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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. hey i forgot to tell you Teen Agent came out, i hope you and your sis enjoyed it :I

  2. You're spewing midichlorians like diarrhea. Good for you, sir Jedi
  3. And does the staff also have a concern about how many solo projects a person has lined up to do? Some people know I have a bunch lined up to do solo. Public multiple-person projects I have are just FF1 (which is ending) and FF2 which is officially beginning when FF1 ends and hopes to gain approval based on the success of ff1. So it's really just those 2 unless I forgot one. The rest I have scheduled are for me personally as solo albums, they don't figure into whether or not ff2 will be "allowed" to progress will they? I'm not even going to try to get approval for the solo albums, what's the point, I don't need my own subforum. A thread would be nice though. But I can legally make one of those when I have a preview ready and some finishing dates in mind. A few people including a couple ocr staff came at me today about the number of solo projects I have lined up and thought I'd ask/share this info/see what the joojs say.
  4. your whining sounds like a midi file or dare i say a karaoke file (yes they exist) much <3 bro for people struggling with midi and karaoke files, http://www.vanbasco.com/ is the best option
  5. That's cool man, I'll be on that! I don't want this to be listed as a project per se Unless people join up and want to make mixes Otherwise it's just going to be me making a few and subbing them If it's just me, I probably won't make an album.. unless 3 or 5 songs could be counted as an album.
  6. I may be insane but I'm hearing friggin Camel in there Always love me some halc mixes!
  7. So songs like bLiNd's Sakura that use too much of an existing score are still allowed on projects, or do they get pushed out altogether to the realm of doom and fuego? I'm essentially asking if a song of still allowed on albums.
  8. I like how the music changes every time Tails gets hit.. are you gonna incorporate that into the song? Like every time the bassdrum hits?
  9. I'm panicking! I'm panicking! Did you mean you had the songs or you has the making of the remix now by yourself? Cause if the ladder then I might as well sit this out.
  10. I have no shame, i just tweeted to the dude who runs @sega to see if he has it, haha. Or "she", i shouldn't make assumptions
  11. Seriously to the dudes doing this.. How are we finding the sources?
  12. I'm in for some Year at Poop Corner if any of you can find like, songs, from it
  13. Hurry! Part 2: Even Hurryinglyer On a related note, I thought about remixing one of those games, but instead urinated on it. edit: Sega Pico is a game system? :3
  14. It took WAAAAY too long to post this mix. I've been nerdgasm'ing over it since it became public. Easily one of the best remixes evar.
  15. Unlock Frog and Magus as playable characters with this $10 DLC pack! Or 800MSP
  16. I don't have time to worry about DLC, so if something isn't included in a game, it's something I'm just never going to see. If I play a game and it seems incomplete, I'd probably not finish it and just mail it back.
  17. If you're serious about choor music, get a nice system with Windows 7 64-bit, and a firewire recording interface... Does anyone really use a soundcard anymore? My interface is my "soundcard". I got 8gbs of ram that i'd be able to use fully if I actually had 64-bit versions of my programs. :3 Neblix still saying the anti-keyboard bit.. If you have any experience playing piano, you'll get more control using a midi keyboard.. even if you don't, you'd probably learn the basics within a month or two.. There's no rule that says you can't combine playing the keyboard AND clicking with the mouse. You'll get natural velocities if you play a keyboard, and your modulation and bends may not be perfect but they'd at least be legitimately performed, that is to say, they'll sound more real. Adding a tool can't hurt, it can only help. If you stick with just a mouse, then you're limiting yourself. It also depends on your DAW of choice, if you go with FL Studio then by all means, you could primarily use the mouse as that is a DAW aimed more towards beats and sequencing than live performance or recording. I would personally recommend Cubase 5. As for learning a program, anything's going to look intimidating until you figure out what's up in it. At least if you learn a DAW like Cubase 5, it has a general structure that is similar to many other DAWs and the knowledge would transfer.
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