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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. Happy B-Day : o

  2. Not really a remix or anything of music from the games, so I thought I'd put it here.
  3. Been a while hasn't it? Brought 2 beats this time haha.
  4. : ) Not an official one but here y'go. And yes - HnK 3 is pretty awesome.
  5. Venom Bass Boss-Great Commander (Soundcloud) Mix I thought I'd share - hope you enjoy.
  6. Nope, I'm not feeling it at all either BP. However, to each their own. I just feel like this was SEVERELY over-hyped. I'll have to pass.
  7. Pretty much all the enemies in Blood Dragon.
  8. Happy B-day Radio

  9. Happy b-day indeed.

  10. What can be said was already said from a technical/critical stand point. That being said, great sounding orchestration you've got going thus far.
  11. Congrats on your new laptop mon ami - as for the mix, so far so good from what I'm hearing. Regarding that set db level however - I can't really say honestly.
  12. Thanks to this group, I'm learning a thing or two. Planning on getting a bike and doing some riding...as it's the only exercise I think I'll actually enjoy doing.
  13. Wish 4 You (SoundCloud) Just wanted to share. Hope it's enjoyable.
  14. Happy b-day Zargg.

  15. Thanks Tim - and you're pretty much on the money there. Sampled the actual track, worked it a touch and added the drums/ additional accompaniment. Suffice to say, there's not much of a melody as a result. Grateful for the feedback and will definitely take note. Wasn't shooting for anything complex here though, just having some fun : )
  16. Honest Mother Earth (Soundcloud) It's been a while since I've covered PSO hasn't it? That said I hope it's somewhat enjoyable. Also, the person pictured? That's the original Rukunetsu from when I first started Playing PSO. Great times, that they were.
  17. Area 88 Bump Ranking (Soundcloud) Just a little something to break the inspiration slump I was in. I think it worked haha. Nothing special at all, but I hope it's a little enjoyable.
  18. Should have a big update for this very soon Dusk and DJ.
  19. Happy B-day m'friend.

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