding quirks to it. Again, as with a lot of these long ReMixes off of ARMed and DANGerous, it has enough variety to keep the ReMix from getting boring and such. There is still a melody going on that you can hear throughout it all, which was great, and I enjoyed the break halfway past the fourth minute. Cool stuff you have here.
  22. Man, that is a strong beat you have going on here. I love the little distorted organ, and it worked out very well in this ReMix. I almost imagine those clicks as skeleton bones clicking, considering how this has a Halloween or spooky feel to it. I haven't played this game myself, but from what I've heard, this would fit well. The whole track is darkly upbeat and is a perfect example of a great dance beat.
  23. Hmmm, lounge jazz. It is a bit relaxing and comfortable to listen to. Not a fan of the bell chimes, as they sound a smidge sharp. I don't hate this ReMix at all though. It's got a nice peaceful vibe and would be great to have playing when your mind is elsewhere and you're busy doing stuff. Aside from some stiff sounds, not bad.
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