The GamePad really was not innovative AT all. It's basically a bigger PSP (minus the features) for remote play, or an attempt at tapping into the smartphone sentiment without ACTUALLY using smartphones, which is something other consoles are doing and Nintendo is behind again.... they just aren't keeping up. The GamePad thing is a fine idea, but it should have been 3DS INTEGRATION, not a separate, useless gamepad specifically for the console. Xbone uses SmartGlass or whatever, which I have no idea what it is but it functions beyond consoles. PS4 and even PS3 used PSP / PS Vita, which is its own console and does stuff outside of the PS4. You can take it with you, you can watch netflix on it, play Gravity Rush on the road, listen to music, the sky is the limit -- stuff you could do on the 3DS, but not on the Wii U gamepad, rendering it a completely useless, gimmicky addon. And without the GamePad, the only real difference between the Wii and Wii U, at a glance, is that one is in HD when rightfully the original Wii should have been in HD.
I think we all know who is to blame for this...