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Woody mC

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Everything posted by Woody mC

  1. Thanks, CJ! "Going ham" is indeed what's going on there, haha. I still can't get enough of that particular dissonant chord, for which IIRC I used my nose to hit an extra key... :)
  2. As I suppose you're referring to "Koyaanisqatsi" and its title music by Philip Glass, ... that ... would ... indeed be a thing! Fun part is, I can hear this in my "virtual ear" already; shouldn't be very hard to refine that for a proper recording.
  3. Great fun indeed! And yes, one can both hear and observe that it's a pretty tough line. Absolutely no chance for me to replicate this on pipe organ pedals -- it's way too fast for my abilities ?
  4. Nominated for the Bavarian Short Film Festival! I'm proud to announce that this album and in particular the corresponding movie cut were nominated and requested for the Bavarian Short Film Festival at Ingolstadt, Germany! The presentation introduced with the slogan "Video Game meets Pipe Organ" is held on Fri, July 21st 2023 — due to its length, however, I had to crunch this down to a 6m30s teaser, which is available here:
  5. Comments like yours are the reason why I'm pushing forward and keep creating these pieces. I'm aware they're niche stuff, but there's always a group of "niche consumers" who do appreciate that kind of music. Thank you so much for that implicit encouragement to keep going!
  6. Cool people here! @Master Mi Had the same struggle with my 4-days working week -- and let's see how cooperative my potential new employer is. Upcoming job interview in about half an hour here... @Nase North Italy == South Tyrol, I suppose? That's almost around my corner, needless to say that this is my fav place for vacations! If you heard about a small village named Sulden/Solda in the vicinity of Passo di Stelvio / Passo di Resia, then you know where to find me during most summers. ^^ P.S. That battle pigeon looks like an Antonov air freighter. P.P.S. The Samplitude UI clearly is in German as well...
  7. @Nase Servus...Zwei davon! @Master Mi Will respond to your reply as soon as I'm back home in a few days. I'm on the road currently -- and a bit short of time to focus on all of the technical details in your post... ?
  8. Hey there, as a lucky owner of a 7.2 surround setup, I was wondering how these "VR stereo tweaks" would behave on it. Would it just produce stereo sound on two speakers or also trigger the extra back/surround/etc. channels? My home setup consists of a Yamaha RX-V 773 7.2+2.0 (2 Zones) A/V receiver (=AVR), a Jamo S626 HCS3 set (FL/FR/C/BL/BR), a pair of JBL Control One (SL/SR), and two LFEs -- a Teufel S-6000SW front-firing into the room and a T-4000 down-firing underneath my couch. Below are two captured screenshots from the calibration program of my AVR, which show the speaker distances and levels that have been detected during the automated calibration process (some levels, though, were manually fine-tuned afterwards). Well, here's what I observed: Watched the dearVR promo videos first -- these were mastered for binaural listening through headphones. As I'm pretty sure this will sound brilliant with them, I skipped listening through headphones and went on straight to listen on my room setup; first, I used a "straight" 1:1 speaker mapping, i.e. a stereo signal will only be sent through the FL and FR front speakers (frequency separation by the amplifier to fire the LFEs is INACTIVE). -> L/R panning was fully notable while F/B (front/back) panning was recognizable, but sounded a bit flat (surprise...) on only two speakers. In other words, this is exactly why one should wear headphones for binaural playback... Next was a preset on my A/V receiver called "7.1 stereo", which outputs the L stereo channel on all left speakers of the system (FL/SL/BL), the R stereo channel on all right speakers (FR/SR/BR), provides a 50/50 mix on the center (C) -- probably with a weighted or even calculated volume depending on the L/R intensities -- and performs frequency separation to the LFEs (low frequency emitters / subwoofers), which are adjusted to take over at around 80~100 Hz and below. Now that the "stereo plane" was greatly stretched in depth, the speakers acted much like some sort of headphones! No idea whether or not the AVR does some extra processing since I could follow along with only my ears and no extra equipment, but the "back" portion indeed seemed to travel behind the listener's head and thus resulted in a much more impressive F/B panning depth, just like I would expect to hear it in a binaural playback with headphones. In absence of any indicators or other measuring equipment, I'm unable to tell though whether or not the F/S/B portions of a side receive the same signal (leaving the spacial impression "processing" to only my ears and brain vs. "helping a bit" with F/S/B zone volumes being somehow calculated/separated and differentiated by the AVR). At least, pumping the YouTube audio out to the AVR through a VoiceMeeter virtual audio device showed that only the FL and FR channels received a signal before leaving my computer's HDMI port. Still no extra decoding used on my AVR so far, although it features a Dolby ProLogic-II decoder with various decoder modes (Game, Movie, etc.). Since the "output format" section in the dearVR plugin demo indicated that you're not just limited to binaural output, I think that digital codecs might still be an option for non-headphone/in-room use if the hardware setup provides more than two channels/speakers. On to Master Mi's demo videos, I did the same comparison procedure with "straight" and "7.1 stereo" output modes and ended up with "7.1 stereo" being the more "realistic" one. Output to the AVR was still limited to FL and FR signals, so both the "2-channel surround editor" (left portion of the screen) and the "Independence FX plugin" (right portion of the screen) were both operating on unencoded stereo output. While 2CSE just seemed to work with some sort of position and distance loudness, I'm convinced that Independence heavily utilizes convolution reverb parameters to fake a 3D room impression -- which feels WAY MORE REALISTIC AND NATURAL, such as you wouldn't move a 2D plane in space (2CSE sounds like this) but catch all the changing reverb details of a point audio source in 3D space instead. If I had a choice to make, I'd definitely go with Independence FX. Regarding the deviance in L/R levels which Master Mi was wondering about, my best guess is that -- because all the simulation and calculation stuff seems to boil down to psychoacoustics -- there are beating wave and cancelling effects in the "reverbed" signals that may cause spikes or drops on a particular channel at a discrete point in time. For the "Goldfinger" THPS remix, I was hinted by Master Mi that there should be some "encoded" signal in the stereo stream for the "back" speakers -- but it wasn't. Neither did I recognize differentiated signals from the F/S/B speakers in 7.1 stereo mode, nor did the S/B speakers produce any sound at all in both 1:1 passthrough mode and with an active AVR surround decoding preset. IMHO, there are two possible reasons for this to happen: Either there was no "real" 5.1/7.1/whatever signal (or 2.0 signal with encoded 5.1/etc. information) produced by the DAW, or this information was simply just a victim of conversion and recompression when the video was uploaded to YouTube. In other words, listening to this track on a standard stereo setup, a surround system or just headphones would make no technical difference. However, regarding the psycho-acoustical difference and spacial impression, the clear winner would be headphones -- directly followed by a surround system that's able to perform 7.1 "upmixing" by replicating FL+FR channels to their respective S+B pairs. Still, the signal would just be plain stereo with some (unencoded) psycho-acoustic voodoo magic inside. Listening to the track with that "7.1 stereo" mode active at least "felt" like being in the center of it, even with no "real" surround sound. Instruments could be clearly distinguished and located -- and I had a hard time indeed to figure out that this trumpet was equally present on my FL/SL/BL speakers although seemingly sounding from somewhere between the FL and SL speaker. Aside from that, recognizing Pachelbel's pattern of descending fifths near the end of the theme inevitably put a smile on my hobby organist's face! In summary, I think that mastering the way you did it in the THPS track works pretty well and -- without having the "flat" version as a reference -- can only enhance the listening experience. The good news is that no listener would need special hardware for that since it's just all about tricking the brain with some psychoacoustic modeling and nothing else; the bad news is that you cannot provide "real separated surround" using this method (like encoded stereo formats do). Even with just two speakers and no upmixing, the result still sounds impressively "live and vivid", however I'd still recommend headphones for the full listening experience. Mi, if you could provide the raw audio track stereo export from your DAW as a WAV or FLAC file, this could help to find out whether or not encoded surround information was dropped during the YouTube upload and its subsequent conversion processes. According to the output still sounding convincing, I think this might not have been the case; but this way, we could be able to find out the truth.
  9. My two cents from both the technical and economical perspective: If ALAC is effectively another lossless derivative from FLAC and hosting space (and/or, perhaps, conversion computing time) is a paid/limited resource, then keep the footprint small (read: do not provide pre-rendered/stored ALAC). As DarkeSword said, reaching out with a little finger WILL invite to grab the full hand. ALWAYS. (In my past 25 years as a SW dev, I *never* observed even a single exception to that rule.)
  10. Oh, coooooooooool! Was always a fan of that theme, and always will be. I'd definitely want to see this pop up in the YES-es of the judgement board!
  11. Ah, that explains a lot. Never got a reasonable number of hits there. Same on Reddit, which is why I even forgot to mention it in my previous reply.
  12. Full playlist of the Nov 5th 2022 public free-of-charge cinema presentation is available here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYdkxyPei727L_h5p5JYYw3MYoPfU1U6m
  13. "Location: Mesa, EZ"

    Wait....WHAT?!? Oh lucky you! As a pipe organ enthusiast, of course this place is on my bucket list...
    If I ever make it to the U.S. for a sightseeing roundtrip, we need to have a meet&greet at Organ Stop Pizza!

    For all readers who don't have a clue what I'm talking about: ;)


  14. WOW. This even got a bit of attention from our local newspaper... Now that's been quite a surprise! Here's the translation: Cinema Debut: The Organ of the Universe He knows about pipe organs: Multi-talent Carsten Zahn (right) from Schrobenhausen presented his 45-minute cinema debut film titled "Metroid: Organ Transplants" under his stage name Woody/mC on Saturday at the Herzog-Filmtheater in Schrobenhausen. As an autodidact and organ enthusiast who never plays by notes, he feels at home in the world of film and video game music, combines the tried and tested with the modern and thus always tries to regain the queen of instruments' focus in society which it deserves. The about 20 spectators enjoyed the evening with an epic atmosphere in the cinema hall. Schrobenhausen's parish priest Georg Leonhard Bühler (middle) was received by Woody/mC, too. BTW, these displays looked even cooler at night.
  15. In fact, it's both of them: A real pipe organ, perfectly sampled with its own reverb, and the SIR impulse response reverb VST, which I used to apply a fragment(!) of the world's longest reverb profile that was ever recorded (Inchindown, https://youtu.be/CzMVJkTjKNc features an interesting on-site report). The former produces low freqs down to ~16 Hz, the latter turns the already huge acoustics into a tremendous "spacey" vastness. Your idea of recording the show is indeed a great one! I already thought about it, but more for the purpose of a personal memory instead of selling it. I guess that wouldn't be a thing either, since the presented material is published under the CC license, so if any of this would be visible in the recording, I would by no means be allowed to charge any money for that. Second, if I'd turn the camera so attendees are on film, this would need to be announced to get their consent and preserve their personal rights (according to the law here in Germany). It's a tricky tightrope walk if done for a public/commercial release (which isn't my goal), but thankfully not a problem for a personal souvenir.
  16. Pre-event note: Next week's cinema presentation will feature the M:OT Definitive Mix as the movie's audio track. I'm pretty excited how this will sound on the big theater setup...
  17. The post-recording 7.1 remaster is available! Details and HQ FLAC downloads can be grabbed via my discography at http://en.wpoa.de/WPOA-WWHR as usual.
  18. Watch me play along live to " The Witcher -- Wild Hunt" concert recording from Cracow, Poland. This is one of my VGM training sessions, in which I love to put some more gravity into epic game soundtracks to make them even bolder. As I have no sheets for this, everything you'll witness is caught up by ear, from notes to chords, dynamics to tempo, rhythm to articulation. Enjoy this unique on-the-fly composing experience!
  19. Yep, this is indeed true for strings (or other instruments), where you have to take control over a lot of parameters. In these cases, you're better off with models rather than samples --- and, just to avoid any possible misunderstanding, you definitely did a masterful job on your arrangement!
  20. The increased reverb indeed makes a huuuuge difference in my ears (for the better, of course) and provides a way more "natural" feeling for me, compared to the former version I listened to. Great to see (well, hear) that you gave it a polish, and even greater to read that you submitted your creation! BTW, I already had my fingers on the pipe organ model by Modartt --- it sounds pretty nice and realistic for what it is, however, if you're as nit-picking on the details as I am, it's still worlds apart from a (carefully) sampled organ (not to mention the real ones, as each of these instruments works accurately *only* in the place/building it was designed for). If you're familiar with my coincident 1624 Scherer organ OoT recording, I think it's not hard to guess what I'm referring to...
  21. Disco Desert! Sounds great, love these "hickup" beat skips and the "gotcha" whistle. Had to chuckle when I remembered how often I was caught in that area back when I was playing the game. ^^
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