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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Daniel Florez
  • Location
    Boulder, CO
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer
  • Interests
    Playing video games, playing my guitar, messing with arduino

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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  1. I'll put myself down as a preemptive claim for Lunatic Pandora if @Hipnotykdoesn't already have something from the previous iteration of this album
  2. Amazing! I can't wait to listen! I'm so honored to be on this album, the Badass albums are my favorites and being on one is a dream come true!
  3. Have there been any more updates?
  4. I'd also like to know news about FIRE
  5. @The Joker So far, I've got two possible choices, Dark Pit from Kid Icarus Uprising and Magus from Chrono Trigger. So Dark Pit isn't playable in KIU but he does act as an antihero who helps out the protag so I'm not totally sure if he would count. Then there's Magus, who does eventually become part of the hero party but his theme is mainly associated with the battle when he is the enemy, would either choice be viable for the album?
  6. Would this still happen to be recruiting?
  7. Is it still possible to join this album? I've got a Christmassy remix I just finished up this past weekend.
  8. This sounds amazing! He really captured the Sultans of Swing play style and mix, can't wait to hear more!
  9. I'm interested in taking Windy Meadows/Saltswept, if that's possible
  10. How's this? I changed the intro to be half as short and added some very light hi-hat to build up to the motif. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AbpDh6_nuEougcq_fBmqaMmGrYDnmwVb/view?usp=sharing
  11. I recently got back to working on this mix and made a few arrangement changes to it in order to not make it feel too stale and add a sense of buildup throughout the entire song. It is a remix of OoT's Saria's Song done in the post-rock style, similar to the style of artists like God is an Astronaut, Explosions in the Sky and If These Trees Could Talk. I'm mainly looking for feedback on the production so far. I haven't mastered, I have mostly done a static volume mix and some EQ work but opinions and suggestions are very much appreciated. Feedback on the arrangement is also welcome. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PEbUKteyUPa4Z_teMUujtYCFx72YUT-x/view?usp=sharing
  12. I played 7 for the first time in HS aroud 2008, and I was still floored by the game. Certainly don't need nostalgia goggles to go back to this one! That feel when stepping into Cosmo Canyon and hearing the theme
  13. What do you mean by using sheet music as the basis? Do you mean starting off by writing your remixes in sheet music? Or by examining the original's sheet music?
  14. @Overkillius thanks for the feedback! I admit, it is a very simplistic riff, I was trying to keep the rhythm guitar as close to the source material as possible with some liberties, since the original riff was simplistic itself. I'm going to play around with having the bass perform that D C# Bb A piece that you suggested for 0:55. As for the clean guitar part, I'll have to do some extensive messing with that because my original goal was to have a brief moment of peace before returning to the original dirtier style of the song. I don't want to end up with drawing that part out too long to the point that it sticks out too much but I'll try to give it some more time. As for mixing, I'll take a look at that guy's tutorials. So far, my issue with mixing is that I don't seem to be particularly good at noticing subtleties in changes so I end up finding myself feeling like I'm chasing a carrot that I can never catch since it all ends up sounding the same to me. Hopefully the tutorials will help. Anyway, thanks a bunch for the extensive feedback, I really appreciate it!
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