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    3. Very Interested
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
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  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Lead
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Acoustic Guitar, Electric Rhythm Guitar, Bass, Syn

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  1. A fantastic arrangement man, that final section is FANTASTIC!
  2. Hello guys, i'm organizing a tribute album to Motoi Sakuraba's work on Valkyrie Profile 1 & 2 for the Pixel Mixers community. We're looking for some more participants who can nail those proggy/fusion tracks from VP1, or those ethereal/medieval ones from VP2 The deadline for the tracks is the 30th of September, + some extra days if your mix need some adjustments. As you can see on this sheet we already have a bunch of people on it, but there are so many great tracks still left that a few more people would be great! => https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14fFXMAq_sNMF0PDPt5a8vQzhLRA03haaZUmTBbaeRAc/edit?usp=sharing For the rules, they are kinda basic, you can find them on the 2nd page of the sheet above, but to sum up: - Your songs must be 2 minutes long minimum - Songs must be sent as .wav, UNMASTERED with the peak at -6Db - You can have as many guests on your song as you want - You can be as creative as you want with your arrangement as long as the original song is still clearly recognizable. etc etc. If you do not know those OSTs i made a little playlist with some of the tracks i like: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLecqrkHukB9axMzSpThtN3xyMDemNQeCX If you are curious about our 20-ish previous projects you can find them all there: https://pixel-mixers.com/ If you have questions or if you want to join this project, do not hesitate to reply in the comments or you can DM me on Discord at Hashel#2987, i'm on OCR's server so i should be easy to find =) Thanks for reading!
  3. And to keep you guys updated this album is getting close to done Here are the 2 teasers we did yet, featuring the artwork ! https://soundcloud.com/hashel-05/pixel-mixers-beyond-the-mist-a-final-fantasy-ix-tribute-album-teaser-1 https://soundcloud.com/hashel-05/pixel-mixers-beyond-the-mist-a-final-fantasy-ix-tribute-album-teaser-2 If someone in here wants to join and confidant in finishing a track in 10-12 days, we do allow duplicates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13K3di3vP2FRzDdi68NoE7J6YwPEzKNJIeAlMZeOYNPM/edit?usp=sharing
  4. And a small up to say that the very lats free song is: I Want to Be Your Canary And if someone could claim it, i'd be really grateful Sheet with tracklist and rules: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13K3di3vP2FRzDdi68NoE7J6YwPEzKNJIeAlMZeOYNPM/edit?usp=sharing EDIT As someone took the last song it means that this album is full and that we are opening duplicates! So if you are not on the album already, or if you finished your 1st song, you can claim a duplicate. So far all the songs are free for duplicate, except: - Hunter's Chance (duplicate by Fishy)
  5. Pretty cool =)
  6. Little up for this project, only those tracks are still available: - "South Gate" ("South Gate, at the Border") - "Mourning the Sky" - "Look Back, See the Frog!" - "The Four Mirrors" - "I Want to Be Your Canary" Once those are claimed we'll allow duplicates too. All the songs from the OST+ ca be claimed too. Sheet with tracklist and rules: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13K3di3vP2FRzDdi68NoE7J6YwPEzKNJIeAlMZeOYNPM/edit?usp=sharing
  7. Hello, this link should work https://discord.gg/2YmK66G And no it doesn't have to be 2 minutes as it is a really short track, but if you can get close to 1 minutes it would be nice =) Ofc if you can make it longer without being repetitive it's good too!
  8. Hey that's really kind =) Sending you a link to our Discord (if you use it? works both with an app or internet browser) so you can be in touch with the guys arranging the songs
  9. Sup, ty for your interest Any free songs on the sheet that you'd be interested in? For that Carol of the Bells on, i'd say it's a bit repetitive and would need more work (especially since we ask songs to be 2 minutes long minimum, exception for very short ones, like the sleeping jingle). Would need an effort on the production and sounds choices too, it does sound a bit cheap to me. (my knowledge of electro is a bit limited, tho) However, if you're ready to work a bit on those points, we have a really supportive community and a quality control team that'd help you and give you constructing feedback!
  10. Hello guys! I'm Hashel the founder and album organizer for the Pixel Mixers community! We are now working on what should be our 23rd or 24th album (depending on how fast we work on stuff), a tribute to Final Fantasy IX. (Current list of our albums so far => https://pixel-mixers.com/2018/04/08/pixel-mixers-albums-list/) We do free stuff (so not licensed) and we already have someone for the art (Leo Mind Waker) and mastering (Ro Panuganti). The goal would be to have at least one cover/remix by song from the original OST (songs from the OST+ are allowed but would end on a "bonus disc") but for that we'd need a bit of help Here is the sheet, with tracklist on page 1 and rules on page 2, as you can see we got most of the songs claimed already (you may recognize some names from OCR and other communities) => https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13K3di3vP2FRzDdi68NoE7J6YwPEzKNJIeAlMZeOYNPM/edit?usp=sharing The general rules are: - Deadline: 31st of March (few more days will be allowed to let ppl polish their mix if needed, but we MUST release it in end of April / start of May) - Songs must be 2 minutes long minimum (exception for the very short songs, like the sleeping jingle) - Any music style is welcome, live recording or programmed VSTs. Just do not use anything from the game itself please - You can go crazy creative with the arrangements as long as the original is still "easily" recognizable. - Songs must be sent unmastered and with the speak set around -6db Once all the songs from the main OST (you still can claim songs from the OST+ if the remaining songs from main OST do not inspire you and that duplicates are not allowed yet) is the will be claimed, we'll allow duplicates for ppl who are not already on the album and ppl who finished their 1st track (3 track maximum as main arranger but you an be a guest on as many tracks you want) If you want to have an idea of what we do, here is the trailer of the FFVI album we did last year: Okay so i hope i haven't forgot too many things, if you have any kind of questions, feel free to ask me, if you want to claim a song just tell me in here or private =) Hope to see some of you making cool tracks Thanks!
  11. This is an arrangement of "The Day After" i did for the Final Fantasy VI Tribute Album "World's Requiem" by the Pixel Mixers community! For this album we (71 musicians) covered the complete soundtrack from the original soundtrack composed by Nobuo Uematsu. For this track i had the chance to have the help of the fabulous Mark Autumn and his perfect acoustic guitar playing and tone! => Mark Autumn's Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ShiningM... For the arrangement i started with having a Fusion-ish arrangement in mind (was listening to a lot of Snarky Puppy) but it ended up being a bit different. You still can here i took some ideas from their song "Beep Box".
  12. Hey guys, his is my cover of "Bonds of Sea and Fire" from Xenogears, composed by Yasunori Mitsuda. This is also my entry to the #SoundoleChillOut2018 contest! I originally wanted to do something more "chill" but during the arrangement i felt the need to fill a bit the drums and to add a bit of EDM arpeggios or distorted lead guitar. So it's maybe not the most relaxing thing, but i tried to use a bunch of reverb to keep that "chill" vibe. So we are curently working on a XenoGears album with the Pixel Mixers, i'm working on 2 other Xeno songs for the album, but i wanted to use Soundole's contest to work on a 3rd one, cause, you know, i love that OST so much (it's my favourite Mitsuda's work). Been re listening to some Enigma (New Wave/Chill band) and they use lots of percussions and sometimes distortion guitar but the whole mix and atmosphere of the song makes it chill, that's what i tried to achieve here!
  13. This is a Tribute Album to FFVI Music, featuring all the songs from the Original Soundtracks, rearranged and interpreted by 71 musicians from the Pixel Mixers Community! 58 songs, for 3h 25min of music This album features 3 “discs” called “Esper“, “Super Sanity” and “World’s Requiem“. We decided to share the songs in a way to create some “narrative arcs” between the songs, so the order is different from the OST. If you want a taste of our album before downloading, here is a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5VFEbGCy-o Or if you want to learn more about it, here is the article on our website: https://pixel-mixers.com/2018/05/02/final-fantasy-vi-worlds-requiem-tribute-album/ It's also directly downloadable here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/9t93furgsrtrkua/Pixel+Mixers+-+World's+Requiem+[Final+Fantasy+VI].zip Hope you'll like it, OCR Senpai!
  14. Hello people, i just made a new thing, a kind of "smooth" guitar version of Floating Away from Kirby Super Star! I originally don't know Kirby music so i took the time to listen to a bunch of them and this one caught my attention. I really liked how relaxing the main melody was. So my idea for the arrangement was to make it even more chill. My main inspiration was "Breath" by Pink Floyd, especially for the drums. This arrangement also features a lot of improvisation (approximately 60% of the song) so i took a lot of freedom here and it's really different from the original. Still hope i managed to keep the global mood!
  15. Hello people. Wanted to share here one of my work. It isn't supposed to become an OCR thing, but just wanted to share it with you, as i think it's one of my "best" work so far. Even if i'm still a noob with synth and i still have a lot to learn about mixing. But anyway, here it is, any kind of feedbacks, even harsh ones are welcome, as my goal is to keep on improving =)
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