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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. I love you, Phil. Really. You took a relatively forgettable source and made it into...this. Incredible.
  2. Dude, forget that, is where it's at. That 10-in-1 Intellivision-in-a-controller was the best $2 I ever spent.
  3. If you're playing these games on a PS2, that might have something to do with it, since HDTVs are not kind to lower-resolution graphics. My suggestion is to play them on a backwards-compatible PS3 or just use an SDTV. Using component cables and enabling progressive scan on games that support it (such as SotC) would probably help too.
  4. I believe you can contact Kenley at kenley(at)intothescore(dot)com.
  5. Holy ninja-submit, Batman! And I was totally about to ask Mustin if it was okay to send this to OCR, haha. Glad everyone's liking it and interested in the album - rock on.
  6. Whatever man, just eat ramen for a couple days and you'll be good. The diarrhea is totally worth it.
  7. This one's my favorite. Have you thought about collaborating with Kenley on Into The Score? He does a similar thing with his podcast, and maybe you two could work together to produce a regular segment.
  8. Wow, a positive review from KogeJoe. That's when you know you've got something here. Seriously though, I've been going through all your stuff, and man this just blew me away. It's not even fair how well you play violin, guitar, and who-knows-what-else, but ReMixes like this make me really glad you do. A keeper fo xo.
  9. Sorry to tell you this, but it's been the name of a McVaffe Zelda remix for 3 years now.
  10. But then they'd probably change it to "bladiator hates girls."
  11. I can see how she got the quote from the transcript excerpts Sam posted, but it's like she ignored the last half of his sentences. It's possible she was just taking rough notes and didn't get to write down his qualifying statements, leaving only the more sensational and vaguely negative stuff.
  12. EvE "expansions" are really just updates, since they're free and you can't get them by themselves -- they come with the game, and the game comes with them. So yeah, knock yourselves out guys. It should run fine on any computer less than 5 years old, though you may have to turn off HDR/bloom and junk.
  13. I was playing this cool remake of Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo on X-Box Live Arcade and I could've SWORN I heard "Sagat's Moonbike." Must've been my imagination.
  14. Azel-in-a-slab is a pretty good and iconic scene, although some Azel/Atolm action would be pretty rockin' too. If you wanna go KAWAII :3 ==, a scene involving baby Lagi is always a good bet. Any Orta or Abadd art would not go unappreciated as well. ...can you tell I like this series? Friggin' A I need to start a remix project.
  15. I think Sonic Rush would fall squarely in the TOO BLACK, TOO STRONG genre.
  16. Snap. Although you'd think hitting a guy out of his super would be something that people would test out sooner or later. Oh well, hopefully they'll fix him in a future patch.
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