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Everything posted by FenixDown

  1. I bought an 8GB memory card with my Vita bundle but I haven't opened it or attempted to download any games yet as Persona 4 Golden remains Vita priority one for me. I get the feeling I'll be lucky if between the 4GB card the Vita came with and the 8GB card I bought I'll have enough room for the games in the bundle. If Sony's going to push digital media so heavily and have the newer games take up so much space, they should start making the lowest card size be 8GB or so and adjust the prices accordingly. I know not all games are 4+GB in size and I'm sure you can squeeze a few PSone classics into 4GB just fine. It just seems like a better approach.
  2. Niiice! You guys know I'm looking forward to this. Crossing my fingers for Ducktales and Star Fox on the EP but regardless of what made it in I know I won't be disappointed.
  3. I bought the Vita bundle on Black Friday as well, it arrived in the mail yesterday. I haven't had a chance to really check it out yet. I did buy Persona 4 Golden for half price at the time since it is still the only real reason I ever wanted a Vita in the first place. And yes, PSone classics can be downloaded to the Vita, as well as some PSP titles I think, if you're willing to buy them over again in digital form. I'll have to double check to see if that's accurate or not. I am interested in checking out The Walking Dead after all the praise the game has been getting. Never played Sly Cooper or Uncharted before but I'm sure I'll get to them eventually. But not before Persona 4 Golden.
  4. This would have sailed completely under my radar if it weren't for this thread. Unfortunately, I still forgot about it until close to 3:00 my time and managed to tune in to the stream in time for the Wind Waker movements and the Gerudo Valley encore. I love these Symphonic concerts, the arrangements are usually so creative. Thanks for posting the links.
  5. I posted my review on Amazon sometime last week. I went for a more informative approach with the review but I genuinely believe the album deserved the five stars I gave it. I actually ordered the first Mega Man ZX game off Amazon a couple days ago due in no small part to how much I've enjoyed listening to this album. About 98% of my experience with Mega Man is with the classic and X series with a tiny bit of Legends and Zero thrown in so I wasn't familiar with the sources to most of the album, but that didn't stop me from liking the arrangements.
  6. Finished my first listen this evening. Album is tight! I'd say Sixto's Spark Mandrill track is my initial favorite but there are plenty of close contenders. Congrats on the milestone, OCR!
  7. I liked the attitude behind the answers to the question I asked last time. It's good to know the artists here aren't limiting themselves beyond what they perceive as their current skill levels. I've been enjoying the OCR Talkbacks so far, they've been both entertaining and informative and I look forward to tuning in to more of them.
  8. Persona 4 Arena could use some more love. Some tracks I think stand out include: A Pure-hearted Beast There are other great tracks as well.
  9. Whatever day works best for you guys really. If I had to choose a time though, I'd probably say stick to 9pm EST. At least on Fridays I wouldn't be able to tune in live if it was any earlier than that because I'll most likely still be at work at that time. I enjoyed the first couple talkbacks and I look forward to catching more of them down the road.
  10. You guys had me until 'iTunes'. I'm glad you're considering other possible avenues of sale, Amazon MP3s might be worth looking into. This is a pretty cool development for OCR, congrats to everyone featured on the album. Looking forward to hearing it.
  11. This was a pretty good arrangement. The guitar really compliments the synth nicely. It's a little repetitive at times but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Great job, Andrew, Palpable.
  12. A worthy opening act for the massive FFVI album. I could not have asked for a better intro. Well done!
  13. This was an enjoyable take on Relm's Theme. The synth was handled very well throughout the entire track. Nicely done!
  14. I really enjoyed how you captured the feelings of the characters associated with this piece, Stevo. I liked the inclusion of Edgar and Sabin's Theme toward the end, it was a very nice touch. Great job, Stevo!
  15. One of the best arrangements of Terra's Theme I've ever heard. Style-wise, it sounds like it would have fit right in at a Symphonic Fantasies/Odysseys concert. I'm at a loss for words on how best to shower this piece with praise. Fantastic job!
  16. I remember this track from the voting competition from a few months back (or however long ago it was). I have to say, after hearing this track and his Mt. Koltz arrangement on the first disc of the FFVI album, if XPRTNovice wasn't on my radar before, he definitely has my attention now. Awesome job all around.
  17. I'll admit, it took a few listens to get this track to grow on me. I'm still not fully a fan of the male vocals for this one, sounds almost too lethargic for an arrangement of the victory fanfare, but it's kind of a trend for OCR FF album tracks to have titles/arrangements that take the original and do the inverse of it ("Hey Cid!" becoming "Goodbye Cid" and "Into the Darkness" becoming "Step Into the Light" from the FFIV album come to mind). However, the track is still continuing to grow on me and I never outright disliked it, it's probably one of those cases where you can chalk it up to a clashing of personal taste. Good job all the same!
  18. I enjoyed this track a lot. The variations of Kefka's theme really suited the character's nature, hitting the highs and lows of his personality. One of my most listened to tracks from the Kickstarter exclusive Disc 1 preview. Excellent work to all the performers involved.
  19. This was such an awesome piece. Probably the best track on disc 1 of the album, and that isn't an easy call to make either.
  20. Out of the tracks for the album I've heard so far, this one is easily in the top three, if not number one itself. Awesome job!
  21. I'm presently on disc 3 and I am in awe of how far OCR has come since I first learned of the site, something I feel like I've said for previous album releases as well. Thank you all so much for your contributions and effort. I've been spreading the word and am considering the possibility of typing up a review for a Final Fantasy-themed site I frequent the forums of. Time, work, and real-life stuff will determine the likelihood of that happening, but I hope to manage something. At any rate, I'm looking forward to finishing up my initial listen sometime tomorrow.
  22. Ok, I hope that'll do it. This is getting beary Teddie-ous. Confound it all, I'm starting to type like him! But yeah, I hope people who read this consider giving the game a shot, it's one of my top three favorite JRPGs. Persona 4 Golden for the Vita is the version you should get as they added a lot of extra content to it, but if the Vita is too far outside your price range, the PS2 version sells for under $20 on Amazon and even comes packaged with a soundtrack CD with most of the best tracks from the game (hint hint, wink wink). Thanks for the feedback everyone.
  23. A lot of the villains from Super Paper Mario are pretty hilarious, whether it's their dialogue or, in some cases, what they do in battle. for example. Also . is outright hilarious.
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