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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. This is freaking amazing! As soon as I heard the first ten seconds, I knew I was going to love this. You even threw in a "hey, listen" without it being annoying. Then some rain SFX and the guitars rip it open furiously. The drums were great and I loved the violin. 1:42 to 2:09 was simply awesome beyond words. Ending with a bit of chip, just as it started and using the rain and thunder SFX was terrific. Simply, this belongs in the music genre of "badass". Recommended and my personal favorite ReMix of the last few months.
  2. Well, this is a treat! Some heroic, some ethnic, some funk, all fantastic! This combines the classic sound we all know and love and injects some flavor into it, and I love it. Wonderful transition from the Overworld theme to the Zelda Rescue theme and back. I particularly enjoyed the last minute of the ReMix when the guitar joined the mix. Not sure if I've ever heard hard guitar and ethnic flavors at the same time, but it was pretty cool, so I wouldn't mind hearing more. Nice work.
  3. So beautiful. The Zelda soundtrack just seems to be made for these kinds of solo piano pieces. Gentle, and peaceful. It's always fun to close my eyes and listen back with headphones, trying to picture the scenes that the piano bring out. Laura: "I think it kind of sounds like the shadows of trees at night when there is a full moon. If such a thing can even have a sound." Yeah, I can see that and it's almost when you first go into the lost woods with the fog and all. Solo piano ReMixes always seem to have those minor recording/volume issues, but when done right, like this one, it's almost unnoticeable. Very cool.
  4. Awesome. The ReMix comes in like an energetic force and keeps on going throughout the rest of the song. A little old-timey, but it sounds great and I can really see it being used in a game today. Sweet soloing also. Not the best, but it's held up fairly well.
  5. Youtube: First you fuck with SMG, and now OCR? This is war, I tell ya, WAR! I don't have Twitter, but I'll find another way to help or at least spread the word and get others in on this.
  6. Slightly dated in some of the sound samples, but damn that arrangement is marvelous! Sets the mood and tone to a tee and I can totally feel where this was going the whole time. Really, only a few minor issues, but as everyone has already said, this is still a classic ReMix.
  7. When people say "gems of old OCR", this is without a doubt one of them. I think I found my Jazz groove. 1950's coffeehouse it is! As for the mix, the music flows so smoothly inbetween transitions and the sound is just so natural! I can actually picture this being played in a jazz club (well, this style of jazz club anyway). Very good arrangement and you kept with the style flawlessly. Damn good work.
  8. A little dated, but not a bad ReMix. It has a great beat to it and a nice groove throughout. While I would have loved to have heard a bit more adventuring as the mix went on, for what it is, it's good.
  9. Alright, so this is an okay ReMix and sounds like great backing track tunes. The "Get Ready" bits didn't annoy me as much as it did to everyone else, and the soloing part was nicely done. Not bad.
  10. Not bad. It sets up the atmosphere fairly well as the ReMix progresses and has a good beat layered over some decent techno. A bit industrial and mysterious, and one of the better early mixes. Very nice.
  11. Interesting. It's funny for sure, and the computerized voice was pretty different for what I used to hearing. Also, the music itself was good, which is a no-brainer considering the source. But it seems to me that it has a few kinks in coming together. I liked the idea, but I think those few issues caught up with it in the end.
  12. Very chill and relaxing, and it doesn’t sound horrible. Unfortunately, that’s all I can really say. It just seems to go on for a while before hitting that groove close to the fourth minute. Not a bad ReMix at all, and I enjoyed it, but it just seems a tad tame and long for me.
  13. Sweet, the French Horn and disco backing music works really well here. Kinda heroic while injecting some energy into the ReMix. Not much else I can say, other than this is one of those old tracks that aged very nicely.
  14. Not bad at all. I enjoyed the percussion and the military beat used during the majority of the ReMix, although it could stand to be a wee bit heavier. The pacing and arrangement of the song was good and the ending was amazing. Pretty good for an older song.
  15. Okay, so I actually kinda like this ReMix a bit. The samples are a bit rough and parts of it are just begging to be expanded, but I liked the arrangement and I would really love to see a super polished newer version of this. This is just one of the mixes that makes me wonder what they would sound like if done by todays standards. Nice.
  16. The Rock as Fred Flintstone? Nice........I see what he did there.
  17. Man, that's really touching. It's such a shame that he was so young.
  18. Funny, it almost sounds like a Zelda version of the BGM to one of my Clue games that has this genre. Very catchy, smooth, chill and it seems to be one of those "days of yore" gems. Nicely done with smoothing it back out after letting it take off. Could have been a bit longer, but really no complaints from me.
  19. Um, no. Sorry, just no. Way too short, way too MIDI, and there is really nothing saving this ReMix other than the fact that it's funny to listen to.
  20. Nice and catchy, but a wee bit too close to the original. I could almost picture it being from the game itself rather than a ReMix. But it's not bad and it sounds good. For when it was made, this is nicely done.
  21. I can't unhear the Brentalfloss version whenever I hear the original theme. But this isn't bad at all. This is the kind of ReMix that grows on me and I enjoyed it quite a bit. I liked the scratching bits after the looping laugh, but not so much the laugh. All in all, one of the better early OCR's. Long live the Konami code.
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