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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. oh ok! good luck! maybe if you get lucky youll get some christmas money to get one or something.

  2. thats clever! thanks ! i like to hope people enjoy my mixes:) Im excited to get into these, i have the day off, so i can be lazy and read/listen. ill get my secret santa out by the end of the week. ive been a bit stumped on what to get, but i might have some ideas now.
  3. im assuming you were my secret santa? you dont have your last name posted, but i think youre the one. :)

  4. seems like you know your stuff. you should fit right in i would imagine!
  5. Is this by the 17th as in 12am, or by the end of the day on the 17th? i have the 17th off, so if i can finish by then itd be nice to do some finishing touches.
  6. hey Eino! I saw that you didnt have a mic preamp, so i thought id suggest buying a tascam ixz. theyre these little interfaces that connect via 35mm jack. theyre designed for portable use with iphones, but theyre DIRT cheap. something like 29$ if you get it on B&H. dunno if that helps, or maybe youll just get lucky for christmas.

  7. what was it you said about treating pads? you widen them and add light distortion?

  8. whats this about vgmix having compos soon?

  9. the remixer you have with you is better than the remixer you left at home. -ancient chinese proverb. Edit: I just voted also
  10. exciting to see people moving up the ranks! Good luck to you guys!
  11. join the 10th aniversary prc! its gonna be a good one im sure :)

  12. I second this, i dunno if the staff agrees, but i really do think that its an incredible feat. IF im not mistaken, some of the more well known ReMixers have gotten their start on the Prc.
  13. i had 4 wins? i thought i only had three! my new years resolution was to win 3 , so im glad i exceeded that by 1 but oi i sure am excited for this. i love multi week compos as they give you time to really polish, and one with the freedom of choice is even better! im expecting some stiff competition this round.
  14. excellent screenname!

  15. I second this. Ill be bringing mine too , so there should be pictures abound!
  16. just under the bell! looking forward to listening to these bad boys.
  17. Eino And Trism, like batman and ezio, show up to save the prc once again!
  18. yea , im having a hard time keeping it conservative.
  19. When i FIRST set up skyrim i got a bit of a headache. Morrowind did that to me when i first played it too. Generally though, i feel fine when playing, unless ive been at it for a few hours and then my eyes hurt a bit. lazygecko is probably on point though.
  20. Plus if you take a cab it'll cost that much anyways so you might as well fly and take the metro to the hotel
  21. Sounds like fun to me! a project with a soundtrack from a game ive actually played and beaten. plus its golden sun. duh.
  22. birthday party at magfest! thanks for being there for us OCReMix! And thanks to all the staff that have helped over the years!
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