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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Pretty much every JRPG will have a stereotypical boss that charges for one turn and rapes you the next turn unless you defend, so that one battle can justify the existence of the defend command. In general though, defending is only useful in a battle system that incorporates and exposes the concept of initiative in a way that's actually meaningful (e.g. the Grandia series, maybe FF10). If you can see when and whom an enemy will attack next (and they actually do significant damage), you suddenly have a legitimate choice to make: do I attack and take full damage so I can take this baddie down faster, or should I defend this turn and let my other party members take care of him? Not defending in a Grandia game is a good way to die pretty fast.
  2. It's funny...since I got a wired 360 controller and a graphics card actually worth a crap, I've barely touched consoles. The great thing about computer games is that the majority of them don't have limited resolutions. You can play StarCraft II in friggin' 2560x1600. You don't have to wait and buy the special "HD EDISHUN" to enjoy Psychonauts or Beyond Good & Evil in 1080p. And then you have the modding community, who will make a 10-year-old game look actually pretty good. Also you can't play HoN with a controller.
  3. Excellent stuff, thanks a lot for the heads-up on the concert, RouWa. The Serpent Trench arrangement makes me wish Noir were still around.
  4. I can't get a video feed from work...is someone actually performing these Final Fantasy arrangements or are they from an official album? They're excellent and I've never heard them before.
  5. This Hamauzu arrangement completely makes up for it. You can tell the audience feels the same way.
  6. Hrm, Metroid arrangement was a little out there. Couldn't recognize anything for most of it and the rest seemed kind of sloppy.
  7. I had a great time watching the Symphonic Fantasies stream with Jayson Napolitano last year. Good arrangements, live commentary from both of us...I recommend it. Edit: Off to a strong start. Valtonen's arrangements never fail to impress.
  8. Not to sound like a shill, but the MX518 is $26 AR right now. It looks kind of goofy but it really is a nice mouse that just feels right in your hand.
  9. Dude isn't your name Tyberius? You can't get more freakin' badass than that.
  10. and if you can't run it on max settings look me up.
  11. Chrono Trigger had a lot of really memorable sidequests if anyone's looking for inspiration.
  12. This project...so brilliant. I salute you all. d(T^T)
  13. Well, Route 66 will take you straight through Tulsa, so yeah...depending on when you actually plan on being in the area and whether my roommates are okay with it (most likely) I can probably host you. We've got a nice big guest futon and everything. Or you could realize everyone's life-long dream of spooning with a Dhsu. :3
  14. WHAT'RE YA SELLIN'? I'LL BUY IT AT A HIGH PRICE. (Do I PM you or what?)
  15. That reminds me, the samples binster uses are the best. GIMME THAT CABBAGE
  16. The most recent herpderp I've heard is "Billionaire." Guys, it's "Santeria" with different words. Sampling needs to be like this.
  17. Is #clanocr still around?
  18. By the way, you have to use the link to an actual signature on Signature Bar to get it to show up, not just the address to the website. Like this: [ur|=http://www.signaturebar.com][1mg]http://www.signaturebar.com/uploads/images/70359.jpg[/1mg][/ur|]
  19. Meh, he jumped the shark when he got rid of the afro. Congrats and good luck, you Enya-loving gaytheist.
  20. Just picked up the GOTY Deluxe edition during the QuakeCon sale, so this thread is very timely for me. Thanks, Gecko!
  21. So happy he and Heavy are mascots now. So sad no one except Vilecat and Scytheful ever plays anymore. :[
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