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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. and he's looking to start a fight with a BS troll-post as usual. Just ignore it. Anyway, these upgrades they plan on making to both XB1 and PS4 are what I think will be the final nail on the console gaming coffin for me. The thing I always liked about consoles is that you wait 4-5 years and then spend a few hundred bucks for a massive upgrade that brings new exclusives with it. The technology is slowing down though, and If I have the choice between paying 400 for a Playstation Neo so that I can play my games with better graphics and performance or spending $150 on a new graphics card for my PC to do the same, it becomes an easy decision.
  2. I am currently leaning towards this Radeon card. Good suggestion, Flex!
  3. I'm "that" guy, but in every other DAW you just right click and change the time signature. I just don't know why Image Line won't implement that feature.
  4. Oh man, that's weird. I got it on Windows 10 and it runs around 60 fps. Though at present, I have an AMD card. I keep hearing about games like DOOM having problems specifically with Nvidia cards lately. Wonder if it's a similar problem. Which raises a new question. Does anyone know what an equivalent Radeon GPU to Gar's suggestion would be?
  5. This is a great recommendation, Gar! Really? I haven't been having any problems with the Ghost In The Shell Game. Speaking of, you should add me up on Steam and we can play if you want!
  6. So, I'm in the market for upgrading my graphics card a bit. It's the only thing I have in my PC at the moment that isn't quite hardcore enough to run some of the absolute newest things or at least not run them at high visual settings. From what I gather, I need one that has at least 2GB of dedicated RAM. I've looked around locally and online but I have no clue what is or isn't a good price for one like that or how new a card must be to have such specs. Or if any of the cards I've seen are actually good or not. Any suggestions and tips you have would help me greatly. Cool. Thanks. Bye.
  7. Yes. At least that's how I do it. Most people I know here do it by ear too. No. No. No.
  8. "Art" right...what other crazy shit do you consider "art", Strader?
  9. A cursory glance of his devblog confirms the former. Not surprised in the least that you are defending him. I, for one, feel this community is better than this. I do not want to be associated with not only a guy creating a hentai centered around rape, I also don't want to be associated with a community of musicians that would support its members taking on such work via its forums and that is why we need closure from a mod on this. This guy's game isn't "artsy" or something, it's turning a crime into sexual fantasy and as he explained on his blog, it may explore other "taboo" subjects as well.
  10. Actually, it's because idgaf at this point and I don't really like the feeling of belonging to a community that would allow sickos making rape games to recruit there. You say I'd be incapable of "getting a rise" out of you, but it's pretty clear I unintentionally did. I'm also not talking cease and desist letters or ranting about the nature of for-hire work, I just pointed out how unbelievably stupid it is that you go out of your way to avoid insulting anyone regarding the "touchy subject" of loops when you are looking for someone to score a hentai game where the primary sex acts are "assault" as you call them. Like, do you see how stupid it is to be worried about offending someone who uses loops? Also, you're chastising me about the forum rules, but you might wanna read this, slick "Do not reference or link to the following: piracy/warez files or sites, nude or pornographic images, referral scam links, malware/spyware, or any illegal content." Granted, it says that under signatures, but if referencing/linking to porn is a no-no under signatures, I can't see why the mods would make an exception when it's an actual forum post that links to a playable demo of a porn-game. Regardless of where they stand on this in particular, you'd have to be a real creep to make a rape game in the first place.
  11. You've described exactly why I don't think you should be able to have multiples lol. Ever gone up against a team of five Pharahs and one Mercy? I have. It's not fun. "Justice rains from above" all the time and like you said, the team of all Tracers got totally dominated. You can make a completely unbalanced team and most of the time those combinations will fail horribly, but there are some that are arguably over-powered. Imagine a team entirely of bastion on the defensive team all surrounding the attackers' exit at the beginning of a match. I agree that Bastion could do less damage, but at the same time - just finding another route around him is pretty easy. I just don't see why Reaper and McCree's moves need to be one-hit kills. Playing Bastion, McCree and Reaper and then using the latter two's ultimate is basically an easy "Play of The Game" that is way too good at turning the tide of the match. Like, they should make "High Noon" do less damage the more people he targets and most characters should be able to survive at least one shot of reaper's ultimate.
  12. The game is out! Discuss all things Overwatch! I'm loving the game! BattleTags: Me - LockOn #11460 AzureZeal - GilaMoo #1175 DusK - DusK #1660 Garpocalypse - Garpocalypse #11835 Mowseler - Mowseler #1221 Neifion - Neifion #1948 OverClocked Podcast - Emblem180 #1675 Saboshima - Saboshima #1908 Sir_Nuts - sirnuts #1178 Zyko - zyko #1323 Post your tag or PM me if you want it added to the OP!
  13. Dude, you're literally looking to hire a composer to score a game about women getting raped by soldiers and you suspect that loops will be the "touchy subject"?
  14. Without rambling on about music theory and such, It is inevitable that some melody you come up with or whatever will sound like another song to someone out there who's heard it. Plus, genre demands similarity to an extent. Like, how many of those "epic" trailer tracks don't use that EXACT pedal point, staccato string rhythm? You know the one. Just listen to a lot of music across a wide range of genres. The more familiar you are with lots of music, the more likely you are to recognize something in your own work.
  15. I've been playing the early access to the Ghost In The Shell game on Steam for a while now and I got in a little bit of time playing Overwatch on both PS4 and PC (great game!), but it got me to thinking about the fanbase such betas create. I have to wonder if these games will keep new fans months after they release because when you jump in at launch, a great deal of the community has already been playing and honing their skills for months. On the free weekend for GITS, the "noobz" got absolutely rekt by people who've been playing early access for a while. I have doubts that these people will be back when the game officially launches. With Overwatch, it all felt pretty balanced on PS4 because people have just started playing there, but playing on PC has made feel useless to my far more experienced team and I have to say, this has been a deciding factor more than anything else in which platform I will get the game on. What are your opinions regarding the skill gap that is created by new, competitive games that went through a lengthy closed beta phase?
  16. Well this interesting. HWMonitor says the same temps as core temp but I noticed this Speed fan at present registers 20 celsius looking at this page on idle where as HW and Core Temp say 68. Despite HW and CT saying they're reading celsius, 20 celsius IS 68 fahrenheit. The numbers fluctuate the same. If it drops to 18c on speedfan the others say 63 - 64.
  17. There are no issues in performance whatsoever. Like, in terms of games, no frame-rate dip or anything. I just tried a different program "Speedfan" and it says the CPU is at 27 - 34 degrees idle, 55 running Overwatch. I googled and this processor normally runs between 50 and 60 so I'm thinking maybe Core Temp is on the drugs?
  18. So recently, I was thinking that the fans in my PC seem to be running a little bit harder than normal when I do any CPU intensive task like a playing a game or rendering a .wav. I re-downloaded "Core Temp", which has never failed me in the past, and it's saying I'm running at an average of 70 celsius just at idle but the fans run normally. Which is nuts because it says that's the tj. max. When I fired up a game, which I meet the recommended specs for, it shot up to like 100 celsius. Surely, the computer should be bursting into flames now, right? I opened it up and couldn't feel any heat at all and even though I just cleaned the whole thing, I did it again. Still registers the same readings though. Am I reading this all wrong? Am I getting faulty readings? Could the thermal sensors (which I don't know what they look like) be in a bad location? Is everything actually fine? What is happening? Processor is AMD quad-core btw
  19. You should hit max level on your second, New Game+ playthrough of the game because the entire concept of "leveling" in terms of stats is outdated and a sign I'm playing another generic "teenagers save the world", combat is like the menu at a burger-joint, Japanese Role-Playing Grindfest. I think games like Deus Ex or Vampire: Bloodlines get it absolutely right. You get EXP to spend on unlocking new, useful but optional abilities for your character and maybe a bit of a stat boost here and there, but the game is beatable without doing any/most of that because it has actual gameplay. Also, I believe in both it is not possible to max out your character. I am at the end of a NG+ of the new Ratchet & Clank. When Ratchet levels up, he just gets a bit more health but the true leveling is in making your guns better. You spend raritanium to make your weapons have better rate of fire, wider spread, more ammo, etc. and it's impossible to get the fully upgraded, omega versions of the weapons on your first playthrough thereby adding replay value to the game.
  20. Hey! Sorry I've been MIA. I'll try to get my track finished soon, but I'm swamped at the moment since a video game I'm working on the score for is going to be part of a 24-hour marathon as a fundraiser for children's hospitals next weekend and I've got to get new music done and programmed with FMOD in time!
  21. Hey! A lot more metal tracks popping up around here lately. Feedback: - I like the composition for sure, it's definitely got a Lamb of God vibe. The ending isn't that great though. It kind feels like it just stops with the vocals sustaining. This is a bit boring IMO and it really exposes how dry the vocal track is. Put some nice reverb on it, but not too much. - The mixing feels a bit unbalanced. Your cymbals and hats are too loud, as are the guitar harmonics here and there. I also can't hear the bass. - The kick and snare drums don't have much punch to them at all. That's all I've got for now. I think it's good, but with a little more polish it will be face-melting.
  22. Yeah, I know they offer a cheaper upgrade, but I'd be kind of if I was a person who bought Shreddage IBZ right now seeing as how a clearly superior guitar was released just six months later...
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