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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I know right, totally romantic. That's why I like writing 3 hand pieces.
  2. Congrats Coaltergeist. Man, back in 2009, Larry merged 3 or 4 accounts I had into the one I use now, and it was still less than 50 posts. How times have changed! And merging accounts is nothing short of futuristic technological magic.
  3. Yo Fishy mon while you're waiting in the wings on them violin bits how about you get cracka-lackin' on some FF3 wip? :-D

  4. Just a shameless butt plug, but if anyone hasn't seen it, Golden Sun is an album and you should make something for it or else you're bad http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46072
  5. That song seems super rough and needs a lot of fixes.. did you ever post it to the workshop for feedback? If you'd be willing to work a lot to make fixes on a song for Golden Sun, it could possibly work out... but there's a ton of stuff here, like the drums are super static and repetitive, levels are a little off on various instruments, there were a couple sour notes in the lead, the transition at 1:53 was sudden and there was a crazy loud synth during it, sample quality is low in places and also too dry. If you think you could work to improve the song with feedback, and submit it to the OCR panel, then I think this could work out -- what do you think? I hear potential in the general structure / expansion, with enough work I think you'd be capable of making a passing mix!
  6. Here's a link to the first game's full soundtrack, some themes repeat between games: http://thejasoneffect.net/golden-sun-soundtrack/
  7. I agree strongly, however I have no issue writing something that takes 2 human beings sitting on the bench together. It's actually totes romantic if you think about it. If it sounds good either way, it should be fine.
  8. If you did play it live with your midi keyboard or whatnot, maybe don't worry about it. Nobody at OCR is going to be so solo piano elitist that they say "Hey, this is a 3-hand piece, we won't accept it." I got a 3 hand piece waiting to be posted. There's nothing wrong with that. xD The important thing is whether it is good. I like this a lot now, it's pretty goshdarn solid. Nice work.
  9. that's hilarious. They've always been behind the competition
  10. Dyne is a great person, gotta say happy birthday again in here.
  11. Deadline extended a little, January 26th at 10pm ET. Turn in those submissions!
  12. NintendoLand and Mario wouldn't be fun online? That's just absurd.
  13. Sure man I mean I've seen you IRL at least twice at MAGFest so if you mess it up too badly there's always consequences This'll be rad, I'll mark you down.
  14. This is way compressed -- just look at that waveform on Soundcloud, it's straight sausage. There's no dynamics left in the audio file. I don't recognize any Dearly Beloved at all in this, so it seems like an original recording to me. Very repetitive, as it seems to just be the one repeating guitar part with some nice strings in the background. The strings are not too bad actually, maybe a little dry, but only because they are so exposed. With it just being the guitar and strings and nothing else, there's a lot more potential to hear the smaller details of each sound. I'd definitely pull back on the compression a lot (possibly both on the instruments, and on the master) for better dynamics, but you really need to get the recognizable source in there. At 2:38, 2:40, and 2:58 you have sour notes that don't fit in -- out of key notes. It's a good start but needs a lot of expansion in the arrangement, production tweaks, and some of those melodies from Dearly Beloved! Good luck!!
  15. OCR doesn't really post chiptunes, at least not yet.. not pure ones. So I'd stay away from that general area, unless you're doing 9bit. Use chip sounds but do it in a fully produced, good-sounding way. The Groundpowuh.mp3 thing is closer to that sound, the first link is pretty chiptuney with crazy white noise fades that are just cray. I think I could let you claim something, because you know what you're doing, and if you get in a snag you could always collab with Phonetic Hero. Aye? You want Page One though? Do you think you could do it justice? I can put you down for it if you're super confident.
  16. The GamePad really was not innovative AT all. It's basically a bigger PSP (minus the features) for remote play, or an attempt at tapping into the smartphone sentiment without ACTUALLY using smartphones, which is something other consoles are doing and Nintendo is behind again.... they just aren't keeping up. The GamePad thing is a fine idea, but it should have been 3DS INTEGRATION, not a separate, useless gamepad specifically for the console. Xbone uses SmartGlass or whatever, which I have no idea what it is but it functions beyond consoles. PS4 and even PS3 used PSP / PS Vita, which is its own console and does stuff outside of the PS4. You can take it with you, you can watch netflix on it, play Gravity Rush on the road, listen to music, the sky is the limit -- stuff you could do on the 3DS, but not on the Wii U gamepad, rendering it a completely useless, gimmicky addon. And without the GamePad, the only real difference between the Wii and Wii U, at a glance, is that one is in HD when rightfully the original Wii should have been in HD. I think we all know who is to blame for this...
  17. I never invested in Nintendo stock apart from buying a Wii U so I mean... I'm mostly unaffected by this, apart from you know, the Wii U failing and not being as good as it should have been. I don't know if I really feel buyer's remorse though, it's not that bad of a system.. it is a little overpriced and not particularly powerful compared to the next-gen consoles, but it has its own interesting little things.
  18. Tiny Barbarian DX! http://jeffball.bandcamp.com/album/tiny-barbarian-dx-the-serpent-lord-ost How has nobody posted that yet?
  19. If you could leave it up forever that would be great. No harm in having the songs be supah easy to find forever
  20. Sweet, I'm leaning towards Don't Cry, but can you leave the playlist link up?
  21. Sure I'd do DBZ Legacy of Goku do I get to pick any song from the game?
  22. you totes just had a song get no'd :o :O :o :O :o j'accuse

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