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Everything posted by TSori

  1. What an unexpected and yet fitting approach to take with this track! I love the concept of drawing on the similarity between space and the deep sea. The soundscape and arrangwment really captures that perfectly. Great work!
  2. Put me down for a Sands of Destruction (2008) ReMix!
  3. What a beautiful arrangement/ orchestration! "Enchanting" is the word that comes to mind. It has elements that remind me a lot of some James Horner's scores, and it elevates the source material in a way that feels truly transporting. This is one I will definitely come back to again and again
  4. I'm taking a break from claiming album tracks for the forseeable future but i'd be happy to help out as a performer!
  5. Going to actually do it this year! I have an idea I'm pretty excited about.
  6. **NOTE: Most of the discussion is taking place on a Discord Server, but regular project updates and claim/track status will continue to be posted here** It's my pleasure to announce a one-of-a-kind album project and partnership between Lucas Thomas of Nintendo Force and OverClocked ReMix! Project Concept Nintendo Force Magazine has launched a Kickstarter to fund Lucas M. Thomas' new book, "The Impact of Iwata" which offers a deep dive into the life of former Nintendo President Satoru Iwata and his towering impact on the video game industry. After meeting its original funding goal in only 2 days Nintendo Force has added a number of stretch goals including an audiobook version – and this is where we come in! This project will be a 16-track album to be included as part of the audiobook release. Each track will be based on one of the 16 chapters of the book, and is intended to fill the same role in an auditory format as the illustrations do in the print book. Portions of the tracks will be used as chapter introductions and between narration within the audiobook itself, and the entire album will be released in full as a bonus feature/promotional item. A full tracklist and description of source tunes/chapter topics can be found below See the Kickstarter for more detail: Album Roles/ What we need! Author/Nintendo Force Editor-in-Chief/Project Lead: Lucas M. Thomas Album Director: TSori Masterer: ???? ( Zack Parrish available if no one else volunteers. Jorito also has contacts that may be available) Remixers: Cyril the Wolf Emunator Hemophiliac Ian Martyn Jorito MIchael Hudak Ridley Snipes Siolfor the Jackal The Vodoú Queen Treyt TSori Vylent Zack Parrish Performers: Donut - Clarinet, Bass Clarinet Earth Kid - Harp, Piano, Vocals (female), Hammered dulcimer, Recorder, Ethnic percussion Ian Martyn - Irish bouzouki, guitar (acoustic and electric), bass, keys, Irish whistle and low whistle, mandolin, Irish tenor banjo, accordion, taishōgoto, yukyu, concertina, melodica, bodhrán, bendir, ukulele KestrelGirl - Violin pointblanket - Violin SableProvidence - flute, bass flute, dizi Sheabutter - Violin Siolfor the Jackal - Electric Guitar, Bass TSori – Trumpet, Flugelhorn Claiming Tracks All remixers wishing to claim a track should PM me and/or post in the thread. We'll go from there! Genre Guidelines There are no specific required genres or instrumentation. The ReMixer is invited to take the approach they think will best for the chapter subject. That said there are a couple general guidelines from Lucas: The book itself is a positive and celebratory look at Iwata's life and legacy. So the music should reflect that same kind of tone. While creative interpretation is encouraged, the source tune should be easily recognizable The majority of the book is going to be narration so we have been asked that the music not include any lyrics or sampled speech. This album is intended to be an official OCR album as well as a part of the book, so remixes must meet the appropriate standards. Deadlines: The Final Deadline for completed, un-mastered WAVs is December 1, 2023 Updated 7-1-2023 I've had to change my plans around for this just a littl ebit but here what we go with for a deadline schedule August 1, 2023 - Initial WIP : Demonstrates your source tune and concept for the arrangement September 1, 2023 - Significant WIP: Further development of the inital WIP, i.e. more length more firm instrumentation/sound design etc. October 1, 2023 - Finished Arrangement: Full length WIP November 1 2023 - FInal WIP - Completed track minus any changes needing to be made after review and feedback December 1 2023 - Final WAVs - FInal completed tracks go off to be mastered. If we don’t hear from you and are unable to contact you for a month your claim will be dropped! That said, life happens and we want this project to be the best that it can be! Stay in touch, and we will make it work! I'll be reaching out to everyone every 2 or 3 weeks to just check in too. The Track List *NOTE: Given the nature of this project and the timeline, it is preferred that those that claim tracks have a demonstrated history of contributions to another project(s). However anyone may join, and collaborations are highly encouraged ! Track Claim & WIP Status (16) Bold Gold- Submitted for Mastering - 14 Bold Green - Final WAV submitted - 1 Cyan - Finished Arrangement submitted - 1 Blue - Significant WIP submitted - 0 Purple - Initial WIP submitted - 0 Orange - Claimed Track, no WIP yet - 0 Red - Unclaimed Track - 0 For reference: a full list of Iwata's Game credits can be found HERE. Also to be clear: these are intended to be complete ReMixes that will be released as an album along with the with the audiobook AND used in part between narration segments in the audio book itself. They are NOT background music or loops. Chapter One – Satoru Iwata: The Early Years CLAIM: Jorito - "Eggerland Swagger" This chapter covers Satoru Iwata's childhood all the way up through his earliest years at HAL, when he worked on games for computers like the Commodore 64. Sources: Not a lot of those early '80s games had much music in them, so this will be the trickiest track to nail down. Other potential sources of music in his earliest years include the original Star Trek TV show (he was a fan as a teen and one of his first games was a Star Trek game he made on a calculator), as well as the 1972 Winter Olympics (they took place in his hometown and he actually had a small role in the opening ceremony!). Chapter Two – The Pinball Repairman CLAIM: Treyt - "Pocket Arcade" Satoru Iwata's first commercial release working with Nintendo was the original NES Pinball game from the early '80s. Sources: NES Pinball didn't have much sound beyond the noises of the ball bouncing around the table, but it inspired several further pinball games later on the NES, Game Boy, SNES and beyond. So anything tracks from titles like Rollerball, Kirby's Pinball Land, Revenge of the 'Gator or Pokémon Pinball could work. Chapter Three – Teeing Off with Golf CLAIM: Cyril the Wolf - "Funky Mountain Peaks" Just as Mr. Iwata laid a foundation for all future pinball games, he also established the template that future golf games would follow by programming NES Golf! Sources: NES Golf, again, not much sound. But several later golf games have tracks to turn to, like NES Open Tournament Golf. He and HAL worked on everything golf-related up until Camelot took over with Mario Golf on the N64. Kirby's Dream Course, HAL's Hole-in-One Golf, VS. Ladies Golf, Jumbo Ozaki no Hole in One Professional . . . (Come on, you know you want to make the world's first Jumbo Ozaki remix.) Chapter Four Balloon Fight CLAIM: Mike Norvak - "Balloon Trip" Sources: anything on the balloon fight ost Chapter Five Super Mario Bros. CLAIM: Zack Parrish - "Life is Peachy" Source: The water level music from Super Mario Bros. Chapter Six Mach Rider, F1 Race, Famicom Grand Prix: 3D Hot Rally (early 8-bit racing games) CLAIM: Siolfor the Jackal - TBD Source: Any track from these games Chapter Seven Dragon Warrior (Iwata worked on localizing Dragon Quest to bring it to America) CLAIM: Xaleph - "A Translator's Tale" Source: All of Dragon Warrior is on the table Chapter 8: Kirbys Dreamland CLAIM: Lucas Guimaraes - "Parasol to the Stars" Source: Any Kirby OST Chapter Nine EarthBound CLAIM: Ridley Snipes - "Bonhomme de Neige" Source: Any track on the Earthbound OST Chapter Ten Super Smash Bros CLAIM: Vylent - "Desert Smash" Source: Tracks that are unique to the smash brothers series Chapter Eleven Pokémon Gold & Silver, Pokémon Stadium, Pokémon Snap (all the Pokémon stuff) CLAIM: Emunator: - "Gold Soul" Source: Any of the above pokemon OSTs Chapter Twelve Expanding the Gaming Audience (Wii and DS hardware launches) CLAIM: Hemophiliac - "Live from the Wii Sports Arena" Source: Any of the Wii system or DS system music. Wii sports is also eligible Chapter Thirteen Brain Age CLAIM: TSori - "Think on Your Feet" Source: The Brain Age OST Chapter Fourteen Nintendo Directs, Ask Iwata Interview CLAIM : Ian Martyn - TBD Source: The Nintendo Direct Theme or any other “deep cuts” that have been used as a part of those events Chapter Fifteen Roundup of Other Games: Lolo, Arcana, NCAA Basketball, Air Fortress, Ghostbusters II, etc. CLAIM: The Vodoú Queen - "Chozodynamic" Sources: Any track from the above OSTs Chapter Sixteen Remembering Iwata CLAIM: Michael Hudak - "Guide to the Infinite" This chapter while still being positive and hopeful will have a more reflective tone and the music can reflect that as well. Sources: Breath of the Wild/Tears of the kingdom OSTs ANNOUNCEMENTS 6-23-2023 Project Kickoff! Lets go! 7-1-2023 Alright, we're off and Rolling now. ALL tracks are claimed, and 6 have already had WIPs submitted. A huge Thank you to everyone who volunteered to claim a track and especially to those of you who got juggled around a bit as we figured out how to deal with the rush of claims. I had initially planned to give everyone different check in date based on their claim date, but since almost everyone claimed their track on the same day, I'll keep it simple and just schedule deadlines for the 1st of each month. Details above in the deadlines section! 7-5-2023 Chapter 10 : Super Smash Brothers is open again! if you missed your chance during the initial claims frenzy your opportunity has arrived! 10-2-2023 Things continue to move along at good clip! We are steadily marching towards our final deadline in December. I am planning to review all the current wips with Lucas here in the next week or so and talk through mastering and plans for release. So if you have updated wips, please send them my way! Keep up the good work everyone! 2-4-2024 I just realized I did all my update sin discord instead of here . so here's one. The end is in sight! We are working to finish up just a couple straggling tracks while mastering begins on the other 14. We're also starting to get all the "i"s dotted and "t"s crossed so we can have this ready for release. All the ReMixers on board have really brought their A-game to this album and I think everyone who listens is going to love the results. Let's keep charging toward the finish line!
  7. His eyes open! As soon as I saw the title I wondered what kind of ReMix would reference a TNG episode that way. Unintentional Star Tek pun or not, this is a fantastic effort by @suikun. Keep the good stuff coming!
  8. Happy to lend performance skills on trumpet, flugelhorn if needed! and also punny title skills if more are needed
  9. Do I hear a big multi-trumpet collab on the horizon?
  10. Ok I think i've got a solid idea for "Force Your Way" if the previous remixer doesn't want it.
  11. I'm definitely in as a performer on Trumpet Flugelhorn. I don't know the OST, but i hear good things so I'll take a listen to it over the next day or two and hopefully find a track to claim!
  12. I love the feel of this. Its quite charming. I hope you finish it because i definitely want to hear more!
  13. It's hard to not pick an album you directed. I poured a ton of myself into A World Reignited and I feel like everyone on that album brought their A game. Arcadia Legends gave me the chance to do my first ReMix. Personal biases aside though. I have to give a shout out to Reserve Tank: VARIAtions. Watching the community rally around Blind and crank that album out in a ludicrously short amount of time was a sight to behold. it also gave us some absolute gems, among them: Big Giant Circles' "In Your Prime" and Zircon & (then) Pixietricks' Kindred, which is easily in my top 5 remixes on all of OCR.
  14. Glad to see this one up on the front page! Lucas did a such a great job with this arrangement. It's a very unique take on one of the most recognizable and celebrated tracks on the OST. It also taught me how much harder it is to try to do improv in 5/4. My brain did not want to work that way. Fun fact: this is third member of what i like to call the Gondowan Jazz Trio. By some happy coincidence, all three sources tunes from the Gondowan region in game ended up being remixed as different flavors of jazz. Congrats to Lucas on a great ReMix!
  15. @theconsoloist I'll dm you about what exactly we should do with this For public record, I'm double checking with all the collaborators on my track, but so far everyones cool with an OCR submission.
  16. Well, I guess I will submit my finished track to OCR as well if there are no objections. @Chimpazilla @theconsoloist
  17. No worries, Trism These albums can be rough even in the best of times, and with all the complication Soule's situation and the rest of what's going on world have introduced it seems to be frought with problems. If someone else wants to take over I'm totally fine with that, but at this point my suggestion is that we call this project off, let the individual artists do what they want with their tracks, and allow another, hopefully less troubled OST to be the subject of "Paths Less Traveled: Volume 2"
  18. I don't have them uploaded anywhere special but if anyone wants them, I do have sheet music for all of my ReMixes: Golden Sun - Angarian Vigil Golden Sun - I'm Golden, Son Golden Sun - Streets of Tolbi Skies of Arcadia - Better Days
  19. Thanks, man! That's a great description and quite a compliment. A number of years ago I marched down St. Charles Avenue in the Krewe d'Etat parade. Thanks for the reminder! Glad you enjoy the ReMix!!
  20. Veeeerrry tempting. Ill think about it for a while and see if any inspiration strikes.
  21. Yeah . I expected mine would be finished at this point, but some other things came up. Even still, recordings are all finished. We are in the mixing stage now. Shouldn't be too much longer!!
  22. This was one of my favorites on the album. The best descriotion I can think of for it is "full of memory" To me it feels like a look back over a long life. It takes us through joys and sorrows, cherished memories both happy and defining. It is at once both tragic and celebratory. A touching piece describing a beautiful ending. I was truly impressed by the amount of melodic variation bluelighter found in this source. For me, the dynamic contrast is the biggest selling point. It would have been very easy to shy away from that in the performance, but blielighter never does, and that gives this remix a lot of heart. Beautiful arrangement and a tear-jerking performance
  23. Geez, Meteo. Not even sure what to say to that. Awful doesn't begin describe it. Hoping things start looking up for you soon. Hang in there.
  24. WANTED: Collaborator for Mixing Recordings are starting to come in for my Film Noir esque bass, trumpet and piano trio. Mixing however is t really my thing and I prefer to leave that to someone who is A: more skilled and B: enjoys it more than I do So if anyone would like join our collab to handle the production side of things, let me know!
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