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Status Updates posted by Esperado

  1. Hey Zircon, this is definitely a noobish question, but how do you load cinematic drums into kontakt? ive just been drag'n'dropping the wavs into my daw, but using kontakt would be much nicer. i have the free version, i just dunno how its done.

  2. how do you get -1 plays on soundcloud? or is that a photoshop?

  3. i dont think you blabbed, i just decided to follow the link in your sig and noticed there was a compos section

    ill get you that mnp pick by tomorrow night!

  4. i figured, i might as well start adding people that ive talked to and such :)

  5. i just started legend of mana. any tips?

  6. I just want to thank you for being so informative and helpful all the time :)

  7. I just wanted to let you know that i really enjoy calm of sweden. you should take it to the workshops!

  8. I just was curious with all the IOS stuff youve been using lately, I figured something mustve happened to it. :) you seem pretty content with what youve got

  9. I know this is super late, but in your "The Boss Must Dance" remix, I feel like it would benefit from more prominent drum sounds. I just was listenin through some old compo mixes and thought id shoot you a message about it. :)

  10. I posted in the forums there and in the OCDeviants group. :) hopefully there is some response

  11. I second anorax. i really found RMwtS to be very helpful to my music making skills

  12. I see you have a kore 2 controller. is it worth getting? I heard they play nice with abletons racks

  13. i think a mm6/mm7 album would be awesome. maybe when im better at music ill help get one started in the projects forum

  14. I totally get it, it's a lot of money too for the ticket and room and such. I hope you can figure something out either way!

  15. Idunno man! Your song is longer than a minute and a half haha. I can try! That 3/4 time signature might have me beat.

  16. If you have any questions about ableton, I use it as well so feel free to ask! Koan Sounds also makes some really swanky glitch hop, so they might be worth a listen.

  17. Ill see if i can! I really want to keep doing the RWTS compos since they REALLY helped me when i started and i could use some more pointers during the process of making a track. But i dont see how it would be too hard to do both.

  18. im assuming you were my secret santa? you dont have your last name posted, but i think youre the one. :)

  19. indeed. i enjoy midi sequencing on my iPod, at least for original work, more than my laptop. I tend to work much faster

  20. is your screenname a reference to xeen?

  21. It's nice to have options each week on what to remix! Thanks for hosting it!

  22. ive seen a few for 150 used. Probably just better off getting one of those novation nocturne controllers, those go from like 50-100 and theyre essentially the same thing. the kore 2 is just such an beautiful controller. It really is a shame that they killed it off.

  23. join the 10th aniversary prc! its gonna be a good one im sure :)

  24. just dropping by to mention your sig, along with errrbody else. is it you, or someone else in the sig?

  25. keep up with it, its a really nice DAW! i decided to use it since i enjoy the dual view system. it helps me start out an idea using loops i make for songs, and then i can kinda go from there. not as versatile as logic or something else, but thats ok. sooner or later ill get a secondary daw for more complex stuff. i just think live sets are fascinating

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