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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Huh, what a nifty idea. I may just sign up for this. Hopefully I can get out of a "remixing block" because I could use some remixing 'encouragement'
  2. Really? Can't think of anything? Not even one single game out there? Brandon sort of maybe has a point. Right now the crux of console games is "graphics or gtfo", which Nintendo isn't the leader of (really though, who needs to see the pore detail of the person they just blasted with their overpowered Call to War riflecannonthing). Naturally, we could also scream "but CPU power!" (and many already do) but everyone knows that PCs do it better regardless and the likelihood that any of the games on any of these consoles completely use up the entire CPU load at any moment in time is next to none. The thing against XBone was the Kinect, and sales may pick up after this announcement. The complaint about Nintendo is that they don't want to follow the crowd - they never have, and it seems that the crowd as always followed Nintendo, e.g. Wii comes out, everyone laughs, everyone creates motion-detecting equipment soon after. This round it's the gamepad, and everyone who hates Nintendo loves to bash nintendo over anything and everything, and this is no exception. Is the gamepad a fantastic piece of hardware? Well, I wouldn't know, never used it. Is it revolutionary to gaming? Probably. Could it be replaced with remote connection using a 3DS while shaving a few bucks off of the console price? Of course, but I'd rather buy one console with remote console gameplay for $XXX than buy two to get the same functionality for ultimately more money {$XXX-100 + $YYY}. looking at you PS Vita But enough Anti/Pro-Nintendo (brandon), let's get back to discussing the XBone. So, price drop. This can be good, and it may help Microsoft recoup any losses they may have earned (or, well, lost) since launch, but I think that in order to pull this off the XBone will need to have a kickass set of games lined up to bring back gamer interest to this console.
  3. Do we really have nobody else available for instrumental/vocal assistance besides Furilas? I'm thinking of making a Jazz quartet-style remix, but I can't play, well, any jazz instrument. Maybe I'll need to shop around a bit...
  4. First of all, nice ninja addition. When did you guys add this to the forums? My main reason for posting is that I can't reverse votes I've made on threads. I was just wanting to test the voting system out, and — poof! Can't change a vote (Which is entirely understandable of course). Could vote changing be allowed in the future (possibly to rectify a situation where someone votes the thread badly in spite, then comes around months or possibly years later, most likely in the situation of project threads)?
  5. To each his own. In my opinion I'd say that the original one for SNES was the worst. I don't know, I enjoyed the aspects of Double Dash—it introduced an interesting play mechanic—but I feel that I enjoyed MK Wii more.
  6. As I said earlier, if you can't find a sample that you like (or if it's at a pitch you don't want and pitch adjustment isn't doing the job right), then you can always make your own. After a quick test, a simple sonar ping would be a few layered sine pings at different pitches (I tested three). Make one of those sines your "main" sine, and pitch the other two an octave above and below your main sine, and cut these two down in amplitude so that they are barely audible, but add harmonic content to the sine. You will really want the higher sine to be next to non-existent (just enough to give some brightness to the ping), but how loud you want the lower sine is up to you; the more amplitude it has the more deeper body the ping gets, but it also feels heavier with it. For the envelopes, it's really up to you, you can either have the percussive sound of a low-to-no attack, or you can round it off a bit to give it a rebounded feel of echoing off of twenty-some underwater surfaces. And then go crazy on reverb to actually make it sound underwater. And I mean crazy.
  7. You could always ask Rozovian; I mean he did make (or use?) SONAR noises for his Spume track for the Pokemon: The MissingNo Tracks album. I can't find any good samples online (after a quick search, I'm sure after a few hours of knowledgeable scouring I could find something), so you may have to resort to making your own. While I'd like to say it's just a simple sine ping with some reverb, I'm not so sure that's actually the case.
  8. Hi, unfortunately you've posted this in the wrong forum, as this is for game remixes. However, I'm sure one of our benevolent moderators can move this for you.
  9. Well seeing as there's no way I can finish my track tomorrow (yay working over spring break), I've got to turn it in incomplete. Oh well.
  10. it's definitely new material, started it around Thursday night so we're good there
  11. Heads up that I fully intend to participate this round, using a rather recent source from PRC
  12. Neat reorchestration of this track! I haven't played Minecraft in a while but this definitely brings me back into that blocky building world!
  13. Did they make this joke somewhere in the movie? I think they did, or something to this extent...
  14. I'll admit I've been running on assumptions and previous experience w/PRC and MnP, which discourage self-voting but gives you a voting bonus of a 1st place vote added to your own submission simply for voting. If I had known that it was allowed I wouldn't have said anything. Of course I wouldn't have voted for myself [this round] because I really don't like my submission, but I would have been ok with it. Maybe WillRock should put a self-voting policy in the first post to mitigate confusion, because I'm certainly confused at this point.
  15. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had braced himself against Thor's hammer swing in The Avengers, and in this movie he hadn't done so? That is quite the inconsistency, I wouldn't have noticed that.
  16. I'm inclined to agree. I don't know how WillRock planned to interpret this (whether to toss the 1st place vote in question or to count it or what), but I was wondering if there was a way to mitigate this sort of thing. "thou shalt not vote for thine own cover"?
  17. So... what went down on the forums during their downtime today? I'm feeling paranoid running around trying to find changes
  18. Gawd I'm so embarrassed with how I sound this round with my mix. I have a feeling Brandon's going to blow us away this round too

    How's it been dude?

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