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Everything posted by Wintermute

  1. L4D is free today. Learn to read the news.
  2. Nice to see this thing wrapping up. I love this soundtrack and can't wait to listen to the other submissions!
  3. Oh my god this thread is one giant circlejerk "lol we're cool we hate halo we should get badges." It's AMAZING. ...on a more serious note, regarding the original post: Playing guitar hero and playing guitar are two very different experiences. Guitar hero is fun for me. As is playing an actual guitar. I don't understand why you have to deem some things "unfun" simply because you can do something similar to them in real life. Same goes for Madden. Playing Madden is not like playing football. Not at all. One involves running around, for example.
  4. If you didn't enjoy Chrono Trigger, I doubt many of my suggestions would be anything you'd enjoy. You also didn't specify platform. Actually you did, don't know how I missed that.
  5. It was an incredible amount of fun. A few of my friends recorded albums during the same month, we all produced some very interesting music.
  6. Good afternoon, OCReMix! I recently participated in the RPM Challenge (http://www.rpmchallenge.com/index.php). For those not familiar with it, the basic premise is that you create an album's worth of original music within the month of Februrary. Starting on February 1st and ending (rushed!) the night of the 28th, I created an album entitled "Audivore," which I have since decided to make freely available for download. http://www.danbruington.com/music/audivore.zip Stats: 8 tracks 35 minutes, 42 seconds Electronica I had a lot of fun trying to work in such a short time frame. The production got a little rushed at the end, which was one of the major factors in deciding that it should be released for free. I hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I enjoyed making it.
  7. *shrug* Looks like a solid game to me. Can't wait to pick it up. People that go all fucking crazy over the train are hilarious to me. It's not like that's ALL there is in the game.
  8. Surprisingly, this footage looks pretty decent. Might be fine for a popcorn-fest entertainment movie.
  9. Anybody else doing a remix? Gotta get the files quick!
  10. I submitted mine a few minutes ago. It'll be under "Dan Bruington" as the artist. In the 200s somewhere I'm sure. Meanwhile you can download it direct from my website if you feel like it: http://www.danbruington.com/music/imogen.mp3
  11. Ha! Didn't realize I worded it like that.
  12. Saw it, enjoyed it immensely. The changes from the book were alright in my book, will make the story easier to digest. Rorschach was SPOT ON, best casting in the film right there. Looking forward to the director's cut that will include much deleted scenes.
  13. Someone wrote an article detailing why Half-Life is a funner game than Half-Life 2... it was quite an interesting ( and rather correct, in my opinion ) look at the differences between the two games.
  14. They definitely should have brought Alan Menken back to do the music. Randy Newman is so MEH it's unbelievable.
  15. MK vs. DC Universe? Come on, they've been producing. And they're working on new titles right now too. I find this news rather distressing as I have a friend who works for Midway.
  16. So...weren't you just complaining about somebody not reading what you said? It appears you do the same. Furthermore, idioms and cultural nuances are not what I was referring to. I don't avoid dubs as a principle, though, and consider the CB dub to be quite excellent.
  17. Ahh, but Ferret, you are being extremely simplistic there. For one, language is considerably more than the words you say. The intonation of the speech, timing, and emotional content is just as important as the actual words. What people who watch subtitled foreign films seek is the meaning of the words (which they get from the text below) as well as the director's original intention for the intonation, timing, and emotional content. Often dubbed works fail to include proper intonation, timing, and emotional content, meaning that they are exactly as effective as someone simply reading the words that the subtitle would have given the viewer. That isn't to say that all dubbing is bad, note, just trying to teach you what people are actually looking for in a subtitle. People don't watch subtitled films/shows because they "like to hear someone jabber in a language they don't understand." Make sense?
  18. "Better than Neil" is complete win.
  19. Wow. Are you actually that stupid?
  20. Thanks for the comments. I am most definitely aware that the vocal is sketchy at best right now, but will not be working on that until I have a microphone to record them. The comments on the drums, however, I can get to work on. I'll see what I can cook up...
  21. Apologies...but *bump* Interested if this is going the right direction.
  22. *munch* OH! Deamn! *munch*
  23. *munches on popcorn* Oh god I love this part, it's when alt.slack tries to come up with an actual logical explanation for his insanity, and fails! *munch*
  24. You know what's more fun than playing TF or TFC? Watching alt.slack make a fool out of himself OVER and OVER and OVER and OVER in this thread. brb popcorn
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