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Ryan Jobson

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Everything posted by Ryan Jobson

  1. Not a bad remix of that original tune you made there. I think you definitely have some masking of lower frequencies going on, and you could bring out them hi hats a bit more - overall I think just doing some EQ work and spacing out your instruments would greatly help the overall mix of the tune.
  2. Hello kind folks Please enjoy an ambient tune of mine - it's a remixed version of my very first track I made 1.5 years ago. Any of you drone or ambient folk should tell me what I'm doing wrong. For the rest of you, enjoy and comment if you wish. Cheers, ~Syllix http://soundcloud.com/syllix/syllix-starry-night-ambient
  3. omgomgomgogomgomgm!!! Pre-ordering a day late! Ohhhh I feel terrible! I shall pre-order the moment I get home
  4. haha yeah... well, not dirty really. I don't even like picking a preset and tweaking them... although I do that all the time. I really need to learn more about synthesis. Beyond making the basic kind of sounds like pads, plucks, bells, etc., and maybe some slight modulation and stuff, that's really as far as I get. Love FM sounds, but.... ehhhhh... *shudders* the math involved, but oh so worth it once you know what you're doing.
  5. Great work Calum! No complaints here at all. How much control did you have over everything? Were you sent the film so you can score it within a certain time frame? How did you get involved in this project? Always enjoy seeing new projects from you and listening to your music
  6. Simple, but very pleasant. Nice work panning the harp and choir to the left and right. I take it you're currently enrolled in a program of some sort? If so, which one?
  7. @Jakesnke17 Thanks for the feedback man. Near the ending when all the percussion is gone, there is a huge reverb on all those pads I have playing... but I think the issue is the dry signal may be too high so you can't even tell. I have actually heard from quite a few people that they expected a big soundscape to follow, instead of the sharp percussive beat that comes. I'll try to aim for a "chhiiiiillll yoooooo" track next time @Modus Stabby and ethereal, yeah... it is pretty stabby hehe... I think maybe too stabby, and it should also be more ethereal... Again, your thoughts align with the majority of the responses I've gotten on this track - where is that soundscape? MOAR of the beginning, but bigger, and better, and have it play in the middle somewhere.... I think I will definitely be making a lush, stunning soundscape for my next track. Very happy you liked it! It's such motivation for me to make more!
  8. Bahahahah!!!! If this forum had reputation system, you've be swimming in it right about now. I have watched a few gameplay vids - it looks fun, but I really don't know much else about it. F2P as in no monthly fee, or quite literally free to download with no initial purchase? I was hoping this would be everything we loved about PSO and PSU (because there was a ton we hated about PSU)...
  9. I don't know much about tribes ascend... but I have a friend who is playing the beta... he also blogs about video games - here's his awesome post on tribes ascend if anyone's interested: http://playitforwardgames.blogspot.ca/2012/02/tribes-ascend-way-forward-is-up.html
  10. I mostly hear something in my head and sort of improvise / compose on the spot. Then once I play the loop or whatever a few times, I might go back and change a few notes. This is pretty much how I make anything, not just solo's.
  11. This is really nice. Intro reminds me of Zelda... kind of similar to the intro screen of... maybe Ocarina of Time? Tesselode brings up some good points, although I actualLY don't mind the transition at 1:44. The section playing around 3:20 is so sweet - I picture this part of the song being played in a marketplace of a japanese rpg game, and yes, very Final Fantasy-ish. That sawtooth synth tesselode mentions, I personally think is cheesy, but to me, almost all straight up saw synths in music sound cheesy. I like the melody it plays, but agree on the point that it could be more expressive. Ultimately, this was an awesome VG tune that I enjoyed very much. Nice work mate!
  12. I just hope I'm not too busy with work and school, this is going to be fun
  13. Hey guys, So I bring to you my latest creation which includes field recordings as part of the beat, including a lightbulb breaking, hitting sheet metal with sticks, and other things, all which are mixed and layered with "normal" percussion, kick, and snare samples. I also recorded the ocean where I live - west coast Canada. Once again I also experimented with melodic glitch elements in parts of the song, and all around I feel this track has a smooth groove. It's called Daydream, and I hope you enjoy it! Feedback and comments are much appreciated. I really appreciate anyone taking the time to listen. http://soundcloud.com/syllix/syllix-daydream Cheers, ~Syllix
  14. Very nice atmosphere mate! Definitely see myself playing an action RPG in some dark caves to this music Loved the dissonant chords at around 1:08. My only critique, as I think it sounds great already, is to add some more SFX to this kind of drone music. Would have been cool to hear some water drops, or rocks falling, etc. This is exactly the kind of stuff I like making - to create sound, music, textures, etc. that a person can close their eyes and just visualize this new place they feel they are, which is created by the music. I see you use Logic Pro also - just curious how many tracks and / or layers you used to create this. Did you do much automation of parameters to subtly add interest? Cheers mate - will definitely be checking more of your stuff out after work
  15. Good lord... that track is squashed within an inch of its life. But it is dance music after all Pretty enjoyable though - haven't had a listen to a good prog house track in a while. Give the listeners what they want mate - you WILL post that kick secret at 1500 followers *jedi hand wave* ~Syl
  16. I owned BG2 but never got very far in it... this enhanced version sounds interesting though - mayhap I should keep an eye on it.
  17. I have been working full time 8:30 - 5 ever since I first started dabbling in music 3 years ago. I have been serious about music production for about 6 months now, doing everything in my spare time on weekends and in the evening; finishing more tracks, working on production skills, watching tutorials, etc. Now I have decided to go take some courses on music and also go from full time to part time work to focus more on music. My day job is marketing, but that will be soon phasing out over the summer. I would love to compose music for video games, film, documentaries, etc., but I also would enjoy other jobs in the music industry - foley, sound design, field recording, audio engineering. My main plan is to just try and be a total hoss and learn as much about music production as possible while I have the time now, while working part time and taking courses, and eventually get my foot in the door for a job in one of the areas I mentioned above. Also, I'd love to work at ArenaNet one day. Gotta dream big, eh? Minor details like marketing yourself, going 10,000 miles to gain an inch in the music industry, working on your portfolio, demo reels, intern or take opportunities wherever, etc. - all that stuff I recognize and will include in this "master plan" of mine It all comes down to one thing in my mind - if you try... if you REALLY try and put a damned good effort in, you WILL see results. No excuses. 7pm - 1am (give or take) is plenty of time to work on what needs to get done in your life for you to move forward.
  18. Hey just noticed you were a mod. I made a post in the tutorials section (Logic 9 Pro Glitch Tutorial....) and I don't think it belongs there. I don't think any mods have looked at it yet, but I think it needs to be moved so it can "age" and move down the list. I made a comment in the post which you can read. Anyways, hope you can take a look - thanks mate.

  19. Where did you hear that? I know they had a press beta weekend a few weeks ago, but it hasn't even hit public beta - I don't think it'll be out that soon, although I wish it was). I did sign up for the beta tests though (which hopefully I receive an email within the next month ) lol I'm game. Also have a few friends who I'll be playing with too - I started a thread way back (at least I think I did... maybe I just commented, yeah, think I just commented lol...), anyway, it was ideas for guild names in GW2 - I suggested "Overclocked." Simple, and effective, and awesome Anyways, enough about GW2, this is a D3 thread, afterall
  20. http://us.blizzard.com/en-us/company/press/pressreleases.html?id=4606414 So there we have it. A release date from Blizzard. I was so very excited for this game when I heard the announcement back in Summer of 2008. It even got me playing D1 and D2 again. Then as more information became available, and the plans Blizzard had for the game, I slowly started to lose interest because I didn't like the direction the company was taking the game... auction house, DRM, etc. What are your thoughts? Are you still as excited as you were when they announced the game 4 years ago? Did you lose interest along the way? Do you totally still love everything they are planning to do with D3? I'd love to hear your thoughts. Me? Heh, well, I don't like where things are going, I'm not as excited as I was, but yes, I will probably still buy the game - at least it's something to hold me off until Guild Wars 2 comes out (when it comes to game companies, ArenaNet knows what the fuck they're doing!). Cheers guys, ~Syllix
  21. My opinion is that they are absolutely awesome. I own the Tascam DR-07 (Mk1) and have been really impressed by it. I think it's one of the best piece of equipment I've bought. Really fun capturing your own sounds and using it in your music - I have gotten some great recordings - I use a lot in one of my tracks called 'Winter Odyssey.' I highly suggest buying an audio recorder whether you're doing field recording, recording guitar, piano, etc. or doing podcasts, capturing ambiances. Anything really. Check Tascam's site: http://tascam.com/applications/recording/handheld_recorder/ My buddy owns the DR-05 - a cheaper version, but same audio quality. Lots of features such as recording in wav, various mp3, etc. and more, but all I really do is just record audio and then xfer to my computer. Best thing I can say is to watch youtube vids of audio comparisons between the one's you have narrowed it down to. Also customer reviews to help your buying decision. Hope that helps Cheers, ~Syllix
  22. I can't wait to see that heavenly email in my inbox in the next few weeks: "Dear Sir / Madam, you have been selected to play teh Guild Wars 2 beta..." :D:D:D
  23. just sent my response thru buds GL
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