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Everything posted by Anti-Syne

  1. Hi all, Myself and two other guys are currently making a short indie film, looking to release it around April/May of next year. Without giving too much away, the plot centers around a man consigned to life in a gas mask after an apocalyptic event (think 'The Road'/'I am Legend' sort of thing). Anyway, the opening scene features quick cut montages of news reports from around the world indicating how the 'end of world' event happened, and this is where you come in! We need some very brief, audio only, news report-like lines recorded by you people from around the world, which you can then send to me for us to put into the film as radio broadcast snippets. Any and all accents are welcome as we want this scene to have a global feel. We can't offer any payment for this sadly (it's very low budget, we won't be making any money from it ourselves) but we will of course credit you for your small part and will be massively grateful. Also unfortunately I can't guarantee right now that your line would make it into the final edit, I see no reason why it shouldn't if your recording is good enough, but thought I should say anyway. I reckon getting the line recorded and sent back to me should be no more than a 20 minute job at most, so if you've got a bit of spare time please give it a thought. Anyone will do as long as they: A) Can give a convincing newsreader performance (basically serious voice, do it in your own voice rather than an impression) Have a semi-decent microphone and recording software to produce a decent recording. C) Can send me their recording, preferably via email. D) Are, or at least sound like, an adult (sorry kids!) In terms of recording quality I'd prefer completely unprocessed (i.e. no compression, e.q. etc) files in .wav format to be recorded at a 48k sample rate at 24bit if possible. If any of you are genuinely interested please send me a private message on here and I can assign you your short, single line and give you my email for you to send the audio file to. Of course please message me with any questions you might have. There's no strict deadlines, just an ASAP sort of thing. We just have 12 lines that need recording, if possible we'd like 12 different people for these 12 lines. Hope to hear from you! (p.s. if you're really interested, you can follow our updates on the project via twitter @hd1films)
  2. So I've been working on this for the last few hours now, 80's style, so lots of big snares, vibrato synths, stabbed bass notes and retro orchestra hits! It's mostly Jenova, but there are parts of the main battle theme worked in there too. It's not finished yet but I thought at this point I should ask some opinions on how it's going, what you'd change about it etc... Hope you enjoy it!
  3. Cheers buddy!

  4. Thanks! Yeah us Brits gotta represent haha

  5. I won't be remixing anymore from FFVIII, 2 is definitely already enough from that. That aside I only remix tracks from games I know well, which just so happens to be the more popular games like your FFs and Sonics.
  6. Any chance you could make this available for download?
  7. Thanks guys, glad you liked it! I tend to get my vocal tracks from http://www.acapellas4u.co.uk/ They've got a pretty big database there
  8. Wow...really? Mate, no need for that kind of response, at least say what you don't like about it. Personally I really enjoyed this remix, really nailed that French House sound, then again it would appear you are French, so i expect nothing less!
  9. 154 - Sergeant Bash - From BBC's Robot Wars (Pretty much every kid in the UK went crazy for this show in the early 2000's) I'm seriously amazed at the variety here
  10. Sounding good so far! Personally i think the kick drum level is fine, but the snare could do with coming up a bit. Moving on, I think the piano near the start is the biggest weakness here, it comes in too loud, making it seem really far forward, it's also a bit mechanical, which isn't the biggest problem as it fits the dance genre, maybe just pull it back a bit in the mix with a lower level whilst playing round with some move reverb and/or delay settings to help it sit in the mix more. Apart from that i'm really liking the variation of sounds, keeps it entertaining throughout, i don't know the source at all so i can't comment on the arrangement too much, but i'm looking forward to hearing this finished, keep it up!
  11. It's been a while since a did a proper remix, so i tried my hand at remixing some qotsa, enjoy! http://soundcloud.com/jack-lewis/go-with-the-flow-jack-lewis
  12. Hey, congratulations on your debut!

  13. I like it so far, cool unique take on JENOVA. It's got a really nice feel to it, builds up nicely with a nice mix of sounds. My two main complains are: 1) That crackling at around 0:30, I assume it's not my set up, but it did make me think there was something wrong with my speakers/headphones/sound card. Maybe add some more processing like a modulating filter or something to it to make it fit in more or scrap it all together. 2) Obviously it's not finished yet, so you may have this in mind anyway, but when it kicks off at 1:03 i'd like to hear a more prominent lead really take center stage and drive the whole piece on, the synth playing the melody there just doesn't cut it enough for me and sounds more like a backing line to me. Keep it up, I'm interested to hear how this progresses!
  14. it's actually the first original i've finished for quite a while, so, i thought i'd share this: http://soundcloud.com/jack-lewis/surge-breaker Enjoy!
  15. Couldn't find a mention of this on here yet, so I thought i'd share it. So it's still in pre-beta stage, no guarantee of a release, but it looks and sounds incredibly interesting at the very least. It's completely modular from what i can tell, and looks like a truly intuitive and original way of working. The makers are still trying to get funding for it, but with plans of audio editting still to be added, both PC and (eventually) Mac compatability and ReWire support I'm very excited by this. What does everyone else think? Something exciting and new, or just a flashy version of max msp with 3d thrown in there to join to bandwagon?
  16. Yeah, sorry but this is a long way from being submittable at the moment. It certainly sounds better than your first wip, but there's still a long way to go for this to pass initial judgement, let alone the judges panel. There's still the same fundamental timing errors throughout this piece, making it all sound very disjointed, yes there are now more than one instrument playing at a time, but they all seem completely independant of each other. The chords for your backing (piano arpeggios) really need to be changing, not just playing the same ostinato constantly, this is one of the main things causing that feel of each instrument just playing it's own thing irrespective of what other parts are doing. Secondly this is much more of a cover than rearrangement of the original, playing the same structure, and pretty much same notes and rhythm as the original from start to end. You'll have to make this your own in terms of arrangement, something to make it stand out. DjMystix already mentioned the low quality of the sounds so i won't go over that again. Sorry again that this is really negative. I really think the first thing you need to do is work out the chord sequence you're going to use with the melody then re-record it all, really sticking to the click track/metronome so that all the parts realy mesh together. Please feel free to ask any questions if i haven't explained this well, I will (as i'm sure will many others) be more than happy to give you any advice so you can really improve this, so please ask away if you're unclear about anything anyone is saying here!
  17. I'm no rapper, this will not be a rap, sorry to dissapoint, but it would probably be best if a fairly middle class white english guy stayed away from rapping... Anyway! So here's what i've been working on and the source (but i assume most people know it anyway?): So I've kept alot of the original lyrics, rather than adding new ones in, turned the bass line into the main melody and added my own chord sequence. As always I'd love to hear anyone's opinions on this. Enjoy!
  18. Probably my biggest musical inspiration that guy, i'm in!
  19. Thanks :D Glad you liked it!

  20. I think first off you need to say more in your post than just a link to your remix, yes the source track would be nice for those that don't know it, but more importantly it would be nice to hear your thoughts on this, for instance; what do you think you've done well on? where do you think you need help? are you planning on improving this enough to be submittable? Do you even want people to critique this, or are you just posting it here to show people? I'm guessing since you've posted it under 'work in progress' you do want some critiques and advice, but still, some words from you would definitely encourage more people to give you help and advice if they know where you're coming from. Anyway! First thing i want to say is you're definitely improving in terms or rhythm and timing from what i remember of your other tracks you've posted on here, there are a few awkward moments when it seems notes should be held longer, or there should be longer rests, but overall it's a lot more steady than other tracks of yours I've heard. The main problem here is that the whole track is just the melody, and given that only one instrument plays at any given time the track very quickly gets predictable and thin. First thing you'll have to do to improve this is add a bass line and some chords, it doesn't matter what's playing those parts or how they're being played, just get them in! It will immediately improve the track just by making things more interesting (how many complete tracks do you really hear that are played just one instrument at a time which isn't a solo performance?). Maybe you could keep the piano ostinato at the start playing throughout the verse at least and have it change with the chord sequence? When you've added some other parts I would suggest getting rid or the rain sounds, it just seems out of context (unless you were thinking rain, Raine...?) and unnecessary, if you're worried about the track sounding completely empty without it then don't worry, because the other parts I've suggested you add will make the rain redundant. Sorry if this all seems a bit negative... I'd suggest you listen to these two arrangements of the same source, and pay attention to what the other instruments besides the ones playing the melody are doing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5hV5p45ee4 I'm not saying copy them, just listen to the other parts and get some ideas of how to build up a backing section. Hope this helps, and stick with it!
  21. It wasnt on FL10, but my old computer used to crash if i had the buffersize for ASIO4ALL set too small, meaning that when i switched to the ASIO4ALL driver the computer couldnt handle trying to use that small a buffer size. Try and set the buffer size to as large as it can get, that is if you can access the settings before it crashes your computer. Failing that try and find another asio driver for now
  22. Glad you're all enjoying this, Gario is pretty much spot on with the source usage breakdown. Thought I may as well share this: for anyone that's interested in the vague history of this track. That's a much older, unfinished remix of the same source from my old (haven't touched it in over a year) youtube page from when I first started ReMixing. I actually sampled and salvaged a little bit of this older remix, 'Night City Glitch', to make 'Night City Funk'.
  23. Oh man I was meant to comment on this a few days ago but got side tracked! Anyway, just thought i'd say well done, it's a great mix of sounds with a nice smooth feel, good luck with the panel!
  24. Boy do I feel silly, I always pronounced 'Mana' like Marna... Then again i do say bath like barth, grass like grarse etc etc, so i doubt i'll change anything now
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