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Everything posted by Yami

  1. Oh, Soul Blazer, a really strange yet catchy soundtrack. I second that
  2. Ok, because I had a sudden stroke of inspiration for an adrenaline filled remix of Battle of the Last Enemy ~ Final Conflict from Rudra no Hihou http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7VTqOQDX3c
  3. I started playing the keyboard when I was 5 and did until I was 11. After that I didn't have the time to continue. But a few years ago I started making music again and I'll be 29 in less than a week. I know there are a lot of younger people who have much more talent than I do, but I don't think I'm too old. You're never too old for a fun hobby
  4. Just a short question: Since I'm not a posted remixer I have to apply with a WIP (obviously), but how long does it have to be or how sophisticated?
  5. Hmm, I love Batman, he's my favorite superhero. Yet the only game I ever really played was Batman: Return of the Joker for the Gameboy. Perhaps I'll play it again to find a worthwhile tune.
  6. I know it should be randomized, don't worry, I won't be mad if I get picked for the light bracket, but it would be funny if I'd be in "my" bracket
  7. Should we post our picks here? If yes, then: 1. FFVI Setzer 2. FFVI Shadow 3. FFVII Red XIII Since I was the first (at least at the time of posting) I thought about taking Terra, but I think it should be given to someone who deserves it more Edit: And I really hope I will be in the darkness bracket because of my username and stuff
  8. 2004 my ex-girlfriend sent me some OCRemixes. 2005 I started to look for them myself and was a lurker here until around 2011, then I started to make my own remixes.
  9. Oh my god! Sorry, I don't think I can help you (but I'll try), but if you finish that, I need to hear it. Just yesterday I showed a friend an AMV of Photon with that song
  10. Damn, I was too busy to get something done. Perhaps next time
  11. I hope I can finish something in time, I was a bit occupied when I was in Berlin for the last week
  12. Funny, nobody has mentioned the Plok boss theme yet: I have an idea along my line of horror electro let's see if I can make something of it for an applicational WIP
  13. Please directors, can we have this?
  14. Hmm, I've always been thinking of a Kirin Battle remix from Kid Dracula (strangely it's been a level theme in the NES prequel), but first I want to try if I can get it to sound evil
  15. Perfect, I wanted to do this tune for years
  16. Ok, I voted, but it was really hard. @HoboKa: MnP will work similar to the PRCs right? So I can enter at will, or do I have to tell you before?
  17. You definitely need to expand that one. I need this for my night drives, this and my BMW really go together
  18. Oh, I totally oversaw that one. Congrats to your first post Ivan! The track really rocks (pun intended)
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