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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Rebecca Tripp
  • Location
    British Columbia


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Mixing & Mastering
    Synthesis & Sound Design
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Irish Whistle, Lap Harp, Vocals

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  1. I'd like to do a Dragon Quest theme for a Paragon track. I just learned about this today, so I'll get back to this thread in a while!
  2. This is just a masterpiece, through and through! If the Moody Blues had created a Mario Soundtrack, it would sound like this!
  3. This was a lot of fun to listen to! Almost feels like a hybrid of Minish Cap and a Sonic game. I liked the little nod to the Picori Festival music.
  4. Your comments absolutely make my day.
  5. On July 6, there is going to be a 30+ minute live orchestral performance of my Chrono Trigger Epic Orchestral Medley! If you are interested in CT music, or know anyone else who is, please take a look at this page and pass it along! There's going to be a kickstarter in a day or so, and I'll keep everyone posted! https://www.facebook.com/events/174216413297453/
  6. This is very lovely! It was kind of like a refreshing glass of water!
  7. I was going for a kind of romantic classical yet mystical vibe.
  8. Hi! I'm not sure where to send this! But it's done! https://www.dropbox.com/s/wml5ffixg1tiato/Rebecca Tripp - Skies of Arcadia Remix - Rusted Hopes (Remote Town).mp3?dl=0 It's the Remote Town (Esparanza) theme.
  9. Okay, so my Remote Town cover is almost done! It's in a kind of Celtic style, which I know it already was- but I took that and ran with it, making it more elaborate and varied, since it is such a short, yet gorgeous track with only two channels.
  10. Here's my WIP for "Remote Town": https://www.dropbox.com/s/95v1gr5d0ha36zk/Rebecca Tripp Remote Town Midi WIP.mp3?dl=0 It's just a recording of a midi right now (it won't sound like that) but I thought I'd share the arrangement so far.
  11. This is amazing! Thanks for sharing!
  12. I only just saw this now! Sorry about the two year wait, haha! I never used any percussion loops. Just made everything in midi from scratch or by referencing existing OoT midi. I have another Forest Temple cover now which is much dreamier if you'd like to hear it: And a lot of other game medleys. Anyway, thanks for your comment two years ago. :3
  13. I'm officially claiming Remote Town!
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