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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Got talked into seeing this movie and i'm glad i did. Much better than I was expecting.
  2. Hey congrats on the mixpost!

  3. I'm far from the more experienced OCR'ers but i'd be interested in helping.
  4. Greendog Greendog again Cyberbots
  5. Still my favorite community on the 'net! Happy birthday DJP and thanks for starting OCR!
  6. A great 16-bit style indie game just released on Steam today and it's awesome! For all of the OCR SEGA peeps like myself this would definitely be a must buy! http://freedomplanet.galaxytrail.com/ Gameplay wise it combines Sonic the Hedgehog with some Rocket Knight and despite a few control issues (turn the sensitivity to 50% or less with the xbox controller) it seems to work pretty well. My biggest gripe with the game is the voice acting. Which isn't horrible but definitely amateurish. I don't know why in a 16-bit style game ANYONE would think that EVERY SINGLE line of text would need to be read to the player. It's 15 bucks with plenty to do and more free content promised in the future so give it a shot if you are looking for a good Sonic inspired side scroller!
  7. Hey DS, is there going to be a WCRG 2014? :)

  8. I'm not big into speed runs but i love watching this guy's Sonic Unleashed runs.
  9. nah i think i am the one with the bruises....

    more metaphorically than literally. ;)

  10. Kind of funny, I just sat down to write something in this style today and i saw this pop up on soundcloud. Really nice intro. The drum loop that comes in around 0:17 sounds like it has too much 'verb on it and could be louder. I think if you took what you did with the loop at 1:00 it would work. Can't wait to hear more!
  11. AHHHHHHHH sorry man I had a busy semester. Had some fun, some stress, some beer, and had a chick mess with me. :( It'll take top priority this weekend!

  12. I've been pushing for Overclocked Reinterpretations not really...
  13. "Blue Blue skiiiieeesss" "Blue Blue Skieesss i seeeee!"
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