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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. Well I meant more just that you could use samplers to manipulate the sounds . Either way this sounds interesting
  2. Soundfont sounds best. I thought it would be fun to try making music using a single wav file that is manipulated via various sources. But I think originals might be easier , since there's no active originals compo, plus it's easier to just improvise and go with the flow
  3. I miss read the voting deadline to be next week. Sorry guys I'll get you a good source !
  4. For me it's that I'm still unskilled enough that I use midis . Most modern games have few midis . Otherwise some of it is that many games have very cinematic or ambient soundtracks that are harder to remix
  5. Thanks! It's good that you participated anyways. Practice is really what these are about
  6. just under the wire! it was a good round and i had alot of fun with this, its not entirely complete, but im sure youll still enjoy it!
  7. So I've been using the same old tired cymbal crashes with effects layered on them to keep them interesting, for quite a while. Occasionally i use white noise with a slow decay and some reverb and maybe some other effects. but Its something that i think i could really improve on to spice up my mixes. does anyone have a good guide or resource for improving transitionary elements such as cymbals? I know you can use other things besides cymbals, right? also, does anyone know of a good cymbal sound library, i dont care if its just WAV files.
  8. haha yea, just gotta talk a little trash ;) glad to see the round went will for you!

  9. seems like such a long time ago that this started, and now our boy is all grown up. I should probably stop procrastinating and update that nyan mix! Anyways, Great job Eino and Tuberz! and to everyone else for that matter. hope to see this one again next year!
  10. I dont normally leave reviews, but just wanna say Sterling, nice improvement since your last compo entry!
  11. this is such a funky source. but then again, i think i say that every time. perhaps there shall be a mix this week
  12. Will do! I've heard there's some good stuff coming out of the compo so far

  13. Happy Birthday Nathan! may this year provide you with extra Clintons.
  14. i do genuinely hope they can float the ship again. the world really does need more JRPG games that dont suck. I mean actually good games, and not something aimed at otakus who want cliche'd characters and tired gameplay. As much as people like to poke fun to square, they were pretty much THE people to go to for interesting role playing games in the 90s. in fact most things made before that ENIX merger were good.
  15. no clever birthday pun but i hope you have a stylin birthday!
  16. EXACTLY. no sane person would ask the NFL to make the game for free because they might sell more team merch. you wouldnt ask for free groceries under the premise that youll spread the word about how good the food is. Performance is work, and as such it requires direct compensation. period. i would also like to see someone argue why it is that the nfl can continue to break boundaries of greediness. lets not forget the biggest issue aside from the already ridiculous tax issue, which is the stadium issue. I make less than 20000 a year, and i pay my taxes like anyone else. where do my taxes go? among other places, to a new VIKINGS STADIUM. guess who didnt pay for it? the NFL. guess who didnt pay for it in tax money? the NFL. Guess who doesnt pay its musicians and makes up excuses for why?( which everyone defends) the NFL. theres a pattern here, and it has nothing to do with politics or small print. its called GREED.
  17. well yes, but regardless of how famous they are or whether they volunteer, or even pay to be at halftime, it doesnt matter. as someone said, it sends the wrong message about how to treat artists. the company rakes in so much money from doing pretty much nothing that it could easily, and should, pay artists at least SOMETHING.
  18. it was brought to my attention that the NFL doesnt pay performers during halftime, saying that it compensates them in exposure. who else is utterly disgusted by this, and is there anything that can be done about it? i think that if the musicians are exempt from pay, so are the players, and all nfl employees for the duration of the superbowl. surely the exposure compensates all the costs right? To salt the wound, theyre tax exempt. not sure if this is community or off topic since it does involve music.
  19. i couldnt handle the shame after posting that.so im putting in a minute and thirty second sketch that i arranged at the last minute and didnt do much mixing wise. this source is too much fun not to post something! Edit: subbed! see you guys after the deadline
  20. alright, sweet I just learned about tonal contrast, and i guess i never really realized that color contrast is just as important as tonal contrast in an image. contrast is pleasant in most forms of are really like dynamic contrast in music.
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