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Everything posted by Guifrog

  1. I just voted (your score is now 79!) with some help from Mr. Google Translator, but yea, some instructions could facilitate things XD Good luck!
  2. I couldn't imagine an acoustic version of Sonic 1 tracks, but ha, it fits! And it's great! I even find Marble Zone to be sexier here. <3 Nice intro btw
  3. 2h3eamh3W&(*S#LHas3u.has3;uhb*S#HB asu.3;b/(S#b8ashç3:

    a) uqwh3mAWH#

    B) @(*#B M

    c) .anhsuei,h*.

  4. You're scaring me, dude o.o

  5. For anyone interested, an update: it's all over, and I got 2nd place!! http://www.gamemusicbrasil.com.br/?page_id=35 (you might get what those mean ;P) Not sure if there's any prize for this, but still, I'm pretty happy to know I was capable of reaching quite a position. I'm really glad to say, this was possible because of you, OCR, that keeps teaching me wonders! Thank you, once again! ^^
  6. PSY + Conker, what happens? I just thought it would be an interesting mix EDIT: Pitch-corrected.
  7. It's over. Things went up like a storm today, wow. And, the last time I saw, I was in 4th place. More than enough! Thanks to everyone who voted! Honestly, I didn't expect to see so many responses after I bumped the thread YOU GUYS ROCK!! ROFL, I already had an idea of what you meant, but used google translator to confirm. That phrase in portuguese sounds so awkward it's actually hilarious XD
  8. LMAO²! It feels like... "ALRITE EVERYONE, chickens, pigs, cows and oxes, let's all hold our hands and wings so we can form a circle and dance! La la la" ...this!
  10. The whole song's amazing, but I think I have a crush on that 1:45-2:35 break... Why the stegosaurus didn't I listen to Vurez's stuff before?! <3 ...and then I realize that I actually did.
  11. You mean tuesday's the last day to vote, yea? Otherwise, guess we gotta run! And you guys, vote for him too.
  12. You're awesome, man It's one vote per person though, so the guys who will revise the votes when it's over shall count those +3 as only +1 XD. I contacted them sometime ago to have that question cleared up.
  13. No worries! Thank you, Magellanic So yeah, things get real today. Managed to get up to 2nd place, then tied with 2 artists in it, now 3rd again. C'mon, c'mon ♫
  14. Yeahhhhhh, that's how I like it guys! Thanks a zillion!! I'm 3rd, but in a much safer distance from the 4th, and I'm hoping to stay among the top 5. Tomorrow's the last day to vote. Keep 'em coming!
  15. Just voted Not an expert on guitar solos, but I know this fits pretty well, and it's amazing etc etc.
  16. Just listened to it, and I think those tunes are smooth, somehow melancholic (except probably for 1st and 5th tracks ;P). Definitely a cool listen. Btw, Live a Live vs Live a Live, am I reading it right? Is that why this track's so alive?
  17. Bumping this to say that I'm almost making it! I came up from the last to the 3rd position, but other artists are still gaining votes and I need to keep it up, so I still need your help! Pretty plz? ú_ù
  18. Well, I think one can try and do everything, but I came to the idea that your limitations to whatever genre you try may be shown when you receive the right criticism, taking OCR as an example (assuming that the site staff/judges understand what goes well on music in general). That being said, I came to the conclusion that world music's better/easier/more interesting for me to work with, as it's a more familiar territory, and I don't need to show my creativity with synths - instead, I have to show it on the melodies coming from real instruments. Nothing prevents me from giving a pinch of electronic elements in my music, though. Also what Flex said - sometimes I just make such a salad, it doesn't even seem to fit a specific genre at all. You can do whatever you want, just make it sound good.
  19. Ribbit? Right, so there is this brazilian VGM competition that I only knew about yesterday. It's divided in categories, and I decided to participate in Best Remix. Here's what I've got: http://www.gamemusicbrasil.com.br/?page_id=456&v=216 It was made in quite a hurry, because popular voting period will end on September 16th (it started in May). After that, a group of judges will select the finalists, and the winner will be known on day 30. A trophy will be given in São Paulo, where the event's gonna take place, with free transportation to the finalist. So, do you like my entry? You think possible production issues due to the rush are dispensable? Vote for me; each person may vote only ONCE. You have to provide your e-mail after clicking "votar", and then check your inbox for a voting confirmation e-mail from GMB, which will give you a link to access so things are done. If you've got any other doubts, let me know. Thank you very much already, it means a lot to me! It's just one of those opportunities I've been looking for after a long time
  20. - Silliness everywhere, plus expressiveness (just think of Tom & Jerry music). - Optimism; major scales in general. - I can't get enough of saw waves either. - When a song of any genre features an exotic instrument.
  21. I like Asian DreamZ and Indian DreamZ. In fact, those are the only ones I use from DSK SpicyGuitar's a must-have btw.
  22. Man, how crazy could that be?! I still feel some kinda barrier since English isn't my native language (it's quite disturbing in live chats already ), but let's say I find the OCR Team somewhere. Dude. I think I'd go nuts. I'd punch Liontamer in the belly SO hard, like a zillion times, he'd better have it very well contracted. Seriously, I love OCR! This is my college for everything regarding music makin', so yea, thank you OCR ^^
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